/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Includes */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define _LV2_PLUGIN_C_ #include static int current_kit_changed = 0; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DRT_Status DR_LV2_Kit_Sample_Load( DRT_LV2_Base *LV2_Base_Ptr, DRT_Kit *Kit_Ptr) { DRT_Status status; NDT_Node *cur_node_ptr; int sample_id = 0; if( Kit_Ptr != NULL) { // fprintf( stderr, "Sample Rate: (%d)\n", LV2_Base_Ptr->Base.SampleRate); if( ( status = DR_Kit_Sample_Load( Kit_Ptr)) == DRS_OK) { LV2_Base_Ptr->Kit_Cur_Ptr = Kit_Ptr; cur_node_ptr = Kit_Ptr->Instrument_DS_Ptr->Index_Tab[NDD_INDEX_PRIMARY].Head; pthread_mutex_lock( &( LV2_Base_Ptr->Load_Mutex)); for( sample_id = 0; sample_id < DRD_PORT_NUMBER_MAX; sample_id++) { LV2_Base_Ptr->Samples[sample_id].Active = 0; LV2_Base_Ptr->Samples[sample_id].Offset = 0; LV2_Base_Ptr->Samples[sample_id].Limit = 0; LV2_Base_Ptr->Samples[sample_id].Velocity = 0; LV2_Base_Ptr->Samples[sample_id].Layer_Ptr = 0; LV2_Base_Ptr->Samples[sample_id].Data_Ptr = NULL; LV2_Base_Ptr->Samples[sample_id].Data_Offset = 0; LV2_Base_Ptr->Samples[sample_id].Sustained = false; if( cur_node_ptr == NULL) { // fprintf( stderr, "Skip sample\n"); LV2_Base_Ptr->Samples[sample_id].Instrument_Ptr = NULL; } else { LV2_Base_Ptr->Samples[sample_id].Instrument_Ptr = (DRT_Instrument *)cur_node_ptr->Value; cur_node_ptr = cur_node_ptr->Right; // fprintf( stderr, "Add sample: [%s]\n", LV2_Base_Ptr->Samples[sample_id].Instrument_Ptr->Name); } } pthread_mutex_unlock( &( LV2_Base_Ptr->Load_Mutex)); LV2_Base_Ptr->Sample_Number = Kit_Ptr->Instrument_DS_Ptr->Index_Tab[NDD_INDEX_PRIMARY].Node_Number; fprintf( stderr, "Loaded: (%d) instruments!\n", LV2_Base_Ptr->Sample_Number); // DR_Kit_Dump( Kit_Ptr, 0); } } return( status); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DRT_Status DR_LV2_CurKit_Sample_Load( DRT_LV2_Base *LV2_Base_Ptr) { DRT_Status status; DRT_Kit *Kit_Ptr; DRT_Kit_Id kit_id; kit_id = ( LV2_Base_Ptr->Bank_Id_LSB_New * 128 + LV2_Base_Ptr->Bank_Id_MSB_New) * 128 + LV2_Base_Ptr->Program_Id_New; if( kit_id == LV2_Base_Ptr->Kit_Id) { fprintf( stderr, "Same kit id: (%d) Bank/Program: (%d/%d/%d) Name: [%s]!\n", kit_id, LV2_Base_Ptr->Bank_Id_LSB_New, LV2_Base_Ptr->Bank_Id_MSB_New, LV2_Base_Ptr->Program_Id_New, LV2_Base_Ptr->Kit_Cur_Ptr->Name); status = DRS_OK; } else { if( ( status = DR_Kit_Logical_Id_Find( &Kit_Ptr, LV2_Base_Ptr->Base.Kit_DS_Ptr, kit_id)) != DRS_OK) { fprintf( stderr, "Can't find kit id: (%d) Bank/Program: (%d/%d/%d)!\n", kit_id, LV2_Base_Ptr->Bank_Id_LSB_New, LV2_Base_Ptr->Bank_Id_MSB_New, LV2_Base_Ptr->Program_Id_New); if( LV2_Base_Ptr->Kit_Id == DRD_ID_UNKNOWN) { fprintf( stderr, "No Kit available!\n"); status=DRS_KO; } else { fprintf( stderr, "Keep kit id: (%d) Bank/Program: (%d/%d/%d) Name: [%s]!\n", LV2_Base_Ptr->Kit_Id, LV2_Base_Ptr->Bank_Id_LSB, LV2_Base_Ptr->Bank_Id_MSB, LV2_Base_Ptr->Program_Id, LV2_Base_Ptr->Kit_Cur_Ptr->Name); } } else { fprintf( stderr, "New kit id: (%d) Bank/Program: (%d/%d/%d) Name: [%s]!\n", kit_id, LV2_Base_Ptr->Bank_Id_LSB_New, LV2_Base_Ptr->Bank_Id_MSB_New, LV2_Base_Ptr->Program_Id_New, Kit_Ptr->Name); LV2_Base_Ptr->Bank_Id_LSB = LV2_Base_Ptr->Bank_Id_LSB_New; LV2_Base_Ptr->Bank_Id_MSB = LV2_Base_Ptr->Bank_Id_MSB_New; LV2_Base_Ptr->Program_Id = LV2_Base_Ptr->Program_Id_New; LV2_Base_Ptr->Kit_Id = kit_id; LV2_Base_Ptr->Kit_Cur_Ptr = Kit_Ptr; status = DR_LV2_Kit_Sample_Load( LV2_Base_Ptr, Kit_Ptr); } } return( status); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void *DR_LV2_Load_Thread( DRT_LV2_Base *LV2_Base_Ptr) { DRT_Status status; fprintf( stderr, "Start Load Thread!\n"); for(;;) { pthread_mutex_lock( &( LV2_Base_Ptr->Load_Mutex)); pthread_cond_wait( &( LV2_Base_Ptr->Load_Cond), &( LV2_Base_Ptr->Load_Mutex)); fprintf( stderr, "Load_Thread: New load!\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock( &(LV2_Base_Ptr->Load_Mutex)); if( ( status = DR_LV2_CurKit_Sample_Load( LV2_Base_Ptr)) != DRS_OK) { fprintf( stderr, "Can't load kit sample (%d) !", status); } pthread_mutex_lock( &(LV2_Base_Ptr->Load_Mutex)); pthread_mutex_unlock( &(LV2_Base_Ptr->Load_Mutex)); /* // old_samples = LV2_Base_Ptr->Samples; // old_scount = LV2_Base_Ptr->Num_Samples; request_orig = request = LV2_Base_Ptr->Request_Buf[ LV2_Base_Ptr->CurReq]; if( !strncmp( request, "file://", 7)) { request += 7; } // loaded_samples = load_hydrogen_kit(request,drmr->rate,&loaded_count); if( !loaded_samples) { fprintf(stderr,"Failed to load kit at: %s\n",request); pthread_mutex_lock( &(LV2_Base_Ptr->Load_Mutex)); // LV2_Base_Ptr->Num_Samples = 0; // LV2_Base_Ptr->Samples = NULL; pthread_mutex_unlock( &(LV2_Base_Ptr->Load_Mutex)); } else { // just lock for the critical moment when we swap in the new kit printf( "loaded kit at: %s\n", request); pthread_mutex_lock( &(LV2_Base_Ptr->Load_Mutex)); // LV2_Base_Ptr->Samples = loaded_samples; // LV2_Base_Ptr->Num_Samples = loaded_count; pthread_mutex_unlock( &(LV2_Base_Ptr->Load_Mutex)); } // if( old_scount > 0) free_samples( old_samples, old_scount); LV2_Base_Ptr->Current_Path = request_orig; current_kit_changed = 1; */ } return 0; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* static inline LV2_Atom *build_update_message(DrMr *drmr) { LV2_Atom_Forge_Frame set_frame; LV2_Atom *msg = (LV2_Atom *)lv2_atom_forge_object( &drmr->forge, &set_frame, 1, drmr->uris.ui_msg); if (drmr->current_path) { lv2_atom_forge_property_head( &drmr->forge, drmr->uris.kit_path, 0); lv2_atom_forge_string( &drmr->forge, drmr->current_path, strlen(drmr->current_path)); } lv2_atom_forge_pop( &drmr->forge,&set_frame); return msg; } */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* static inline LV2_Atom *build_state_message(DrMr *drmr) { LV2_Atom_Forge_Frame set_frame; LV2_Atom *msg = (LV2_Atom *)lv2_atom_forge_object( &drmr->forge, &set_frame, 1, drmr->uris.get_state); if( drmr->current_path) { lv2_atom_forge_property_head( &drmr->forge, drmr->uris.kit_path, 0); lv2_atom_forge_string( &drmr->forge, drmr->current_path, strlen( drmr->current_path)); } lv2_atom_forge_property_head(&drmr->forge, drmr->uris.velocity_toggle,0); lv2_atom_forge_bool(&drmr->forge, drmr->ignore_velocity?true:false); lv2_atom_forge_property_head(&drmr->forge, drmr->uris.note_off_toggle,0); lv2_atom_forge_bool(&drmr->forge, drmr->ignore_note_off?true:false); lv2_atom_forge_property_head(&drmr->forge, drmr->uris.channel_nb,0); lv2_atom_forge_int(&drmr->forge, drmr->channel_nb); lv2_atom_forge_property_head(&drmr->forge, drmr->uris.zero_position,0); lv2_atom_forge_int(&drmr->forge, drmr->zero_position); lv2_atom_forge_pop(&drmr->forge,&set_frame); return msg; } */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static inline LV2_Atom *DR_LV2_Message_Midi_Info_Build( DRT_LV2_Base *LV2_Base_Ptr, uint8_t *Data) { LV2_Atom_Forge_Frame set_frame; LV2_Atom *msg; msg = (LV2_Atom *)lv2_atom_forge_object( &( LV2_Base_Ptr->Forge), &set_frame, 1, LV2_Base_Ptr->URIS.midi_info); lv2_atom_forge_property_head( &( LV2_Base_Ptr->Forge), LV2_Base_Ptr->URIS.midi_event, 0); lv2_atom_forge_write( &( LV2_Base_Ptr->Forge), Data, 3); lv2_atom_forge_pop( &( LV2_Base_Ptr->Forge), &set_frame); return( msg); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* static inline void layer_to_sample( drmr_sample *sample, float gain) { int i; float mapped_gain = ( 1 - ( gain / GAIN_MIN)); if( mapped_gain > 1.0f) mapped_gain = 1.0f; for( i = 0; i < sample->layer_count; i++) { if( sample->layers[i].min <= mapped_gain && (sample->layers[i].max > mapped_gain || (sample->layers[i].max == 1 && mapped_gain == 1))) { sample->limit = sample->layers[i].limit; sample->info = sample->layers[i].info; sample->data = sample->layers[i].data; return; } } fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't find layer for gain %f in sample\n\n",gain); // to avoid not playing something, and to deal with kits like the // k-27_trash_kit, let's just use the first layer sample->limit = sample->layers[0].limit; sample->info = sample->layers[0].info; sample->data = sample->layers[0].data; } */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static inline void DR_Layer_To_Sample( DRT_Sample *Sample_Ptr, float Gain) { NDT_Node *first_node_ptr, *cur_node_ptr; DRT_Layer *cur_layer_ptr; int i = 0; DRT_Boolean found = DRD_FALSE; // float mapped_gain = ( 1 - ( Gain / DRD_GAIN_MIN)); float mapped_gain = Gain; if( mapped_gain > 1.0f) mapped_gain = 1.0f; first_node_ptr = Sample_Ptr->Instrument_Ptr->Layer_DS_Ptr->Index_Tab[NDD_INDEX_PRIMARY].Head; cur_node_ptr = first_node_ptr; while( ( cur_node_ptr != NULL) && ( found == DRD_FALSE)) { cur_layer_ptr = (DRT_Layer *)cur_node_ptr->Value; if( ( cur_layer_ptr->Min <= mapped_gain) && ( ( cur_layer_ptr->Max > mapped_gain) || ( ( cur_layer_ptr->Max == 1) && ( mapped_gain == 1)))) { found = DRD_TRUE; } else { cur_node_ptr = cur_node_ptr->Right; i++; } } if( cur_node_ptr == NULL) { cur_node_ptr = first_node_ptr; cur_layer_ptr = (DRT_Layer *)cur_node_ptr->Value; i=0; } Sample_Ptr->Layer_Ptr = cur_layer_ptr; Sample_Ptr->Data_Ptr = cur_layer_ptr->Sample_Ptr; Sample_Ptr->Limit = cur_layer_ptr->Sample_Size; Sample_Ptr->SF_Info_Ptr = cur_layer_ptr->SF_Info_Ptr; fprintf( stderr, "Layer: (%d) MGain: (%f) Gain: (%f)\n", i, mapped_gain, Gain); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static inline void DR_Sample_Trigger( DRT_LV2_Base *LV2_Base_Ptr, int Sample_Id, uint8_t *const Data, uint32_t Offset) { // need to mutex this to avoid getting the samples array // changed after the check that the midi-note is valid pthread_mutex_lock( &( LV2_Base_Ptr->Load_Mutex)); fprintf( stderr, "Trigger Sample: Id: (%d) Offset: (%d)\n", Sample_Id, Offset); if( ( Sample_Id >= 0) && ( Sample_Id < LV2_Base_Ptr->Sample_Number)) { if( Data) { lv2_atom_forge_frame_time( &( LV2_Base_Ptr->Forge), 0); DR_LV2_Message_Midi_Info_Build( LV2_Base_Ptr, Data); } LV2_Base_Ptr->Samples[Sample_Id].Active = 1; LV2_Base_Ptr->Samples[Sample_Id].Offset = 0; LV2_Base_Ptr->Samples[Sample_Id].Velocity = LV2_Base_Ptr->Base.Velocity_Ignore ? 1.0f : ( (float)Data[2]) / DRD_VELOCITY_MAX; LV2_Base_Ptr->Samples[Sample_Id].Data_Offset = Offset; LV2_Base_Ptr->Samples[Sample_Id].Sustained = false; if( LV2_Base_Ptr->Samples[Sample_Id].Instrument_Ptr->Layer_DS_Ptr->Index_Tab[NDD_INDEX_PRIMARY].Node_Number > 0) { // drmr currently has 32 hard-coded gains so just use the last gain // to prevent a segfault int gain_idx = Sample_Id < 32 ? Sample_Id : 31; // DR_Layer_To_Sample( &(LV2_Base_Ptr->Samples[Sample_Id]), *( LV2_Base_Ptr->Gains[ gain_idx])); DR_Layer_To_Sample( &(LV2_Base_Ptr->Samples[Sample_Id]), LV2_Base_Ptr->Samples[Sample_Id].Velocity); if( LV2_Base_Ptr->Samples[Sample_Id].Limit == 0) fprintf(stderr,"Failed to find layer at: %i for %f\n", Sample_Id, *( LV2_Base_Ptr->Gains[ gain_idx])); } } pthread_mutex_unlock( &( LV2_Base_Ptr->Load_Mutex)); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static inline void DR_Sample_Untrigger( DRT_LV2_Base *LV2_Base_Ptr, int Sample_Id, uint32_t Offset) { pthread_mutex_lock( &( LV2_Base_Ptr->Load_Mutex)); if( LV2_Base_Ptr->Sustain == true) { fprintf( stderr, "Sustains Sample: Id: (%d) Offset: (%d)\n", Sample_Id, Offset); LV2_Base_Ptr->Samples[Sample_Id].Sustained = true; } else { fprintf( stderr, "UnTrigger Sample: Id: (%d) Offset: (%d)\n", Sample_Id, Offset); /* if (nn >= 0 && nn < drmr->num_samples) { if (drmr->samples[nn].layer_count > 0) { layer_to_sample(drmr->samples+nn,*(drmr->gains[nn])); if (drmr->samples[nn].limit == 0) fprintf(stderr,"Failed to find layer at: %i for %f\n",nn,*drmr->gains[nn]); } drmr->samples[nn].active = 0; drmr->samples[nn].dataoffset = offset; } */ LV2_Base_Ptr->Samples[Sample_Id].Active = 0; LV2_Base_Ptr->Samples[Sample_Id].Data_Offset = Offset; LV2_Base_Ptr->Samples[Sample_Id].Sustained = false; } pthread_mutex_unlock( &( LV2_Base_Ptr->Load_Mutex)); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static inline void DR_Sample_UnSustain( DRT_LV2_Base *LV2_Base_Ptr, uint32_t Offset) { int sample_id; for( sample_id =0; sample_id < DRD_PORT_NUMBER_MAX; sample_id++) { if( LV2_Base_Ptr->Samples[sample_id].Sustained) { DR_Sample_Untrigger( LV2_Base_Ptr, sample_id, Offset); } } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static LV2_Handle DR_LV2_Instantiate( const LV2_Descriptor *LV2_Descriptor_Ptr, double SampleRate, const char *Bundle_Path, const LV2_Feature* const *LV2_Features_Ptr) { DRT_Status status; int i; DRT_LV2_Base *lv2_base_ptr; fprintf( stderr, "LV2 Instantiate\n"); if( ( lv2_base_ptr = malloc( sizeof( DRT_LV2_Base))) == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "Can't allocate LV2 Base!\n"); return( (LV2_Handle)NULL); } lv2_base_ptr->Kit_Cur_Ptr = NULL; lv2_base_ptr->Bank_Id_LSB = -1; lv2_base_ptr->Bank_Id_LSB = -1; lv2_base_ptr->Program_Id = -1; lv2_base_ptr->Bank_Id_LSB_New = 0; lv2_base_ptr->Bank_Id_MSB_New = 0; lv2_base_ptr->Program_Id_New = 0; lv2_base_ptr->Kit_Id = DRD_ID_UNKNOWN; lv2_base_ptr->Current_Path = NULL; lv2_base_ptr->CurReq = -1; lv2_base_ptr->Channel_Nb = 0; lv2_base_ptr->Zero_Position = 0; lv2_base_ptr->Sustain = false; lv2_base_ptr->Sample_Number = 0; while( *LV2_Features_Ptr != NULL) { if( !strcmp( (*LV2_Features_Ptr)->URI, LV2_URID_URI "#map")) { lv2_base_ptr->Map_Ptr = (LV2_URID_Map *)((*LV2_Features_Ptr)->data); } LV2_Features_Ptr++; } if( lv2_base_ptr->Map_Ptr == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "LV2 host does not support urid#map!\n"); } else { if( pthread_mutex_init( &( lv2_base_ptr->Load_Mutex), 0)) { fprintf( stderr, "Could not initialize load_mutex!\n"); } else if( pthread_cond_init( &( lv2_base_ptr->Load_Cond), 0)) { fprintf( stderr, "Could not initialize load_cond!\n"); } else { DR_Map_Drummer_URIS( lv2_base_ptr->Map_Ptr, &(lv2_base_ptr->URIS)); lv2_atom_forge_init( &(lv2_base_ptr->Forge), lv2_base_ptr->Map_Ptr); if( pthread_create( &lv2_base_ptr->Load_Thread, 0, (void * (*)(void *))DR_LV2_Load_Thread, lv2_base_ptr)) { fprintf( stderr, "Could not initialize loading thread!\n"); } else { if( ( lv2_base_ptr->Request_Buf = malloc( DRD_REQ_BUF_SIZE * sizeof(char *))) == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "Cant'allocate Request buffer!\n"); } else { memset( lv2_base_ptr->Request_Buf, 0, DRD_REQ_BUF_SIZE * sizeof(char *)); if( ( lv2_base_ptr->Left = malloc( DRD_PORT_NUMBER_MAX * sizeof(float *))) == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "Cant'allocate Left buffer!\n"); free( lv2_base_ptr); return( NULL); } else { if( ( lv2_base_ptr->Right = malloc( DRD_PORT_NUMBER_MAX * sizeof(float *))) == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "Cant'allocate Right buffer!\n"); } else { if( ( lv2_base_ptr->Gains = malloc( DRD_PORT_NUMBER_MAX * sizeof(float *))) == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "Cant'allocate Gains buffer!\n"); } else { if( ( lv2_base_ptr->Pans = malloc( DRD_PORT_NUMBER_MAX * sizeof(float *))) == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "Cant'allocate Pans buffer!\n"); } else { for( i = 0; i < 32; i++) { lv2_base_ptr->Gains[i] = NULL; lv2_base_ptr->Pans[i] = NULL; } if( ( status = DR_DataStruct_Init( &( lv2_base_ptr->Base), (DRT_SampleRate)SampleRate, DRD_THREAD_NUMBER_DEFAULT)) != DRS_OK) { fprintf( stderr, "Can't init data structures (%d)!\n", status); } else { if( ( status = DR_Kits_Load( & ( lv2_base_ptr->Base))) != DRS_OK) { fprintf( stderr, "Can't load kits (%d)!\n", status); } else { if( ( status = DR_LV2_CurKit_Sample_Load( lv2_base_ptr)) != DRS_OK) { fprintf( stderr, "Can't load kit sample (%d)!\n", status); } else { return( (LV2_Handle)lv2_base_ptr); } } DR_DataStruct_DeInit( &( lv2_base_ptr->Base)); } } free( lv2_base_ptr->Gains); } free( lv2_base_ptr->Right); } free( lv2_base_ptr->Left); } free( lv2_base_ptr->Request_Buf); } } } } free( lv2_base_ptr); return( (LV2_Handle)NULL); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void DR_LV2_Connect_Port( LV2_Handle Instance_Ptr, uint32_t Port_Id, void *Data_Ptr) { DRT_LV2_Base *lv2_base_ptr = (DRT_LV2_Base *)Instance_Ptr; DRT_Port_Index port_index = (DRT_Port_Index)Port_Id; // fprintf( stderr, "LV2 Connect Port (%d)!\n", Port_Id); switch( port_index) { case DRD_LV2_CONTROL: { lv2_base_ptr->Control_Port = (LV2_Atom_Sequence *)Data_Ptr; break; } case DRD_LV2_CORE_EVENT: { lv2_base_ptr->Core_Event_Port = (LV2_Atom_Sequence *)Data_Ptr; break; } case DRD_LV2_BASENOTE: { if( Data_Ptr) lv2_base_ptr->BaseNote = (float *)Data_Ptr; break; } default: { if( port_index == DRD_LV2_MASTER_LEFT) { lv2_base_ptr->Master_Left = (float *)Data_Ptr; } else if( port_index == DRD_LV2_MASTER_RIGHT) { lv2_base_ptr->Master_Right = (float *)Data_Ptr; } else if( port_index >= DRD_LV2_LEFT_00 && port_index <= DRD_LV2_RIGHT_31) { int outoff = (port_index - DRD_LV2_LEFT_00) / 2; if( ( port_index - DRD_LV2_LEFT_00) % 2) { lv2_base_ptr->Right[outoff] = (float *)Data_Ptr; } else { lv2_base_ptr->Left[outoff] = (float *)Data_Ptr; } } else if( port_index >= DRD_LV2_GAIN_00 && port_index <= DRD_LV2_GAIN_31) { int goff = port_index - DRD_LV2_GAIN_00; lv2_base_ptr->Gains[goff] = (float *)Data_Ptr; } else if( port_index >= DRD_LV2_PAN_00 && port_index <= DRD_LV2_PAN_31) { int poff = port_index - DRD_LV2_PAN_00; lv2_base_ptr->Pans[poff] = (float *)Data_Ptr; } else { fprintf( stderr, "LV2 Connect Port: unknown port: (%d)!\n", Port_Id); } break; } } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void DR_LV2_Run( LV2_Handle Instance_Ptr, uint32_t N_Samples) { DRT_Status status; int i, j, basenote; DRT_LV2_Base *lv2_base_ptr = (DRT_LV2_Base *)Instance_Ptr; // fprintf( stderr, "LV2 Run!\n"); basenote = (int)floorf( *( lv2_base_ptr->BaseNote)); const uint32_t event_capacity = lv2_base_ptr->Core_Event_Port->atom.size; lv2_atom_forge_set_buffer( &lv2_base_ptr->Forge, (uint8_t *)lv2_base_ptr->Core_Event_Port, event_capacity); LV2_Atom_Forge_Frame seq_frame; lv2_atom_forge_sequence_head( &(lv2_base_ptr->Forge), &seq_frame, 0); LV2_ATOM_SEQUENCE_FOREACH( lv2_base_ptr->Control_Port, ev_ptr) { // fprintf( stderr, "LV2 Event!\n"); if( ev_ptr->body.type == lv2_base_ptr->URIS.midi_event) { uint8_t nn; uint8_t *const data = (uint8_t *const)(ev_ptr + 1); uint32_t offset = ( ev_ptr->time.frames > 0 && ev_ptr->time.frames < N_Samples) ? ev_ptr->time.frames : 0; uint8_t channel = *data & 15; uint8_t controler; uint8_t value; // fprintf( stderr, " Midi Event!\n"); if( ( lv2_base_ptr->Channel_Nb == 0) || ( channel == ( lv2_base_ptr->Channel_Nb - 1))) { switch( ( *data) >> 4) { case 8: // Note Off { if( !lv2_base_ptr->Base.Note_Off_Ignore) { nn = data[1]; nn -= basenote; DR_Sample_Untrigger( lv2_base_ptr, nn, offset); } break; } case 9: // Note On { nn = data[1]; nn -= basenote; DR_Sample_Trigger( lv2_base_ptr, nn, data, offset); break; } case 11: // Control Change { controler = data[1]; value = data[2]; switch( controler) { case 0: // Bank MSB Select { fprintf( stderr, "Bank MSB select: (%d)!\n", value); lv2_base_ptr->Bank_Id_MSB_New = value; break; } case 32: // Bank LSB Select { fprintf( stderr, "Bank LSB select: (%d)!\n", value); lv2_base_ptr->Bank_Id_LSB_New = value; break; } case 64: // Sustain { fprintf( stderr, "Sustain: (%d)!\n", value); if( value == 127) { lv2_base_ptr->Sustain = true; } else { lv2_base_ptr->Sustain = false; } if( !( lv2_base_ptr->Sustain)) { DR_Sample_UnSustain( lv2_base_ptr, offset); } break; } default: { fprintf( stderr, "Unhandled controler: (%d) value: (%d)!\n", controler, value); break; } } break; } case 12: // Program Change { value = data[1]; fprintf( stderr, "Program change: (%d)!\n", value); lv2_base_ptr->Program_Id_New = value; pthread_cond_signal( &( lv2_base_ptr->Load_Cond)); /* if( ( status = DR_LV2_CurKit_Sample_Load( lv2_base_ptr)) != DRS_OK) { fprintf( stderr, "Can't load kit sample (%d) !", status); } */ /* int reqpos = ( lv2_base_ptr->CurReq + 1) % DRD_REQ_BUF_SIZE; char *tmp = NULL; if( reqpos >= 0 && lv2_base_ptr->Request_Buf[reqpos]) tmp = lv2_base_ptr->Request_Buf[reqpos]; lv2_base_ptr->Request_Buf[reqpos] = strdup( LV2_ATOM_BODY( lv2_base_ptr->Kit_Id)); lv2_base_ptr->CurReq = reqpos; if( tmp) free(tmp); fprintf( stderr, "Path!\n"); */ break; } default: { // fprintf( stderr, "Unhandeled status: (%i) Data 1: (%i) Data 2: (%d)\n", ( *data) >> 4, data[1], data[2]); break; } } } } else if( ev_ptr->body.type == lv2_base_ptr->URIS.atom_object) { fprintf( stderr, "LV2 AO...\n"); const LV2_Atom_Object *obj_ptr = (LV2_Atom_Object *)&(ev_ptr->body); if( obj_ptr->body.otype == lv2_base_ptr->URIS.ui_msg) { const LV2_Atom *path = NULL; const LV2_Atom *trigger = NULL; const LV2_Atom *ignvel = NULL; const LV2_Atom *ignno = NULL; const LV2_Atom *channel_nb = NULL; const LV2_Atom *zerop = NULL; const LV2_Atom *sample_add = NULL; const LV2_Atom *sample_remove = NULL; lv2_atom_object_get( obj_ptr, lv2_base_ptr->URIS.kit_path, &path, lv2_base_ptr->URIS.sample_trigger, &trigger, lv2_base_ptr->URIS.velocity_toggle, &ignvel, lv2_base_ptr->URIS.note_off_toggle, &ignno, lv2_base_ptr->URIS.channel_nb, &channel_nb, lv2_base_ptr->URIS.zero_position, &zerop, lv2_base_ptr->URIS.sample_add, &sample_add, lv2_base_ptr->URIS.sample_remove, &sample_remove, 0); if( path) { int reqpos = ( lv2_base_ptr->CurReq + 1) % DRD_REQ_BUF_SIZE; char *tmp = NULL; if( reqpos >= 0 && lv2_base_ptr->Request_Buf[reqpos]) tmp = lv2_base_ptr->Request_Buf[reqpos]; lv2_base_ptr->Request_Buf[reqpos] = strdup( LV2_ATOM_BODY( path)); lv2_base_ptr->CurReq = reqpos; if( tmp) free(tmp); fprintf( stderr, "Path!\n"); } if( trigger) { int32_t si = ( ( const LV2_Atom_Int *)trigger)->body; uint8_t mdata[3]; uint32_t offset = ( ev_ptr->time.frames > 0 && ev_ptr->time.frames < N_Samples) ? ev_ptr->time.frames : 0; fprintf(stderr, "Trigger event!\n"); mdata[0] = 0x90; // note on mdata[1] = si + basenote; mdata[2] = 0x7f; DR_Sample_Trigger( lv2_base_ptr, si, mdata, offset); } if( ignvel) lv2_base_ptr->Base.Velocity_Ignore = ((const LV2_Atom_Bool*)ignvel)->body; if( ignno) lv2_base_ptr->Base.Note_Off_Ignore = ((const LV2_Atom_Bool*)ignno)->body; if( channel_nb) lv2_base_ptr->Channel_Nb = ((const LV2_Atom_Int*)channel_nb)->body; if( zerop) lv2_base_ptr->Zero_Position = ((const LV2_Atom_Int*)zerop)->body; if( sample_add) { fprintf(stderr, "Sample Add event!\n"); lv2_atom_forge_frame_time( &lv2_base_ptr->Forge, 0); // build_update_message( lv2_base_ptr); } if( sample_remove) { fprintf(stderr, "Sample Remove event (%d)\n", ( ( const LV2_Atom_Int *)sample_remove)->body); lv2_atom_forge_frame_time( &(lv2_base_ptr->Forge), 0); // build_update_message( lv2_base_ptr); } fprintf( stderr, "LV2 AO End!\n"); } else if( obj_ptr->body.otype == lv2_base_ptr->URIS.get_state) { lv2_atom_forge_frame_time( &(lv2_base_ptr->Forge), 0); // build_state_message( lv2_base_ptr); } } else { fprintf( stderr, "unrecognized event (%d) != (%d)\n", ev_ptr->body.type, lv2_base_ptr->URIS.atom_object); } } /* if( ( lv2_base_ptr->curReq >= 0) && lv2_base_ptr->request_buf[lv2_base_ptr->curReq] && ( !lv2_base_ptr->Current_Path || strcmp( lv2_base_ptr->Current_Path, lv2_base_ptr->Request_Buf[lv2_base_ptr->Cur_Req]))) { pthread_cond_signal( &( lv2_base_ptr->Load_Cond)); } */ /* if( current_kit_changed) { current_kit_changed = 0; lv2_atom_forge_frame_time( &drmr->forge, 0); build_update_message( drmr); fprintf(stderr, "Kit Changes!\n"); } */ lv2_atom_forge_pop( &( lv2_base_ptr->Forge), &seq_frame); pthread_mutex_lock( &( lv2_base_ptr->Load_Mutex)); for( j = 0; j < N_Samples; j++) { lv2_base_ptr->Master_Left[j] = 0.0f; lv2_base_ptr->Master_Right[j] = 0.0f; } for( i = 0; i < DR_MIN( lv2_base_ptr->Sample_Number, 32); i++) { int pos,lim; DRT_Sample *cur_sample = lv2_base_ptr->Samples + i; if( ( cur_sample->Active || cur_sample->Data_Offset) && ( cur_sample->Limit > 0)) { float coef_right, coef_left; // fprintf( stderr, "."); if( i < 32) { float gain = DRD_DB_CO( *( lv2_base_ptr->Gains[i])); float pan_right = ( ( *( lv2_base_ptr->Pans[i])) + 1 ) / 2.0f; float pan_left = 1 - pan_right; coef_right = ( pan_right * ( DRD_DB3SCALE * pan_right + DRD_DB3SCALEPO)) * gain * cur_sample->Velocity; coef_left = ( pan_left * ( DRD_DB3SCALE * pan_left + DRD_DB3SCALEPO)) * gain * cur_sample->Velocity; } else { coef_right = coef_left = 1.0f; } int data_start, data_end; if( cur_sample->Active) { data_start = cur_sample->Data_Offset; data_end = N_Samples; } else { data_start = 0; data_end = cur_sample->Data_Offset; } cur_sample->Data_Offset = 0; for( j = 0; j < N_Samples; j++) { lv2_base_ptr->Left[i][j] = 0.0f; lv2_base_ptr->Right[i][j] = 0.0f; } if( cur_sample->SF_Info_Ptr->channels == 1) { // play mono sample lim = ( N_Samples < ( cur_sample->Limit - cur_sample->Offset) ? N_Samples : ( cur_sample->Limit - cur_sample->Offset)); for( pos = data_start; ( pos < lim) && ( pos < data_end); pos++) { lv2_base_ptr->Master_Left[pos] += cur_sample->Data_Ptr[ cur_sample->Offset] * coef_left; lv2_base_ptr->Left[i][pos] += cur_sample->Data_Ptr[ cur_sample->Offset] * coef_left; lv2_base_ptr->Master_Right[pos] += cur_sample->Data_Ptr[ cur_sample->Offset] * coef_right; lv2_base_ptr->Right[i][pos] += cur_sample->Data_Ptr[ cur_sample->Offset] * coef_right; cur_sample->Offset++; } } else { // play stereo sample lim = ( cur_sample->Limit - cur_sample->Offset) / cur_sample->SF_Info_Ptr->channels; if( lim > N_Samples) lim = N_Samples; for( pos = data_start; ( pos < lim) && ( pos < data_end); pos++) { lv2_base_ptr->Master_Left[pos] += cur_sample->Data_Ptr[ cur_sample->Offset] * coef_left; lv2_base_ptr->Left[i][pos] += cur_sample->Data_Ptr[ cur_sample->Offset++] * coef_left; lv2_base_ptr->Master_Right[pos] += cur_sample->Data_Ptr[ cur_sample->Offset] * coef_right; lv2_base_ptr->Right[i][pos] += cur_sample->Data_Ptr[ cur_sample->Offset++] * coef_right; } } if( cur_sample->Offset >= cur_sample->Limit) cur_sample->Active = 0; } } pthread_mutex_unlock( &( lv2_base_ptr->Load_Mutex)); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void DR_LV2_Cleanup( LV2_Handle Instance_Ptr) { DRT_Status status; DRT_LV2_Base *lv2_base_ptr = (DRT_LV2_Base *)Instance_Ptr; fprintf( stderr, "LV2 Cleanup!\n"); DR_Tasks_Dump( &( lv2_base_ptr->Base)); DR_Kits_Stats_Dump( &( lv2_base_ptr->Base)); if( ( status = DR_DataStruct_DeInit( &( lv2_base_ptr->Base))) != DRS_OK) { printf( "Can't deinit data structures (%d)!\n", status); } free( lv2_base_ptr->Gains); free( lv2_base_ptr->Right); free( lv2_base_ptr->Left); free( lv2_base_ptr->Request_Buf); free( lv2_base_ptr); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static LV2_State_Status DR_LV2_Save_State( LV2_Handle instance, LV2_State_Store_Function store, void *handle, uint32_t flags, const LV2_Feature *const *features) { LV2_State_Status lv2_status = LV2_STATE_SUCCESS; fprintf( stderr, "LV2 Save State!\n"); return( lv2_status); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static LV2_State_Status DR_LV2_Restore_State( LV2_Handle instance, LV2_State_Retrieve_Function retrieve, void *handle, uint32_t flags, const LV2_Feature *const *features) { LV2_State_Status lv2_status = LV2_STATE_SUCCESS; fprintf( stderr, "LV2 Restore State!\n"); return( lv2_status); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* LV2_State_Interface */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static const LV2_State_Interface DRG_LV2_State_Interface = { DR_LV2_Save_State, DR_LV2_Restore_State }; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static const void *DR_LV2_Extension_Data( const char *uri) { if( !strcmp( uri, LV2_STATE__interface)) { return &DRG_LV2_State_Interface; } return NULL; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* LV2_Descritor */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static const LV2_Descriptor DRG_LV2_Descriptor = { DRD_DRUMMER_URI, DR_LV2_Instantiate, DR_LV2_Connect_Port, NULL, // activate DR_LV2_Run, NULL, // deactivate DR_LV2_Cleanup, DR_LV2_Extension_Data }; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ LV2_SYMBOL_EXPORT const LV2_Descriptor *lv2_descriptor( uint32_t index) { switch (index) { case 0: { return &DRG_LV2_Descriptor; } default: { return NULL; } } }