package com.massivecraft.factions.commands; import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf; import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction; public class FCommandJoin extends FBaseCommand { public FCommandJoin() { aliases.add("join"); requiredParameters.add("faction name"); helpDescription = "Join a faction"; } @Override public void perform() { if( isLocked() ) { sendLockMessage(); return; } String factionName = parameters.get(0); Faction faction = findFaction(factionName); if (faction == null) { return; } if ( ! faction.isNormal()) { sendMessage("You may only join normal factions. This is a system faction."); return; } if (faction == me.getFaction()) { sendMessage("You are already a member of "+faction.getTag(me)); return; } if (me.hasFaction()) { sendMessage("You must leave your current faction first."); return; } if (!Conf.CanLeaveWithNegativePower && me.getPower() < 0) { sendMessage("You cannot join a faction until your power is positive."); return; } if( ! faction.getOpen() && ! faction.isInvited(me)) { sendMessage("This guild requires invitation."); faction.sendMessage(me.getNameAndRelevant(faction)+Conf.colorSystem+" tried to join your faction."); return; } // if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostJoin)) { return; } me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"You successfully joined "+faction.getTag(me)); faction.sendMessage(me.getNameAndRelevant(faction)+Conf.colorSystem+" joined your faction."); me.resetFactionData(); me.setFaction(faction); faction.deinvite(me); } }