- Add multi database support to PHPPGAdmin.

This commit is contained in:
Arnaud G. GIBERT 2024-12-14 00:04:38 +01:00
parent 51cdb81f47
commit ccea3a7efc
3 changed files with 37 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -33,10 +33,34 @@ ARG REDPANDA_CONSOLE_CONFIG="${REDPANDA_CONSOLE_HOME}/etc/redpanda-console-confi
ARG TOOLSD='#!/bin/bash \n\
sed -i "s/$conf\[`servers`\]\[0\]\[`desc`\] = `PostgreSQL`;/$conf\[`servers`\]\[0\]\[`desc`\] = `${POSTGRESQL_SERVER_NAME}`;/" '${PHPPGADMIN_CONFIG}' \n\
sed -i "s/$conf\[`servers`\]\[0\]\[`host`\] = ``;/$conf\[`servers`\]\[0\]\[`host`\] = `${POSTGRESQL_HOST}`;/" '${PHPPGADMIN_CONFIG}' \n\
sed -i "s/$conf\[`servers`\]\[0\]\[`port`\] = 5432;/$conf\[`servers`\]\[0\]\[`port`\] = ${POSTGRESQL_PORT};/" '${PHPPGADMIN_CONFIG}' \n\
sed -i "s/$conf\[`extra_login_security`\] = true;/$conf\[`extra_login_security`\] = false;/" '${PHPPGADMIN_CONFIG}''
sed -i "s/\$conf\[`servers`\]\[0\]\[`desc`\]/\/\/\$conf\[`servers`\]\[0\]\[`desc`\]/" '${PHPPGADMIN_CONFIG}' \n\
sed -i "s/\$conf\[`servers`\]\[0\]\[`host`\]/\/\/\$conf\[`servers`\]\[0\]\[`host`\]/" '${PHPPGADMIN_CONFIG}' \n\
sed -i "s/\$conf\[`servers`\]\[0\]\[`port`\]/\/\/\$conf\[`servers`\]\[0\]\[`port`\]/" '${PHPPGADMIN_CONFIG}' \n\
sed -i "s/\$conf\[`extra_login_security`\] = true;/\$conf\[`extra_login_security`\] = false;/" '${PHPPGADMIN_CONFIG}' \n\
sed -i "s/?>//" '${PHPPGADMIN_CONFIG}' \n\
do \n\
IFS=":" \n\
set ${vars} \n\
eval read -r -a $2 \<\<\< "\${$1}" \n\
done \n\
IFS=" " \n\
i=0 \n\
while [[ ${i} -lt ${#host[@]} ]] \n\
do \n\
for var in desc host port \n\
do \n\
eval echo "`\$conf`[\`servers\`][${i}][\`${var}\`] = \`\${${var}[${i}]}\`\;" >> '${PHPPGADMIN_CONFIG}' \n\
done \n\
i=$(( ${i} + 1)) \n\
done \n\
echo "?>" >> '${PHPPGADMIN_CONFIG}''

View File

@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
Rx3-Docker/Tools V 1.2.1 - A. GIBERT - 2024/12/14
- Add multi database support to PHPPGAdmin.
Rx3-Docker/Tools V 1.2.0 - A. GIBERT - 2024/11/24

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ PORT_SV_OFFSET=1000
# | Prefix | Name | URL Prefix | Name | Name Full | Version | URL Prefix | Name | Version | Name | Version | Ext | Int | Ext | Int | Name / Id | Name / Id |
docker_service_add TOOLS tools ${ORG_URL_PREFIX} - "Rx3-Docker/Tools" 1.2.0-mga9 ${ORG_URL_PREFIX} php-apache 1.4.0-mga9 - - 8070 80 8092 8080 apache apache
docker_service_add TOOLS tools ${ORG_URL_PREFIX} - "Rx3-Docker/Tools" 1.2.1-mga9 ${ORG_URL_PREFIX} php-apache 1.4.0-mga9 - - 8070 80 8092 8080 apache apache