package com.massivecraft.factions.spigot; import java.util.List; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.entity.Entity; import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler; import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority; import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPistonExtendEvent; import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPistonRetractEvent; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractAtEntityEvent; import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin; import com.massivecraft.factions.Factions; import com.massivecraft.factions.engine.EngineMain; import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.BoardColl; import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.Faction; import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.MConf; import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.MPerm; import com.massivecraft.massivecore.EngineAbstract; import; public class EngineSpigot extends EngineAbstract { // -------------------------------------------- // // INSTANCE & CONSTRUCT // -------------------------------------------- // private static EngineSpigot i = new EngineSpigot(); public static EngineSpigot get() { return i; } private EngineSpigot() {} // -------------------------------------------- // // OVERRIDE // -------------------------------------------- // @Override public Plugin getPlugin() { return Factions.get(); } @Override public void activate() { super.activate(); SpigotFeatures.setActive(true); } @Override public void deactivate() { super.deactivate(); SpigotFeatures.setActive(false); } // -------------------------------------------- // // LISTENER // -------------------------------------------- // // This is a special Spigot event that fires for Minecraft 1.8 armor stands. // It also fires for other entity types but for those the event is buggy. // It seems we can only cancel interaction with armor stands from here. // Thus we only handle armor stands from here and handle everything else in EngineMain. @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled = true) public void onPlayerInteractAtEntity(PlayerInteractAtEntityEvent event) { // Gather Info final Player player = event.getPlayer(); final Entity entity = event.getRightClicked(); final boolean verboose = true; // Only care for armor stands. if (entity.getType() != EntityType.ARMOR_STAND) return; // If we can't use ... if (EngineMain.canPlayerUseEntity(player, entity, verboose)) return; // ... block use. event.setCancelled(true); } /* * Note: With 1.8 and the slime blocks, retracting and extending pistons * became more of a problem. Blocks located on the border of a chunk * could have easily been stolen. That is the reason why every block * needs to be checked now, whether he moved into a territory which * he actually may not move into. */ @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled = true) public void blockBuild(BlockPistonExtendEvent event) { // Is checking deactivated by MConf? if ( ! MConf.get().handlePistonProtectionThroughDenyBuild) return; Faction pistonFaction = BoardColl.get().getFactionAt(PS.valueOf(event.getBlock())); List blocks = event.getBlocks(); // Check for all extended blocks for (Block block : blocks) { // Block which is being pushed into Block targetBlock = block.getRelative(event.getDirection()); // Members of a faction might not have build rights in their own territory, but pistons should still work regardless Faction targetFaction = BoardColl.get().getFactionAt(PS.valueOf(targetBlock)); if (targetFaction == pistonFaction) continue; // Perm check if (MPerm.getPermBuild().has(pistonFaction, targetFaction)) continue; event.setCancelled(true); return; } } @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled = true) public void blockBuild(BlockPistonRetractEvent event) { // Is checking deactivated by MConf? if ( ! MConf.get().handlePistonProtectionThroughDenyBuild) return; Faction pistonFaction = BoardColl.get().getFactionAt(PS.valueOf(event.getBlock())); List blocks = event.getBlocks(); // Check for all retracted blocks for (Block block : blocks) { // Is the retracted block air/water/lava? Don't worry about it if (block.isEmpty() || block.isLiquid()) return; // Members of a faction might not have build rights in their own territory, but pistons should still work regardless Faction targetFaction = BoardColl.get().getFactionAt(PS.valueOf(block)); if (targetFaction == pistonFaction) continue; // Perm check if (MPerm.getPermBuild().has(pistonFaction, targetFaction)) continue; event.setCancelled(true); return; } } }