Olof Larsson 16c69d67cd Use the standard Bukkit command handling system.
Doing so will remove the possiblility for dynamic command alias assignment but makes factions compatible with all other
plugins doing stuff like blocking commands from being used (AntiGuest, NoCheatPlus, War etc) and plugins that log command
useage (Hawkeye etc).
2013-01-03 08:23:46 +01:00

371 lines
10 KiB

package com.massivecraft.factions.integration;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredServiceProvider;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Factions;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.iface.EconomyParticipator;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.FPerm;
import com.massivecraft.factions.util.RelationUtil;
import net.milkbowl.vault.economy.Economy;
public class Econ
private static Economy econ = null;
public static void setup()
if (isSetup()) return;
String integrationFail = "Economy integration is "+(Conf.econEnabled ? "enabled, but" : "disabled, and")+" the plugin \"Vault\" ";
if (Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("Vault") == null)
P.p.log(integrationFail+"is not installed.");
RegisteredServiceProvider<Economy> rsp = Bukkit.getServer().getServicesManager().getRegistration(Economy.class);
if (rsp == null)
P.p.log(integrationFail+"is not hooked into an economy plugin.");
econ = rsp.getProvider();
P.p.log("Economy integration through Vault plugin successful.");
if ( ! Conf.econEnabled)
P.p.log("NOTE: Economy is disabled. You can enable it with the command: f config econEnabled true");
public static boolean shouldBeUsed()
return Conf.econEnabled && econ != null && econ.isEnabled();
public static boolean isSetup()
return econ != null;
public static void modifyUniverseMoney(double delta)
if (!shouldBeUsed()) return;
if (Conf.econUniverseAccount == null) return;
if (Conf.econUniverseAccount.length() == 0) return;
if ( ! econ.hasAccount(Conf.econUniverseAccount)) return;
modifyBalance(Conf.econUniverseAccount, delta);
public static void sendBalanceInfo(FPlayer to, EconomyParticipator about)
if (!shouldBeUsed())
P.p.log(Level.WARNING, "Vault does not appear to be hooked into an economy plugin.");
to.msg("<a>%s's<i> balance is <h>%s<i>.", about.describeTo(to, true), Econ.moneyString(econ.getBalance(about.getAccountId())));
public static boolean canIControllYou(EconomyParticipator i, EconomyParticipator you)
Faction fI = RelationUtil.getFaction(i);
Faction fYou = RelationUtil.getFaction(you);
// This is a system invoker. Accept it.
if (fI == null) return true;
// Bypassing players can do any kind of transaction
if (i instanceof FPlayer && ((FPlayer)i).hasAdminMode()) return true;
// You can deposit to anywhere you feel like. It's your loss if you can't withdraw it again.
if (i == you) return true;
// A faction can always transfer away the money of it's members and its own money...
// This will however probably never happen as a faction does not have free will.
// Ohh by the way... Yes it could. For daily rent to the faction.
if (i == fI && fI == fYou) return true;
// Factions can be controlled by those that have permissions
if (you instanceof Faction && FPerm.WITHDRAW.has(i, fYou)) return true;
// Otherwise you may not! ;,,;
i.msg("<h>%s<i> lacks permission to control <h>%s's<i> money.", i.describeTo(i, true), you.describeTo(i));
return false;
public static boolean transferMoney(EconomyParticipator invoker, EconomyParticipator from, EconomyParticipator to, double amount)
return transferMoney(invoker, from, to, amount, true);
public static boolean transferMoney(EconomyParticipator invoker, EconomyParticipator from, EconomyParticipator to, double amount, boolean notify)
if ( ! shouldBeUsed()) return false;
// The amount must be positive.
// If the amount is negative we must flip and multiply amount with -1.
if (amount < 0)
amount *= -1;
EconomyParticipator temp = from;
from = to;
to = temp;
// Check the rights
if ( ! canIControllYou(invoker, from)) return false;
// Is there enough money for the transaction to happen?
if ( ! econ.has(from.getAccountId(), amount))
// There was not enough money to pay
if (invoker != null && notify)
invoker.msg("<h>%s<b> can't afford to transfer <h>%s<b> to %s<b>.", from.describeTo(invoker, true), moneyString(amount), to.describeTo(invoker));
return false;
// Transfer money
econ.withdrawPlayer(from.getAccountId(), amount);
econ.depositPlayer(to.getAccountId(), amount);
// Inform
if (notify)
sendTransferInfo(invoker, from, to, amount);
return true;
public static Set<FPlayer> getFplayers(EconomyParticipator ep)
Set<FPlayer> fplayers = new HashSet<FPlayer>();
if (ep == null)
// Add nothing
else if (ep instanceof FPlayer)
else if (ep instanceof Faction)
return fplayers;
public static void sendTransferInfo(EconomyParticipator invoker, EconomyParticipator from, EconomyParticipator to, double amount)
Set<FPlayer> recipients = new HashSet<FPlayer>();
if (invoker == null)
for (FPlayer recipient : recipients)
recipient.msg("<h>%s<i> was transfered from <h>%s<i> to <h>%s<i>.", moneyString(amount), from.describeTo(recipient), to.describeTo(recipient));
else if (invoker == from)
for (FPlayer recipient : recipients)
recipient.msg("<h>%s<i> <h>gave %s<i> to <h>%s<i>.", from.describeTo(recipient, true), moneyString(amount), to.describeTo(recipient));
else if (invoker == to)
for (FPlayer recipient : recipients)
recipient.msg("<h>%s<i> <h>took %s<i> from <h>%s<i>.", to.describeTo(recipient, true), moneyString(amount), from.describeTo(recipient));
for (FPlayer recipient : recipients)
recipient.msg("<h>%s<i> transfered <h>%s<i> from <h>%s<i> to <h>%s<i>.", invoker.describeTo(recipient, true), moneyString(amount), from.describeTo(recipient), to.describeTo(recipient));
public static boolean hasAtLeast(EconomyParticipator ep, double delta, String toDoThis)
if ( ! shouldBeUsed()) return true;
if ( ! econ.has(ep.getAccountId(), delta))
if (toDoThis != null && !toDoThis.isEmpty())
ep.msg("<h>%s<i> can't afford <h>%s<i> %s.", ep.describeTo(ep, true), moneyString(delta), toDoThis);
return false;
return true;
public static boolean modifyMoney(EconomyParticipator ep, double delta, String toDoThis, String forDoingThis)
if ( ! shouldBeUsed()) return false;
String acc = ep.getAccountId();
String You = ep.describeTo(ep, true);
if (delta == 0)
// no money actually transferred?
// ep.msg("<h>%s<i> didn't have to pay anything %s.", You, forDoingThis); // might be for gains, might be for losses
return true;
if (delta > 0)
// The player should gain money
// There is no risk of failure
econ.depositPlayer(acc, delta);
if (forDoingThis != null && !forDoingThis.isEmpty())
ep.msg("<h>%s<i> gained <h>%s<i> %s.", You, moneyString(delta), forDoingThis);
return true;
// The player should loose money
// The player might not have enough.
if (econ.has(acc, -delta))
// There is enough money to pay
econ.withdrawPlayer(acc, -delta);
if (forDoingThis != null && !forDoingThis.isEmpty())
ep.msg("<h>%s<i> lost <h>%s<i> %s.", You, moneyString(-delta), forDoingThis);
return true;
// There was not enough money to pay
if (toDoThis != null && !toDoThis.isEmpty())
ep.msg("<h>%s<i> can't afford <h>%s<i> %s.", You, moneyString(-delta), toDoThis);
return false;
// format money string based on server's set currency type, like "24 gold" or "$24.50"
public static String moneyString(double amount)
return econ.format(amount);
public static void oldMoneyDoTransfer()
if ( ! shouldBeUsed()) return;
for (Faction faction : Factions.i.get())
if (faction.money > 0)
econ.depositPlayer(faction.getAccountId(), faction.money);
faction.money = 0;
// calculate the cost for claiming land
public static double calculateClaimCost(int ownedLand, boolean takingFromAnotherFaction)
if ( ! shouldBeUsed())
return 0d;
// basic claim cost, plus land inflation cost, minus the potential bonus given for claiming from another faction
return Conf.econCostClaimWilderness
+ (Conf.econCostClaimWilderness * Conf.econClaimAdditionalMultiplier * ownedLand)
- (takingFromAnotherFaction ? Conf.econCostClaimFromFactionBonus: 0);
// calculate refund amount for unclaiming land
public static double calculateClaimRefund(int ownedLand)
return calculateClaimCost(ownedLand - 1, false) * Conf.econClaimRefundMultiplier;
// calculate value of all owned land
public static double calculateTotalLandValue(int ownedLand)
double amount = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < ownedLand; x++) {
amount += calculateClaimCost(x, false);
return amount;
// calculate refund amount for all owned land
public static double calculateTotalLandRefund(int ownedLand)
return calculateTotalLandValue(ownedLand) * Conf.econClaimRefundMultiplier;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Standard account management methods
// -------------------------------------------- //
public static boolean hasAccount(String name)
return econ.hasAccount(name);
public static double getBalance(String account)
return econ.getBalance(account);
public static boolean setBalance(String account, double amount)
double current = econ.getBalance(account);
if (current > amount)
return econ.withdrawPlayer(account, current - amount).transactionSuccess();
return econ.depositPlayer(account, amount - current).transactionSuccess();
public static boolean modifyBalance(String account, double amount)
if (amount < 0)
return econ.withdrawPlayer(account, -amount).transactionSuccess();
return econ.depositPlayer(account, amount).transactionSuccess();
public static boolean deposit(String account, double amount)
return econ.depositPlayer(account, amount).transactionSuccess();
public static boolean withdraw(String account, double amount)
return econ.withdrawPlayer(account, amount).transactionSuccess();