Brettflan f8f3704cd4 Additional logging, with new conf.json settings to enable/disable logging of specific events:
"logFactionCreate": true,  - log faction creation
"logFactionDisband": true,  - log factions being disbanded, by command or by circumstance
"logFactionJoin": true,  - log player joining a faction
"logFactionKick": true,  - log player being kicked from a faction
"logFactionLeave": true,  - log player leaving a faction
"logLandClaims": true,  - log land being claimed (including safe zone and war zone)
"logLandUnclaims": true,  - log land being unclaimed (including safe zone and war zone)
"logMoneyTransactions": true,  - log money being deposited, withdrawn, and otherwise transferred in relation to faction banks

Also a fix for a potential NPE from players logging out and Spout appearance handler referencing them afterwards
2011-10-23 12:50:02 -05:00

40 lines
1.0 KiB

package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.Econ;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
public class CmdMoneyWithdraw extends FCommand
public CmdMoneyWithdraw()
this.optionalArgs.put("faction", "yours");
this.permission = Permission.MONEY_WITHDRAW.node;
this.setHelpShort("withdraw money");
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
double amount = this.argAsDouble(0, 0d);
Faction faction = this.argAsFaction(1, myFaction);
if (faction == null) return;
Econ.transferMoney(fme, faction, fme, amount);
if (Conf.logMoneyTransactions)
P.p.log(fme.getName()+" withdrew "+Econ.moneyString(amount)+" from the faction bank: "+faction.getTag());