package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd; import com.massivecraft.factions.cmd.type.TypeFaction; import com.massivecraft.factions.cmd.type.TypeMPerm; import com.massivecraft.factions.cmd.type.TypeMPermable; import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.Faction; import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.MPerm; import com.massivecraft.factions.event.EventFactionsPermChange; import com.massivecraft.massivecore.MassiveException; import com.massivecraft.massivecore.command.type.primitive.TypeBooleanYes; import com.massivecraft.massivecore.util.Txt; public class CmdFactionsPermSet extends FactionsCommand { // -------------------------------------------- // // CONSTRUCT // -------------------------------------------- // public CmdFactionsPermSet() { // Parameters this.addParameter(TypeMPerm.get(), "perm"); this.addParameter(TypeMPermable.get(), "rank/rel/player/faction"); this.addParameter(TypeBooleanYes.get(), "yes/no"); this.addParameter(TypeFaction.get(), "faction", "you"); } // -------------------------------------------- // // OVERRIDE // -------------------------------------------- // @Override public void perform() throws MassiveException { // Args MPerm perm = this.readArgAt(0); Boolean value = this.readArgAt(2); Faction faction = this.readArgAt(3, msenderFaction); MPerm.MPermable permable = TypeMPermable.get(faction).read(this.argAt(1), sender); // Do the sender have the right to change perms for this faction? if ( ! MPerm.getPermPerms().has(msender, faction, true)) return; // Is this perm editable? if ( ! msender.isOverriding() && ! perm.isEditable()) { throw new MassiveException().addMsg("The perm %s is not editable.", perm.getName()); } if (permable == faction) { throw new MassiveException().addMsg("A faction can't have perms for itself. Perhaps try ranks."); } // Event EventFactionsPermChange event = new EventFactionsPermChange(sender, faction, perm, permable, value);; if (event.isCancelled()) return; value = event.getNewValue(); // Apply boolean change = faction.setPermitted(permable, perm, value); // No change if (!change) { throw new MassiveException().addMsg("%s already has %s set to %s for %s.", faction.describeTo(msender), perm.getDesc(true, false), Txt.parse(value ? "YES" : "NOO"), permable.getDisplayName(msender)); } // The following is to make sure the leader always has the right to change perms if that is our goal. if (perm == MPerm.getPermPerms() && MPerm.getPermPerms().getStandard().contains("LEADER")) { faction.setPermitted( faction.getLeaderRank(), MPerm.getPermPerms(), true); } // Inform sender String yesNo = Txt.parse(value ? "YES" : "NOO"); msg("Set perm %s to %s for %s in %s.", perm.getName(), yesNo, permable.getDisplayName(msender), faction.describeTo(msender)); } }