package com.massivecraft.factions.entity; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.UUID; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType; import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority; import com.massivecraft.factions.FFlag; import com.massivecraft.factions.FPerm; import com.massivecraft.factions.Factions; import com.massivecraft.factions.Rel; import com.massivecraft.factions.event.EventFactionsChunkChangeType; import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.dynmap.DynmapStyle; import com.massivecraft.factions.listeners.FactionsListenerChat; import; import com.massivecraft.massivecore.util.MUtil; public class MConf extends Entity { // -------------------------------------------- // // META // -------------------------------------------- // protected static transient MConf i; public static MConf get() { return i; } // -------------------------------------------- // // OVERRIDE: ENTITY // -------------------------------------------- // @Override public MConf load(MConf that) { super.load(that); if (!Factions.get().isDatabaseInitialized()) return this; FactionsListenerChat.get().setup(); return this; } // -------------------------------------------- // // COMMAND ALIASES // -------------------------------------------- // public List aliasesF = MUtil.list("f"); // -------------------------------------------- // // TASKS // -------------------------------------------- // public double taskPlayerPowerUpdateMinutes = 1; public double taskPlayerDataRemoveMinutes = 5; public double taskEconLandRewardMinutes = 20; // -------------------------------------------- // // REMOVE DATA // -------------------------------------------- // public boolean removePlayerDataWhenBanned = true; public double removePlayerDataAfterInactiveDays = 20.0; // -------------------------------------------- // // SPECIAL FACTION IDS // -------------------------------------------- // public String factionIdNone = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); public String factionIdSafezone = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); public String factionIdWarzone = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); // -------------------------------------------- // // DEFAULTS // -------------------------------------------- // public String defaultPlayerFactionId = this.factionIdNone; public Rel defaultPlayerRole = Rel.RECRUIT; public double defaultPlayerPower = 0.0; public boolean defaultFactionOpen = false; public Map defaultFactionFlags = FFlag.getDefaultDefaults(); public Map> defaultFactionPerms = FPerm.getDefaultDefaults(); // -------------------------------------------- // // POWER // -------------------------------------------- // public double powerMax = 10.0; public double powerMin = 0.0; public double powerPerHour = 2.0; public double powerPerDeath = -2.0; public boolean canLeaveWithNegativePower = true; // -------------------------------------------- // // CORE // -------------------------------------------- // public int factionMemberLimit = 0; public double factionPowerMax = 0.0; public int factionNameLengthMin = 3; public int factionNameLengthMax = 16; public boolean factionNameForceUpperCase = false; // -------------------------------------------- // // MESSAGES // -------------------------------------------- // public boolean broadcastNameChange = false; // -------------------------------------------- // // CLAIM LIMITS // -------------------------------------------- // // if someone is doing a radius claim and the process fails to claim land this many times in a row, it will exit public int radiusClaimFailureLimit = 9; // the maximum radius allowed when using the claim command. public int radiusClaimRadiusLimit = 5; // -------------------------------------------- // // CLAIMS // -------------------------------------------- // public boolean claimsMustBeConnected = true; public boolean claimingFromOthersAllowed = true; public boolean claimsCanBeUnconnectedIfOwnedByOtherFaction = false; public int claimsRequireMinFactionMembers = 1; public int claimedLandsMax = 0; // -------------------------------------------- // // HOMES // -------------------------------------------- // public boolean homesEnabled = true; public boolean homesMustBeInClaimedTerritory = true; public boolean homesTeleportCommandEnabled = true; public boolean homesTeleportAllowedFromEnemyTerritory = true; public boolean homesTeleportAllowedFromDifferentWorld = true; public double homesTeleportAllowedEnemyDistance = 32.0; public boolean homesTeleportIgnoreEnemiesIfInOwnTerritory = true; public boolean homesTeleportToOnDeathActive = false; public EventPriority homesTeleportToOnDeathPriority = EventPriority.NORMAL; // -------------------------------------------- // // ASSORTED // -------------------------------------------- // public boolean permanentFactionsDisableLeaderPromotion = false; public double actionDeniedPainAmount = 2.0D; public boolean disablePVPForFactionlessPlayers = false; public boolean enablePVPAgainstFactionlessInAttackersLand = false; public double territoryShieldFactor = 0.3D; // -------------------------------------------- // // DENY COMMANDS // -------------------------------------------- // // commands which will be prevented if the player is a member of a permanent faction public List denyCommandsPermanentFactionMember = new ArrayList(); // commands which will be prevented when in claimed territory of another faction public Map> denyCommandsTerritoryRelation = Rel.ENEMY, MUtil.list( // Essentials commands "home", "homes", "sethome", "createhome", "tpahere", "tpaccept", "tpyes", "tpa", "call", "tpask", "warp", "warps", "spawn", // Essentials e-alliases "ehome", "ehomes", "esethome", "ecreatehome", "etpahere", "etpaccept", "etpyes", "etpa", "ecall", "etpask", "ewarp", "ewarps", "espawn", // Essentials fallback alliases "essentials:home", "essentials:homes", "essentials:sethome", "essentials:createhome", "essentials:tpahere", "essentials:tpaccept", "essentials:tpyes", "essentials:tpa", "essentials:call", "essentials:tpask", "essentials:warp", "essentials:warps", "essentials:spawn", // Other plugins "wtp", "uspawn", "utp", "mspawn", "mtp", "fspawn", "ftp", "jspawn", "jtp" ), Rel.NEUTRAL, new ArrayList(), Rel.TRUCE, new ArrayList(), Rel.ALLY, new ArrayList(), Rel.MEMBER, new ArrayList() ); // -------------------------------------------- // // CHAT // -------------------------------------------- // // We offer a simple standard way to set the format public boolean chatSetFormat = false; public EventPriority chatSetFormatAt = EventPriority.LOWEST; public String chatSetFormatTo = "<{factions_relcolor}§l{factions_roleprefix}§r{factions_relcolor}{factions_name|rp}§f%1$s> %2$s"; // We offer a simple standard way to parse the chat tags public boolean chatParseTags = true; public EventPriority chatParseTagsAt = EventPriority.LOW; // -------------------------------------------- // // COLORS // -------------------------------------------- // public ChatColor colorMember = ChatColor.GREEN; public ChatColor colorAlly = ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE; public ChatColor colorTruce = ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE; public ChatColor colorNeutral = ChatColor.WHITE; public ChatColor colorEnemy = ChatColor.RED; public ChatColor colorNoPVP = ChatColor.GOLD; public ChatColor colorFriendlyFire = ChatColor.DARK_RED; //public ChatColor colorWilderness = ChatColor.DARK_GREEN; // -------------------------------------------- // // PREFIXES // -------------------------------------------- // public String prefixLeader = "**"; public String prefixOfficer = "*"; public String prefixMember = "+"; public String prefixRecruit = "-"; // -------------------------------------------- // // DERPY OVERRIDES // -------------------------------------------- // // TODO: Should worldsNoPowerLoss rather be a bukkit permission node? // TODO: These are derpy because they possibly use an invalid design approach. // After universe support is added. Would some of these be removed? // Could it also be more customizeable using some sort of permission lookup map? // mainly for other plugins/mods that use a fake player to take actions, which shouldn't be subject to our protections public Set playersWhoBypassAllProtection = new LinkedHashSet(); public Set worldsNoClaiming = new LinkedHashSet(); public Set getWorldsNoClaiming() { Set ret = new TreeSet(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); ret.addAll(this.worldsNoClaiming); return ret; } public Set worldsNoPowerLoss = new LinkedHashSet(); public Set getWorldsNoPowerLoss() { Set ret = new TreeSet(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); ret.addAll(this.worldsNoPowerLoss); return ret; } public Set worldsIgnorePvP = new LinkedHashSet(); public Set getWorldsIgnlorePvP() { Set ret = new TreeSet(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); ret.addAll(this.worldsIgnorePvP); return ret; } // -------------------------------------------- // // EXPLOITS // -------------------------------------------- // public boolean handleExploitObsidianGenerators = true; public boolean handleExploitEnderPearlClipping = true; public boolean handleExploitTNTWaterlog = false; // -------------------------------------------- // // LOGGING // -------------------------------------------- // public boolean logFactionCreate = true; public boolean logFactionDisband = true; public boolean logFactionJoin = true; public boolean logFactionKick = true; public boolean logFactionLeave = true; public boolean logLandClaims = true; public boolean logLandUnclaims = true; public boolean logMoneyTransactions = true; public boolean logPlayerCommands = true; // -------------------------------------------- // // ENUMERATIONS // -------------------------------------------- // public Set materialsEditOnInteract = MUtil.set( Material.DIODE_BLOCK_OFF, Material.DIODE_BLOCK_ON, Material.NOTE_BLOCK, Material.CAULDRON, Material.SOIL ); public Set materialsEditTools = MUtil.set( Material.FIREBALL, Material.FLINT_AND_STEEL, Material.BUCKET, Material.WATER_BUCKET, Material.LAVA_BUCKET ); public Set materialsDoor = MUtil.set( Material.WOODEN_DOOR, Material.TRAP_DOOR, Material.FENCE_GATE ); public Set materialsContainer = MUtil.set( Material.DISPENSER, Material.CHEST, Material.FURNACE, Material.BURNING_FURNACE, Material.JUKEBOX, Material.BREWING_STAND, Material.ENCHANTMENT_TABLE, Material.ANVIL, Material.BEACON, Material.TRAPPED_CHEST, Material.HOPPER, Material.DROPPER ); public Set entityTypesMonsters = MUtil.set( EntityType.BLAZE, EntityType.CAVE_SPIDER, EntityType.CREEPER, EntityType.ENDERMAN, EntityType.ENDER_DRAGON, EntityType.GHAST, EntityType.GIANT, EntityType.MAGMA_CUBE, EntityType.PIG_ZOMBIE, EntityType.SILVERFISH, EntityType.SKELETON, EntityType.SLIME, EntityType.SPIDER, EntityType.WITCH, EntityType.WITHER, EntityType.ZOMBIE ); // -------------------------------------------- // // INTEGRATION: HeroChat // -------------------------------------------- // // HeroChat: The Faction Channel public String herochatFactionName = "Faction"; public String herochatFactionNick = "F"; public String herochatFactionFormat = "{color}[&l{nick}&r{color} &l{factions_roleprefix}&r{color}{factions_title|rp}{sender}{color}] &f{msg}"; public ChatColor herochatFactionColor = ChatColor.GREEN; public int herochatFactionDistance = 0; public boolean herochatFactionIsShortcutAllowed = false; public boolean herochatFactionCrossWorld = true; public boolean herochatFactionMuted = false; public Set herochatFactionWorlds = new HashSet(); // HeroChat: The Allies Channel public String herochatAlliesName = "Allies"; public String herochatAlliesNick = "A"; public String herochatAlliesFormat = "{color}[&l{nick}&r&f {factions_relcolor}&l{factions_roleprefix}&r{factions_relcolor}{factions_name|rp}{sender}{color}] &f{msg}"; public ChatColor herochatAlliesColor = ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE; public int herochatAlliesDistance = 0; public boolean herochatAlliesIsShortcutAllowed = false; public boolean herochatAlliesCrossWorld = true; public boolean herochatAlliesMuted = false; public Set herochatAlliesWorlds = new HashSet(); // -------------------------------------------- // // INTEGRATION: LWC // -------------------------------------------- // public Map lwcRemoveOnChange = EventFactionsChunkChangeType.BUY, false, EventFactionsChunkChangeType.SELL, false, EventFactionsChunkChangeType.CONQUER, false, EventFactionsChunkChangeType.PILLAGE, false ); // -------------------------------------------- // // INTEGRATION: ECONOMY // -------------------------------------------- // public boolean econEnabled = false; // TODO: Rename to include unit. public double econLandReward = 0.00; public String econUniverseAccount = ""; public Map econChunkCost = EventFactionsChunkChangeType.BUY, 30.0, EventFactionsChunkChangeType.SELL, -20.0, EventFactionsChunkChangeType.CONQUER, -10.0, EventFactionsChunkChangeType.PILLAGE, -10.0 ); public double econCostCreate = 200.0; public double econCostSethome = 0.0; public double econCostJoin = 0.0; public double econCostLeave = 0.0; public double econCostKick = 0.0; public double econCostInvite = 0.0; public double econCostDeinvite = 0.0; public double econCostHome = 0.0; public double econCostName = 0.0; public double econCostDescription = 0.0; public double econCostTitle = 0.0; public double econCostOpen = 0.0; public Map econRelCost = Rel.ENEMY, 0.0, Rel.ALLY, 0.0, Rel.TRUCE, 0.0, Rel.NEUTRAL, 0.0 ); //Faction banks, to pay for land claiming and other costs instead of individuals paying for them public boolean bankEnabled = true; //public static boolean bankMembersCanWithdraw = false; //Have to be at least moderator to withdraw or pay money to another faction public boolean bankFactionPaysCosts = true; //The faction pays for faction command costs, such as sethome public boolean bankFactionPaysLandCosts = true; //The faction pays for land claiming costs. // -------------------------------------------- // // INTEGRATION: DYNMAP // -------------------------------------------- // // Should the dynmap intagration be used? public boolean dynmapUse = true; // Should the dynmap updates be logged to console output? public boolean dynmapUpdateLog = false; // Name of the Factions layer public String dynmapLayerName = "Factions"; // Should the layer be visible per default public boolean dynmapLayerVisible = true; // Ordering priority in layer menu (low goes before high - default is 0) public int dynmapLayerPriority = 2; // (optional) set minimum zoom level before layer is visible (0 = defalt, always visible) public int dynmapLayerMinimumZoom = 0; // Format for popup - substitute values for macros //public String dynmapInfowindowFormat = "
"; public String dynmapDescription = "
\n" + "%name%
\n" + "%description%
\n" + "
\n" + "Leader: %players.leader%
\n" + "Officers: %players.officers.count%
\n" + "Members: %players.members.count%
\n" + "Recruits: %players.recruits.count%
\n" + "TOTAL: %players.count%
\n" + "
\n" + "Age: %age%
\n" + "Bank: %money%
\n" + "
\n" + "Flags:
\n" + "%open.color% | %permanent.color% | %peaceful.color% | %infpower.color% | %powerloss.color%
\n" + "%pvp.color% | %friendlyfire.color% | %monsters.color% | %explosions.color%
\n" + "%offlineexplosions.color% | %firespread.color% | %endergrief.color%\n" + "
"; // Enable the %money% macro. Only do this if you know your economy manager is thread safe. public boolean dynmapDescriptionMoney = false; // Allow players in faction to see one another on Dynmap (only relevant if Dynmap has 'player-info-protected' enabled) public boolean dynmapVisibilityByFaction = true; // Optional setting to limit which regions to show. // If empty all regions are shown. // Specify Faction either by name or UUID. // To show all regions on a given world, add 'world:' to the list. public Set dynmapVisibleFactions = new LinkedHashSet(); // Optional setting to hide specific Factions. // Specify Faction either by name or UUID. // To hide all regions on a given world, add 'world:' to the list. public Set dynmapHiddenFactions = new LinkedHashSet(); // Region Style public final static transient String DYNMAP_STYLE_LINE_COLOR = "#00FF00"; public final static transient double DYNMAP_STYLE_LINE_OPACITY = 0.8D; public final static transient int DYNMAP_STYLE_LINE_WEIGHT = 3; public final static transient String DYNMAP_STYLE_FILL_COLOR = "#00FF00"; public final static transient double DYNMAP_STYLE_FILL_OPACITY = 0.35D; public final static transient String DYNMAP_STYLE_HOME_MARKER = "greenflag"; public final static transient boolean DYNMAP_STYLE_BOOST = false; public DynmapStyle dynmapDefaultStyle = new DynmapStyle() .setStrokeColor(DYNMAP_STYLE_LINE_COLOR) .setLineOpacity(DYNMAP_STYLE_LINE_OPACITY) .setLineWeight(DYNMAP_STYLE_LINE_WEIGHT) .setFillColor(DYNMAP_STYLE_FILL_COLOR) .setFillOpacity(DYNMAP_STYLE_FILL_OPACITY) .setHomeMarker(DYNMAP_STYLE_HOME_MARKER) .setBoost(DYNMAP_STYLE_BOOST); // Optional per Faction style overrides. Any defined replace those in dynmapDefaultStyle. // Specify Faction either by name or UUID. public Map dynmapFactionStyles = "SafeZone", new DynmapStyle().setStrokeColor("#FF00FF").setFillColor("#FF00FF").setBoost(false), "WarZone", new DynmapStyle().setStrokeColor("#FF0000").setFillColor("#FF0000").setBoost(false) ); }