package com.massivecraft.factions.struct; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf; import com.massivecraft.factions.zcore.util.TextUtil; /** * Permissions that you (a player) may or may not have in the territory of a certain faction. * Each faction have many Rel's assigned to each one of these Perms. */ public enum FactionPerm { BUILD("build", "edit the terrain", Rel.MEMBER), PAINBUILD("painbuild", "edit but take damage", Rel.ALLY), DOOR("door", "use doors etc.", Rel.MEMBER, Rel.ALLY), CONTAINER("container", "use chests etc.", Rel.MEMBER), BUTTON("button", "use stone buttons", Rel.MEMBER, Rel.ALLY), LEVER("lever", "use levers", Rel.MEMBER, Rel.ALLY), ; private final String nicename; private final String desc; public final Set defaultDefaultValue; private FactionPerm(final String nicename, final String desc, final Rel... rels) { this.nicename = nicename; this.desc = desc; this.defaultDefaultValue = new HashSet(); this.defaultDefaultValue.addAll(Arrays.asList(rels)); } public String getNicename() { return this.nicename; } public String getDescription() { return this.desc; } public Set getDefault() { Set ret = Conf.factionPermDefaults.get(this); if (ret == null) return this.defaultDefaultValue; return ret; } public static FactionPerm parse(String str) { str = str.toLowerCase(); if (str.startsWith("bui")) return BUILD; if (str.startsWith("p")) return PAINBUILD; if (str.startsWith("d")) return DOOR; if (str.startsWith("c")) return CONTAINER; if (str.startsWith("but")) return BUTTON; if (str.startsWith("l")) return LEVER; return null; } public String getStateInfo(Set value, boolean withDesc) { String ret = ""+this.getNicename()+ " "; List rels = new ArrayList(); for (Rel rel : value) { rels.add(""+rel.nicename); } ret += TextUtil.implode(rels, " ,"); if (withDesc) { ret += " " + this.getDescription(); } return ret; } public static Set parseRelDeltas(String str, Set current) { Set ret = new HashSet(); ret.addAll(current); List nodes = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(str.split("\\s+"))); for (String node : nodes) { boolean add = true; if (node.startsWith("-")) { add = false; node = node.substring(1); } else if (node.startsWith("+")) { node = node.substring(1); } Rel rel = Rel.parse(node); if (rel == null) continue; if (add) { ret.add(rel); } else { ret.remove(rel); } } return ret; } }