package com.massivecraft.factions.update; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import com.massivecraft.factions.Const; import com.massivecraft.factions.Factions; import com.massivecraft.factions.TerritoryAccess; import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.Board; import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.BoardColl; import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.Faction; import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.FactionColl; import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.MConf; import com.massivecraft.massivecore.MassiveCore; import; import; import; import com.massivecraft.massivecore.util.MUtil; public class UpdateUtil { // -------------------------------------------- // // CONSTANTS // -------------------------------------------- // public static final List oldCollnamePrefixes = MUtil.list( "factions_board@", "factions_faction@", "factions_uplayer@", "factions_uconf@" ); // -------------------------------------------- // // UPDATE // -------------------------------------------- // // Assumes the MConfColl has been inited! public static void update() { // Select the old universe of our attention ... String universe = getUniverse(); if (universe == null) return; Factions.get().log("Updating Database to New Version!"); // ... load the old uconf data ... OldConfColls.get().init(); OldConf oldConf = OldConfColls.get().getForUniverse(universe).get(MassiveCore.INSTANCE, true); // ... transfer the old uconf data over to the new mconf ... oldConf.transferTo(MConf.get()); MConf.get().changed(); MConf.get().sync(); // ... rename target collections ... Db db = MStore.getDb(); // The old mplayer data we don't care much for. // Could even delete it but let's just move it out of the way. db.getDriver().renameColl(db, Const.COLLECTION_MPLAYER, "old_"+Const.COLLECTION_MPLAYER); db.getDriver().renameColl(db, "factions_board@" + universe, Const.COLLECTION_BOARD); db.getDriver().renameColl(db, "factions_faction@" + universe, Const.COLLECTION_FACTION); db.getDriver().renameColl(db, "factions_uplayer@" + universe, Const.COLLECTION_MPLAYER); // ... rename remaining collections ... for (String collname : db.getCollnames()) { if (!collname.startsWith("factions_")) continue; if (!collname.contains("@")) continue; db.getDriver().renameColl(db, collname, "old_" + collname); } } // -------------------------------------------- // // UNIVERSE SELECTION // -------------------------------------------- // public static String getUniverse() { List universes = getUniverses(); String ret = null; int best = -1; for (String universe : universes) { int count = getUniverseFactionCount(universe); if (count > 0 && count > best) { ret = universe; best = count; } } return ret; } public static int getUniverseFactionCount(String universe) { Coll coll = new Coll("factions_faction@"+universe, Object.class, MStore.getDb(), Factions.get()); Collection ids = MStore.getDb().getDriver().getIds(coll); return ids.size(); } public static List getUniverses() { List ret = new ArrayList(); for (String collname : MStore.getDb().getCollnames()) { for (String prefix : oldCollnamePrefixes) { if (collname.startsWith(prefix)) { ret.add(collname.substring(prefix.length())); } } } return ret; } // -------------------------------------------- // // UPDATE SPECIAL IDS // -------------------------------------------- // public static void updateSpecialIds() { if (MConf.get().factionIdNone != null) { updateSpecialId(MConf.get().factionIdNone, Factions.ID_NONE); MConf.get().factionIdNone = null; } if (MConf.get().factionIdSafezone != null) { updateSpecialId(MConf.get().factionIdSafezone, Factions.ID_SAFEZONE); MConf.get().factionIdSafezone = null; } if (MConf.get().factionIdWarzone != null) { updateSpecialId(MConf.get().factionIdWarzone, Factions.ID_WARZONE); MConf.get().factionIdWarzone = null; } MConf.get().sync(); } public static void updateSpecialId(String from, String to) { // Get the coll. FactionColl coll = FactionColl.get(); // A faction may already be occupying the to-id. // We must remove it to make space for renaming. // This faction is simply an auto-created faction with no references yet. coll.detachId(to); coll.syncId(to); // Get the faction and detach it Faction faction = coll.detachId(from); coll.syncId(from); // Attach it coll.attach(faction, to); coll.syncId(to); // Update that config special config option. if (MConf.get().defaultPlayerFactionId.equals(from)) { MConf.get().defaultPlayerFactionId = to; MConf.get().sync(); } // Update all board entries. updateBoards(from, to); } public static void updateBoards(String from, String to) { for (Board board : BoardColl.get().getAll()) { updateBoard(board, from, to); } } public static void updateBoard(Board board, String from, String to) { boolean changed = false; for (TerritoryAccess ta : board.getMap().values()) { changed |= updateTerritoryAccess(ta, from, to); } if (changed) { board.changed(); board.sync(); } } public static boolean updateTerritoryAccess(TerritoryAccess entity, String from, String to) { boolean changed = false; changed |= updateTerritoryHostFactionId(entity, from, to); changed |= updateTerritoryAccessFactionIds(entity, from, to); return changed; } public static boolean updateTerritoryHostFactionId(TerritoryAccess entity, String from, String to) { String before = entity.hostFactionId; if (before == null) return false; if (!before.equals(from)) return false; entity.hostFactionId = to; return true; } public static boolean updateTerritoryAccessFactionIds(TerritoryAccess entity, String from, String to) { // Before and After Set before = entity.factionIds; if (before == null) return false; Set after = new LinkedHashSet(); for (String id : before) { if (id == null) continue; if (id.equals(from)) { after.add(to); } else { after.add(from); } } // NoChange if (MUtil.equals(before, after)) return false; // Apply entity.factionIds = after; //entity.sync(); return true; } }