package com.massivecraft.factions.entity; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import com.massivecraft.factions.Const; import com.massivecraft.factions.FFlag; import com.massivecraft.factions.FPerm; import com.massivecraft.factions.Rel; import; public class UConf extends Entity { // -------------------------------------------- // // META // -------------------------------------------- // public static UConf get(Object oid) { return UConfColls.get().get2(oid); } // -------------------------------------------- // // CORE // -------------------------------------------- // public Map factionFlagDefaults = FFlag.getDefaultDefaults(); public Map> factionPermDefaults = FPerm.getDefaultDefaults(); public String playerDefaultFactionId = Const.FACTIONID_NONE; public Rel playerDefaultRole = Rel.RECRUIT; public boolean canLeaveWithNegativePower = true; public int factionTagLengthMin = 3; public int factionTagLengthMax = 10; public boolean factionTagForceUpperCase = false; public boolean newFactionsDefaultOpen = false; public int factionMemberLimit = 0; // -------------------------------------------- // // POWER // -------------------------------------------- // public double powerMax = 10.0; public double powerMin = -10.0; public double powerStarting = 10.0; // New players start out with this power level public double powerPerDeath = -4.0; // A death makes you lose 4 power public double powerPerHourOnline = 10.0; public double powerPerHourOffline = 0.0; // players will no longer lose power from being offline once their power drops to this amount or less public double powerLimitGainOnline = 10.0; public double powerLimitGainOffline = 0.0; public double powerLimitLossOnline = -10.0; public double powerLimitLossOffline = 0.0; public boolean scaleNegativePower = false; // Power regeneration rate increase as power decreases public double scaleNegativeDivisor = 40.0; // Divisor for inverse power regeneration curve public double powerFactionMax = 0.0; // if greater than 0, the cap on how much power a faction can have (additional power from players beyond that will act as a "buffer" of sorts) }