/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package com.Geekpower14.Quake.Versions; import com.Geekpower14.Quake.Quake; import org.bukkit.Sound; /** * * @author Bl4ckSkull666 */ public class GetSounds { private static Sound _pling = null; public static Sound GetNotePling() { if(_pling == null) { if(Quake.getPlugin()._config.isString("sounds.pling")) { String search = Quake.getPlugin()._config.getString("sounds.pling"); for(Sound s: Sound.values()) { if(s.name().equalsIgnoreCase(search)) { _pling = s; break; } } } if(_pling == null) { for(Sound s: Sound.values()) { if(s.name().equalsIgnoreCase("NOTE_PLING") || s.name().equalsIgnoreCase("BLOCK_NOTE_PLING") || s.name().equalsIgnoreCase("BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING")) { _pling = s; break; } } } } return _pling; } }