Brettflan 77a7b2d85c New Spout feature, for Spoutcraft client users only: current territory info will now be permanently shown at top of screen, instead of being echoed out to chat as you move around
New conf.json setting "spoutTerritoryDisplayPosition" to set the screen position at which the current territory is shown. 0 = disabled, 1 = top left, 2 = top center, 3 (default) = top right.
Moved all integration code to separate package, ofr better code organization. Also moved EssentialsChat integration code out to separate file in there, allowing us to safely remove our copy IEssentialsChatListener.java file (which is otherwise needed to prevent a nasty NoClassDefFoundError).
2011-10-05 05:13:54 -05:00

159 lines
4.6 KiB

package com.massivecraft.factions.commands;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.Econ;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Role;
import com.massivecraft.factions.util.TextUtil;
public class FCommandShow extends FBaseCommand {
public FCommandShow() {
senderMustBePlayer = false;
optionalParameters.add("faction tag");
helpDescription = "Show faction information";
public boolean hasPermission(CommandSender sender) {
return true;
public void perform() {
Faction faction;
if (parameters.size() > 0) {
faction = findFaction(parameters.get(0), true);
} else if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
sendMessage("From the command line, you must specify a faction tag (f who <faction tag>).");
} else {
faction = me.getFaction();
if (faction == null) {
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostShow)) {
Collection<FPlayer> admins = faction.getFPlayersWhereRole(Role.ADMIN);
Collection<FPlayer> mods = faction.getFPlayersWhereRole(Role.MODERATOR);
Collection<FPlayer> normals = faction.getFPlayersWhereRole(Role.NORMAL);
sendMessage(Conf.colorChrome+"Description: "+Conf.colorSystem+faction.getDescription());
if ( ! faction.isNormal()) {
String peaceStatus = "";
if (faction.isPeaceful()) {
peaceStatus = " "+Conf.colorNeutral+"This faction is Peaceful";
sendMessage(Conf.colorChrome+"Joining: "+Conf.colorSystem+(faction.getOpen() ? "no invitation is needed" : "invitation is required")+peaceStatus);
sendMessage(Conf.colorChrome+"Land / Power / Maxpower: "+Conf.colorSystem+ faction.getLandRounded()+" / "+faction.getPowerRounded()+" / "+faction.getPowerMaxRounded());
if (faction.isPermanent()) {
sendMessage(Conf.colorChrome+"This faction is permanent, remaining even with no members.");
// show the land value
if (Econ.enabled()) {
double value = Econ.calculateTotalLandValue(faction.getLandRounded());
double refund = value * Conf.econClaimRefundMultiplier;
if (value > 0) {
String stringValue = Econ.moneyString(value);
String stringRefund = (refund > 0.0) ? (" ("+Econ.moneyString(refund)+" depreciated)") : "";
sendMessage(Conf.colorChrome+"Total land value: " + Conf.colorSystem + stringValue + stringRefund);
//Show bank contents
if(Conf.bankEnabled) {
sendMessage(Conf.colorChrome+"Bank contains: " + Conf.colorSystem + Econ.moneyString(faction.getMoney()));
String listpart;
// List relation
String allyList = Conf.colorChrome+"Allies: ";
String enemyList = Conf.colorChrome+"Enemies: ";
for (Faction otherFaction : Faction.getAll()) {
if (otherFaction == faction) {
listpart = otherFaction.getTag(me)+Conf.colorSystem+", ";
if (otherFaction.getRelation(faction).isAlly()) {
allyList += listpart;
} else if (otherFaction.getRelation(faction).isEnemy()) {
enemyList += listpart;
if (allyList.endsWith(", ")) {
allyList = allyList.substring(0, allyList.length()-2);
if (enemyList.endsWith(", ")) {
enemyList = enemyList.substring(0, enemyList.length()-2);
// List the members...
String onlineList = Conf.colorChrome+"Members online: ";
String offlineList = Conf.colorChrome+"Members offline: ";
for (FPlayer follower : admins) {
listpart = follower.getNameAndTitle(me)+Conf.colorSystem+", ";
if (follower.isOnline()) {
onlineList += listpart;
} else {
offlineList += listpart;
for (FPlayer follower : mods) {
listpart = follower.getNameAndTitle(me)+Conf.colorSystem+", ";
if (follower.isOnline()) {
onlineList += listpart;
} else {
offlineList += listpart;
for (FPlayer follower : normals) {
listpart = follower.getNameAndTitle(me)+Conf.colorSystem+", ";
if (follower.isOnline()) {
onlineList += listpart;
} else {
offlineList += listpart;
if (onlineList.endsWith(", ")) {
onlineList = onlineList.substring(0, onlineList.length()-2);
if (offlineList.endsWith(", ")) {
offlineList = offlineList.substring(0, offlineList.length()-2);