package com.massivecraft.factions.engine; import com.massivecraft.factions.comparator.ComparatorMPlayerRole; import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.Faction; import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.MConf; import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.MFlag; import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.MPlayer; import com.massivecraft.factions.event.EventFactionsChunkChangeType; import com.massivecraft.factions.event.EventFactionsFactionShowAsync; import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.Econ; import com.massivecraft.massivecore.Engine; import com.massivecraft.massivecore.PriorityLines; import; import com.massivecraft.massivecore.util.TimeDiffUtil; import com.massivecraft.massivecore.util.TimeUnit; import com.massivecraft.massivecore.util.Txt; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler; import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; public class EngineShow extends Engine { // -------------------------------------------- // // CONSTANTS // -------------------------------------------- // public static final String BASENAME = "factions"; public static final String BASENAME_ = BASENAME+"_"; public static final String SHOW_ID_FACTION_ID = BASENAME_ + "id"; public static final String SHOW_ID_FACTION_DESCRIPTION = BASENAME_ + "description"; public static final String SHOW_ID_FACTION_AGE = BASENAME_ + "age"; public static final String SHOW_ID_FACTION_FLAGS = BASENAME_ + "flags"; public static final String SHOW_ID_FACTION_POWER = BASENAME_ + "power"; public static final String SHOW_ID_FACTION_LANDVALUES = BASENAME_ + "landvalue"; public static final String SHOW_ID_FACTION_BANK = BASENAME_ + "bank"; public static final String SHOW_ID_FACTION_FOLLOWERS = BASENAME_ + "followers"; public static final int SHOW_PRIORITY_FACTION_ID = 1000; public static final int SHOW_PRIORITY_FACTION_DESCRIPTION = 2000; public static final int SHOW_PRIORITY_FACTION_AGE = 3000; public static final int SHOW_PRIORITY_FACTION_FLAGS = 4000; public static final int SHOW_PRIORITY_FACTION_POWER = 5000; public static final int SHOW_PRIORITY_FACTION_LANDVALUES = 6000; public static final int SHOW_PRIORITY_FACTION_BANK = 7000; public static final int SHOW_PRIORITY_FACTION_FOLLOWERS = 9000; // -------------------------------------------- // // INSTANCE & CONSTRUCT // -------------------------------------------- // private static EngineShow i = new EngineShow(); public static EngineShow get() { return i; } // -------------------------------------------- // // FACTION SHOW // -------------------------------------------- // @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOW, ignoreCancelled = true) public void onFactionShow(EventFactionsFactionShowAsync event) { final int tableCols = 4; final CommandSender sender = event.getSender(); final MPlayer mplayer = event.getMPlayer(); final Faction faction = event.getFaction(); final boolean normal = faction.isNormal(); final Map idPriorityLiness = event.getIdPriorityLiness(); String none = Txt.parse("none"); // ID if (mplayer.isOverriding()) { show(idPriorityLiness, SHOW_ID_FACTION_ID, SHOW_PRIORITY_FACTION_ID, "ID", faction.getId()); } // DESCRIPTION show(idPriorityLiness, SHOW_ID_FACTION_DESCRIPTION, SHOW_PRIORITY_FACTION_DESCRIPTION, "Description", faction.getDescriptionDesc()); // SECTION: NORMAL if (normal) { // AGE long ageMillis = faction.getCreatedAtMillis() - System.currentTimeMillis(); LinkedHashMap ageUnitcounts = TimeDiffUtil.limit(TimeDiffUtil.unitcounts(ageMillis, TimeUnit.getAllButMillis()), 3); String ageDesc = TimeDiffUtil.formatedVerboose(ageUnitcounts, ""); show(idPriorityLiness, SHOW_ID_FACTION_AGE, SHOW_PRIORITY_FACTION_AGE, "Age", ageDesc); // FLAGS // We display all editable and non default ones. The rest we skip. List flagDescs = new LinkedList<>(); for (Entry entry : faction.getFlags().entrySet()) { final MFlag mflag = entry.getKey(); if (mflag == null) continue; final Boolean value = entry.getValue(); if (value == null) continue; if ( ! mflag.isInteresting(value)) continue; String flagDesc = Txt.parse(value ? "" : "") + mflag.getName(); flagDescs.add(flagDesc); } String flagsDesc = Txt.parse("default"); if ( ! flagDescs.isEmpty()) { flagsDesc = Txt.implode(flagDescs, Txt.parse(" | ")); } show(idPriorityLiness, SHOW_ID_FACTION_FLAGS, SHOW_PRIORITY_FACTION_FLAGS, "Flags", flagsDesc); // POWER double powerBoost = faction.getPowerBoost(); String boost = (powerBoost == 0.0) ? "" : (powerBoost > 0.0 ? " (bonus: " : " (penalty: ") + powerBoost + ")"; String powerDesc = Txt.parse("%d/%d/%d%s", faction.getLandCount(), faction.getPowerRounded(), faction.getPowerMaxRounded(), boost); show(idPriorityLiness, SHOW_ID_FACTION_POWER, SHOW_PRIORITY_FACTION_POWER, "Land / Power / Maxpower", powerDesc); // SECTION: ECON if (Econ.isEnabled()) { // LANDVALUES List landvalueLines = new LinkedList<>(); long landCount = faction.getLandCount(); for (EventFactionsChunkChangeType type : EventFactionsChunkChangeType.values()) { Double money = MConf.get().econChunkCost.get(type); if (money == null) continue; if (money == 0) continue; money *= landCount; String word = "Cost"; if (money <= 0) { word = "Reward"; money *= -1; } String key = Txt.parse("Total Land %s %s", type.toString().toLowerCase(), word); String value = Txt.parse("%s", Money.format(money)); String line = show(key, value); landvalueLines.add(line); } idPriorityLiness.put(SHOW_ID_FACTION_LANDVALUES, new PriorityLines(SHOW_PRIORITY_FACTION_LANDVALUES, landvalueLines)); // BANK if (MConf.get().bankEnabled) { double bank = Money.get(faction); String bankDesc = Txt.parse("%s", Money.format(bank, true)); show(idPriorityLiness, SHOW_ID_FACTION_BANK, SHOW_PRIORITY_FACTION_BANK, "Bank", bankDesc); } } } // FOLLOWERS List followerLines = new ArrayList<>(); List followerNamesOnline = new ArrayList<>(); List followerNamesOffline = new ArrayList<>(); List followers = faction.getMPlayers(); Collections.sort(followers, ComparatorMPlayerRole.get()); for (MPlayer follower : followers) { if (follower.isOnline(sender)) { followerNamesOnline.add(follower.getNameAndTitle(mplayer)); } else if (normal) { // For the non-faction we skip the offline members since they are far to many (infinite almost) followerNamesOffline.add(follower.getNameAndTitle(mplayer)); } } String headerOnline = Txt.parse("Followers Online (%s):", followerNamesOnline.size()); followerLines.add(headerOnline); if (followerNamesOnline.isEmpty()) { followerLines.add(none); } else { followerLines.addAll(table(followerNamesOnline, tableCols)); } if (normal) { String headerOffline = Txt.parse("Followers Offline (%s):", followerNamesOffline.size()); followerLines.add(headerOffline); if (followerNamesOffline.isEmpty()) { followerLines.add(none); } else { followerLines.addAll(table(followerNamesOffline, tableCols)); } } idPriorityLiness.put(SHOW_ID_FACTION_FOLLOWERS, new PriorityLines(SHOW_PRIORITY_FACTION_FOLLOWERS, followerLines)); } public static String show(String key, String value) { return Txt.parse("%s: %s", key, value); } public static PriorityLines show(int priority, String key, String value) { return new PriorityLines(priority, show(key, value)); } public static void show(Map idPriorityLiness, String id, int priority, String key, String value) { idPriorityLiness.put(id, show(priority, key, value)); } public static List table(List strings, int cols) { List ret = new ArrayList<>(); StringBuilder row = new StringBuilder(); int count = 0; Iterator iter = strings.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String string =; row.append(string); count++; if (iter.hasNext() && count != cols) { row.append(Txt.parse(" | ")); } else { ret.add(row.toString()); row = new StringBuilder(); count = 0; } } return ret; } }