Brettflan 26c708b65e changes AdminBypass permission to enable new "bypass" command which toggles admin bypass mode on or off, defaults to off
added tracking for the SaveTask() and shutdown of it when the plugin is disabled
2011-04-06 05:04:57 -05:00

133 lines
4.5 KiB

package com.bukkit.mcteam.factions;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.*;
import org.bukkit.*;
import org.bukkit.entity.CreatureType;
import com.bukkit.mcteam.util.DiscUtil;
import com.bukkit.mcteam.gson.JsonParseException;
public class Conf {
public static transient File file = new File(Factions.instance.getDataFolder(), "conf.json");
// Colors
public static ChatColor colorMember = ChatColor.GREEN;
public static ChatColor colorAlly = ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE;
public static ChatColor colorNeutral = ChatColor.WHITE;
public static ChatColor colorEnemy = ChatColor.RED;
public static ChatColor colorSystem = ChatColor.YELLOW;
public static ChatColor colorChrome = ChatColor.GOLD;
public static ChatColor colorCommand = ChatColor.AQUA;
public static ChatColor colorParameter = ChatColor.DARK_AQUA;
// Power
public static double powerPlayerMax = 10;
public static double powerPlayerMin = -10;
public static double powerPerMinute = 0.2; // Default health rate... it takes 5 min to heal one power
public static double powerPerDeath = 2; //A death makes you loose 2 power
public static String prefixAdmin = "**";
public static String prefixMod = "*";
public static int factionTagLengthMin = 3;
public static int factionTagLengthMax = 10;
public static boolean factionTagForceUpperCase = false;
// Configuration on the Faction tag in chat messages.
public static boolean chatTagEnabled = true;
public static boolean chatTagRelationColored = true;
public static int chatTagInsertIndex = 1;
public static String chatTagFormat = "%s"+ChatColor.WHITE+" ";
public static String factionChatFormat = "%s"+ChatColor.WHITE+" %s";
public static boolean allowNoSlashCommand = true;
public static double autoLeaveAfterDaysOfInactivity = 14;
public static boolean homesEnabled = true;
public static boolean homesTeleportToOnDeath = true;
public static double territoryShieldFactor = 0.5;
public static boolean territoryBlockCreepers = false;
public static boolean territoryBlockFireballs = false;
public static boolean territoryBlockTNT = false;
public static boolean safeZoneDenyBuild = true;
public static boolean safeZoneDenyUseage = true;
public static boolean safeZoneBlockTNT = true;
public static Set<Material> territoryProtectedMaterials = new HashSet<Material>();
public static Set<Material> territoryDenyUseageMaterials = new HashSet<Material>();
public static transient Set<CreatureType> safeZoneNerfedCreatureTypes = new HashSet<CreatureType>();
public static transient int mapHeight = 8;
public static transient int mapWidth = 49;
static {
// track players with admin access who have enabled "admin bypass" mode, and should therefore be able to build anywhere
// not worth saving between server restarts, I think
public static transient Set<String> adminBypassPlayers = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<String>());
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Persistance
// -------------------------------------------- //
public static boolean save() {
//Factions.log("Saving config to disk.");
try {
DiscUtil.write(file, Factions.gson.toJson(new Conf()));
} catch (Exception e) {
Factions.log("Failed to save the config to disk.");
return false;
return true;
public static boolean load() {
Factions.log("Loading conf from disk");
if ( ! file.exists()) {
Factions.log("No conf to load from disk. Creating new file.");
return true;
try {
Factions.gson.fromJson(DiscUtil.read(file), Conf.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
Factions.log("Failed to load the config from disk.");
return false;
return true;