# ============================================= # Vanilla NBT prented as pseudo-json # ============================================= { id: short Count: byte Damage: short tag: { display: { Name: str Lore: [str] color: int } ench: [ { id: int lvl: int } { id: int lvl: int } ... ] StoredEnchantments: [ { id: int lvl: int } { id: int lvl: int } ... ] title: str author: str pages: [str] map_is_scaling: byte potionColor: int mapColor: int SkullOwner: str CustomPotionEffects: [ { Id: byte Amplifier: byte Duration: int Amplifier: bool } ... ] Explosion: { Flicker: bool Trail: bool Colors: [int] FadeColors: [int] Type: byte } Fireworks: { Flight: byte Explosions: [ *Explosion* ... ] } AttributeModifiers: [ { UUIDMost: long UUIDLeast: long AttributeName: str (one of "generic.attackDamage", "generic.followRange", "generic.knockbackResistance", "generic.maxHealth", "generic.movementSpeed", "horse.jumpStrength" or "zombie.spawnReinforcements") Name: str (may not be empty (or null?)) Amount: double Operation: int (0, 1 or 2) } ... ] Inventory: [ *ItemStack* .... ] } } # ============================================= # Bukkit YAML prented as pseudo-json # ============================================= { type: str damage: short amount: int meta: { meta-type: BOOK, SKULL, LEATHER_ARMOR, MAP, POTION or UNSPECIFIC display-name: str lore: [str] enchants: { id: lvl ... } stored-enchants: { id: lvl ... } repair-cost: int title: str author: str pages: [str] color: { RED: int BLUE: int GREEN: int } scaling: byte skull-owner: str custom-effects: [ { effect: int duration: int amplifier: int ambient: bool } ... ] firework-effect: { flicker: bool trail: bool colors: [ *color* ... ] fade-colors: [ *color* ... ] type: "BALL", "BALL_LARGE", "STAR", "BURST" or "CREEPER" } firework-effects: [ *firework-effect* ... ] power: int } } # ============================================= # MassiveCraft Json prented as pseudo-json # ============================================= { id: int count: int damage: short name: str lore: [str] enchants: { id: lvl id: lvl ... } stored-enchants: { id: lvl id: lvl ... } repaircost: int title: str author: str pages: [str] color: int scaling: bool skull: str effects: [ { id: int duration: int amplifier: int ambient: bool } ... ] firework-effect: { flicker: bool trail: bool colors: [int ...] fade-colors: [int ...] type: str/enum } firework-effects: [ *firework-effect* ... ] firework-flight: int unbreakable: bool flags: [ "HIDE_UNBREAKABLE" ... ] banner-base: byte (dye color) banner: [ *banner-pattern* ... ] }