package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd; import com.massivecraft.factions.ConfServer; import com.massivecraft.factions.FFlag; import com.massivecraft.factions.Perm; import com.massivecraft.factions.Rel; import com.massivecraft.factions.cmd.arg.ARFaction; import com.massivecraft.factions.cmd.req.ReqFactionsEnabled; import com.massivecraft.factions.cmd.req.ReqRoleIsAtLeast; import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.Faction; import com.massivecraft.factions.event.FactionsEventRelationChange; import com.massivecraft.mcore.cmd.req.ReqHasPerm; public abstract class CmdFactionsRelationAbstract extends FCommand { public Rel targetRelation; public CmdFactionsRelationAbstract() { this.addRequirements(ReqFactionsEnabled.get()); this.addRequirements(ReqHasPerm.get(Perm.RELATION.node)); this.addRequirements(ReqRoleIsAtLeast.get(Rel.OFFICER)); } @Override public void perform() { // Args Faction otherFaction = this.arg(0, ARFaction.get(sender)); if (otherFaction == null) return; Rel newRelation = targetRelation; /*if ( ! them.isNormal()) { msg("Nope! You can't."); return; }*/ // Verify if (otherFaction == usenderFaction) { msg("Nope! You can't declare a relation to yourself :)"); return; } if (usenderFaction.getRelationWish(otherFaction) == newRelation) { msg("You already have that relation wish set with %s.", otherFaction.getName()); return; } // Event FactionsEventRelationChange event = new FactionsEventRelationChange(sender, usenderFaction, otherFaction, newRelation);; if (event.isCancelled()) return; newRelation = event.getNewRelation(); // try to set the new relation usenderFaction.setRelationWish(otherFaction, newRelation); Rel currentRelation = usenderFaction.getRelationTo(otherFaction, true); // if the relation change was successful if (newRelation == currentRelation) { otherFaction.msg("%s is now %s.", usenderFaction.describeTo(otherFaction, true), newRelation.getDescFactionOne()); usenderFaction.msg("%s is now %s.", otherFaction.describeTo(usenderFaction, true), newRelation.getDescFactionOne()); } // inform the other faction of your request else { otherFaction.msg("%s wishes to be %s.", usenderFaction.describeTo(otherFaction, true), newRelation.getColor()+newRelation.getDescFactionOne()); otherFaction.msg("Type /"+ConfServer.baseCommandAliases.get(0)+" "+newRelation+" "+usenderFaction.getName()+" to accept."); usenderFaction.msg("%s were informed that you wish to be %s.", otherFaction.describeTo(usenderFaction, true), newRelation.getColor()+newRelation.getDescFactionOne()); } // TODO: The ally case should work!! // * this might have to be bumped up to make that happen, & allow ALLY,NEUTRAL only if ( newRelation != Rel.TRUCE && otherFaction.getFlag(FFlag.PEACEFUL)) { otherFaction.msg("This will have no effect while your faction is peaceful."); usenderFaction.msg("This will have no effect while their faction is peaceful."); } if ( newRelation != Rel.TRUCE && usenderFaction.getFlag(FFlag.PEACEFUL)) { otherFaction.msg("This will have no effect while their faction is peaceful."); usenderFaction.msg("This will have no effect while your faction is peaceful."); } } }