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package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.MConf;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.MassiveException;
public class CmdFactionsDocumentationPower extends FactionsCommand
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public CmdFactionsDocumentationPower()
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public void perform() throws MassiveException
msg("<lime>1) <i>All players have an amount of power ranging from <h>%.2f <i>to <h>%.2f<i>.", MConf.get().powerMin, MConf.get().powerMax);
msg("<lime>2) <i>The power of a faction is equal to the combined power of all it's members.");
msg("<lime>3) <i>Your power is <h>%.2f<i>", msender.getPower());
msg("<lime>4) <i>Your faction's power is <h>%.2f<i>", msenderFaction.getPower());
msg("<lime>5) <i>The amount of chunks a faction can claim is the amount power it has.");
msg("<lime>6) <i>For every hour you are online you gain <h>%.2f <i>power.", MConf.get().powerPerHour);
msg("<lime>7) <i>Every time you die you power is decreased by <h>%.2f <i>.", MConf.get().powerPerDeath*-1);
if (!MConf.get().canLeaveWithNegativePower && MConf.get().powerMin < 0)
msg("8) <i>You can't leave a faction if your power is negative.");