package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd; import com.massivecraft.massivecore.MassiveException; public class CmdFactionsDocumentationPerms extends FactionsCommandDocumentation { // -------------------------------------------- // // CONSTRUCT // -------------------------------------------- // public CmdFactionsDocumentationPerms() { } // -------------------------------------------- // // OVERRIDE // -------------------------------------------- // @Override public void perform() throws MassiveException { msgDoc("Permissions decide who can do what in your faction. " + "Permissions can be given to a rank, a player, a relation, " + "everyone in another faction or everyone with a specific rank in another faction."); msgDoc("Because perms can be given to all of these groups individually, it allows for extreme degrees of fine tuning."); msgDoc("To list all permissions type:"); message(CmdFactions.get().cmdFactionsPerm.cmdFactionsPermList.getTemplate(false, true, sender)); msgDoc("To see who has a specific perm type:"); message(CmdFactions.get().cmdFactionsPerm.cmdFactionsPermShow.getTemplate(false, true, sender)); msgDoc("Per default permissions are only granted to ranks within your faction " + "and a few perms are given to allies, but if you have changed it that will be displayed by the command above."); msgDoc("When you create a new rank, you will have to set up their perms from scratch."); msgDoc("If you want to know what permissions are specifically given to someone do:"); message(CmdFactions.get().cmdFactionsPerm.cmdFactionsPermView.getTemplate(false, true, sender)); msgDoc("To set perms do: "); message(CmdFactions.get().cmdFactionsPerm.cmdFactionsPermSet.getTemplate(false, true, sender)); } }