package com.massivecraft.factions.commands; import com.massivecraft.factions.Board; import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf; import com.massivecraft.factions.FLocation; import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction; import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer; import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission; import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Role; public class FCommandOwner extends FCommand { public FCommandOwner() { super(); this.aliases.add("owner"); //this.requiredArgs.add(""); this.optionalArgs.put("player name", "you"); this.permission = Permission.COMMAND_OWNER.node; senderMustBePlayer = true; senderMustBeMember = false; senderMustBeModerator = false; senderMustBeAdmin = false; } // TODO: Fix colors! @Override public void perform() { if( isLocked() ) { sendLockMessage(); return; } boolean hasBypass = fme.isAdminBypassing(); if ( ! hasBypass && ! assertHasFaction()) { return; } if ( ! Conf.ownedAreasEnabled) { fme.sendMessageParsed("Sorry, but owned areas are disabled on this server."); return; } if ( ! hasBypass && Conf.ownedAreasLimitPerFaction > 0 && myFaction.getCountOfClaimsWithOwners() >= Conf.ownedAreasLimitPerFaction) { fme.sendMessageParsed("Sorry, but you have reached the server's limit of %d owned areas per faction.", Conf.ownedAreasLimitPerFaction); return; } if ( ! hasBypass && !assertMinRole(Conf.ownedAreasModeratorsCanSet ? Role.MODERATOR : Role.ADMIN)) { return; } FLocation flocation = new FLocation(fme); Faction factionHere = Board.getFactionAt(flocation); if (factionHere != myFaction) { if ( ! hasBypass) { fme.sendMessageParsed("This land is not claimed by your faction, so you can't set ownership of it."); return; } if ( ! factionHere.isNormal()) { fme.sendMessageParsed("This land is not claimed by a faction. Ownership is not possible."); return; } } FPlayer target = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(0, fme); if (target == null) return; String playerName = target.getName(); if (target.getFaction() != myFaction) { fme.sendMessageParsed("%s is not a member of this faction.", playerName); return; } // if no player name was passed, and this claim does already have owners set, clear them if (args.isEmpty() && myFaction.doesLocationHaveOwnersSet(flocation)) { myFaction.clearClaimOwnership(flocation); fme.sendMessageParsed("You have cleared ownership for this claimed area."); return; } if (myFaction.isPlayerInOwnerList(playerName, flocation)) { myFaction.removePlayerAsOwner(playerName, flocation); fme.sendMessageParsed("You have removed ownership of this claimed land from %s.", playerName); return; } // if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay if ( ! payForCommand(Conf.econCostOwner)) return; myFaction.setPlayerAsOwner(playerName, flocation); fme.sendMessageParsed("You have added %s to the owner list for this claimed land.", playerName); } }