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2006-03-01 00:28:21 +01:00
/* $RCSfile: database.h,v $ */
/* $Revision: 1.1 $ */
/* $Name: $ */
/* $Date: 2006/02/28 23:28:21 $ */
/* $Author: agibert $ */
/* This file is part of LibDataBase */
/* */
/* LibDataBase is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
/* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence as published by */
/* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or */
/* (at your option) any later version. */
/* */
/* LibDataBase is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
/* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with LibDataBase; if not, write to the Free Software */
/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#ifndef DATABASE_H
#define DATABASE_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <oci.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* API return codes */
typedef int DBT_Status;
#define DB_ERROR(s) ((s) < 0)
#define DBS_OK 1 /* OK */
#define DBS_END_OF_DATA 2 /* No more data available */
#define DBS_ERRAPI -1 /* Bad use of arguments */
#define DBS_ERROCI -2 /* OCI problem */
#define DBS_ERRMEM -3 /* Not enough memory */
#define ERROR_TO_STRING(e) \
((e) == DBS_OK) ? "OK" : \
((e) == DBS_END_OF_DATA) ? "END_OF_DATA" : \
((e) == DBS_ERRAPI) ? "ERRAPI" : \
((e) == DBS_ERROCI) ? "ERROCI" : \
((e) == DBS_ERRMEM) ? "ERRMEM" : "Unknown Error"
/* Library opening mode */
#define DBD_ERRMSG 1
#define DBD_DEBUG 2
/* DB type */
#define DBD_ORACLE 1
/* data types for host variables */
#define DBD_STRING 1
#define DBD_INTEGER 2
#define DBD_FLOAT 3
#define DBD_DOUBLE 4
#define DBD_DATE 5
#define DBD_ROWID 6
/* Types */
typedef sb2 DBT_Indicator;
typedef void *DBT_Date_Ptr; /* Date is an abstract type, allocated only from the library */
typedef struct {
int rowsProcessed; /* rows fetched/inserted/updated, always valid on SELECT statements, */
/* otherwise -1 if it couldn't be determined */
int errorIteration; /* iteration which caused the error; -1 if it couldn't be determined */
} DBT_Result;
typedef struct {
OCIEnv * envhp; /* Handle d'environnement */
OCIError * errhp; /* Handle d'erreur */
OCIServer * srvhp; /* Handle de serveur */
OCISvcCtx * svchp; /* Handle de context */
OCISession * authp; /* Handle de session ouverte */
OCITrans * transp; /* Handle de transaction */
int handlesAreValid; /* true if all handles are valid */
char error[512]; /* erreur OCI */
dword errorCode; /* code erreur OCI */
} DBT_Connection;
typedef struct {
DBT_Connection *connection;
OCIStmt *handle; /* Handle de requ<71>te */
OCIError *errhp; /* Handle d'erreur */
char error[512]; /* erreur OCI */
dword errorCode; /* code erreur OCI */
int isPrepared;
int isExecuted;
int isSelect;
int varsDefined;
int varsBound;
int rowsToFetch;
int rowsBound;
int rowsFetchedSoFar; /* total rows fetched so far for a query */
int isEOF; /* true if EOF reached fetching data (SELECT statements) */
} DBT_Statement;
typedef struct {
int type; /* type de la valeur */
int size; /* taille du buffer pour une valeur */
void *value; /* pointeur sur la valeur ou le tableau de valeurs */
DBT_Indicator *indicator; /* pointeur sur l'indicateur ou le tableau d'indicateurs */
} DBT_HostVar;
/* Opens library and initializes OCI environment. */
/* (I) debugFlags: 0, DBD_ERRMSG, DBD_DEBUG or a binary OR-ed combination. */
DBT_Status DB_Library_Open(int debugFlags);
/* Closes library and OCI environment. */
DBT_Status DB_Library_Close(void);
/* Gets last error message generated by the library. */
const char *DB_Error_Message_Get (void);
/* Connects to an Oracle database. */
/* (I/O) connection: Address of an uninitialized DBT_Connection. */
/* (I) Login : Login name of user. */
/* (I) Password : Password. */
/* (I) Database : Oracle SID of the target database. */
DBT_Status DB_Connect(DBT_Connection *connection, const char *Login, const char *Password, const char *Database);
/* Disconnects from database. */
/* The current transaction, if any, is committed */
/* (I) connection: The DBT_Connection used to connect. */
DBT_Status DB_Disconnect(DBT_Connection *connection);
/* Gets last error number and message as returned by Oracle while connecting. */
/* (I) connection: DBT_Connection used to connect. */
/* (O) errCode : Error code. */
/* (O) errStr : Error message. */
DBT_Status DB_Connection_SQLError_Get(DBT_Connection *connection, dword *errCode, char **errStr);
/* Starts a new transaction. */
/* IMPORTANT: Two queries run simultaneously (multithread) must use two */
/* different DBT_Connection, i.e. you must call DB_Connect twice, one for each */
/* transaction. */
/* (I) connection: DBT_Connection used to connect. */
DBT_Status DB_Transaction_Start(DBT_Connection *connection);
/* Commits transaction. */
/* (I) connection: DBT_Connection used to connect. */
DBT_Status DB_Transaction_Commit(DBT_Connection *connection);
/* Rolls transaction back. */
/* The state of the database restored is the one that existed before */
/* DB_Transaction_Start() was called. */
/* (I) connection: DBT_Connection used to connect. */
DBT_Status DB_Transaction_Rollback(DBT_Connection *connection);
/* Initializes an 'hostvar', variable that will be later associated to an */
/* input or output value. */
/* (I/O) HostVar: Address of an existing DBT_HostVar that will be filled in. */
/* (I) type : Type of data this hostvar refers to. */
/* (I) size : Size in bytes of the data type. Ex: DBD_INTEGER: sizeof(int); */
/* DBD_STRING: size of largest string + 1. */
/* (I) value : Pointer to input or output value (or array of values). */
/* (I) indicator: DBT_Indicator or array of DBT_Indicator. */
/* */
/* */
/* Value points to an array of data (int[] for DBD_INTEGER, double[] for */
/* DBD_DOUBLE etc. Note: for strings, value points to a char[][] and not */
/* a char*[]) */
/* For DBD_DATE fields, the array must be allocated via DB_DateArray_Alloc. */
/* */
/* The value of indicator, for outgoing data, must be -1 for a null value */
/* and 0 otherwise. For incoming data, it is -1 if the value is null, 0 */
/* if the value was retrieved correctly, and >0 if the value is truncated */
/* (in the latter case, it is the real length of the data value). */
DBT_Status DB_HostVar_Setup(DBT_HostVar *HostVar, int type, int size, void *value, DBT_Indicator *indicator);
/* The following functions are used to manipulate Oracle dates in their */
/* native format. */
/* Although less compact, it is often more simple to consider dates in a table */
/* as strings and to define hostvars in consequence. */
/* Ex: if col1 is a date, "SELECT col1 from TABLEX WHERE ..." or */
/* "SELECT TO_CHAR(col1, 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') from TABLEX WHERE ..." */
/* will do the job with a hostvar's type of DBD_STRING with size 20. */
DBT_Status DB_DateArray_Alloc(DBT_Date_Ptr *array, int size);
DBT_Status DB_DateArray_Free(DBT_Date_Ptr dateArray);
DBT_Status DB_String_To_Date(DBT_Date_Ptr dateArray, int idx, char *value, char *format);
DBT_Status DB_Date_To_String(DBT_Date_Ptr dateArray, int idx, char *value, char *format);
/* Initializes a statement. */
/* (I) connection: DBT_Connection used to connect. */
/* (I) statement : An uninitialized DBT_Statement. */
DBT_Status DB_Statement_Init(DBT_Connection *connection, DBT_Statement *statement);
/* Frees resources associated to a previously initialized statement. */
/* (I) statement : A DBT_Statement. */
DBT_Status DB_Statement_Close(DBT_Statement *statement);
/* Gets last error number and message as returned by Oracle while working on */
/* a statement. . . . . . . . . */
/* (I) statement : DBT_Statement. */
/* (O) errCode : Error code. */
/* (O) errStr : Error message. */
DBT_Status DB_Statement_SQLError_Get(DBT_Statement *statement, dword *errCode, char **errStr);
/* */
/* */
DBT_Status DB_Statement_Prepare(DBT_Statement *statement, const char *query);
/* Used to retrieve select-list results. */
/* */
DBT_Status DB_Statement_DefineVars(DBT_Statement *statement, int rows, ... /* HostVar *, ending with NULL */);
/* */
/* */
DBT_Status DB_Statement_DefineVar(DBT_Statement *statement, int rows, int column, DBT_HostVar *hv);
/* */
/* Used for placeholders (like ":1" in "select * from TB where col = :1") */
/* */
/* Note: you cannot use the same placeholder more than once in a statement. */
/* */
/* Note: The bindings are done in the order of the placeholders in the */
/* statement from left to right, and the name of the placeholder (like :1, :2) */
/* has no influence. */
/* */
DBT_Status DB_Statement_BindVars(DBT_Statement *statement, int rows, ... /* HostVar *, ending with NULL */);
/* */
/* */
DBT_Status DB_Statement_BindVar(DBT_Statement *statement, int rowsBound, int placeHolderIndex, DBT_HostVar *hostVar);
/* For SELECT statements, startingRow and endingRow must be 0 (array binds */
/* cannot be used). */
/* */
DBT_Status DB_Statement_Execute(DBT_Statement *statement, int startingRow, int count, DBT_Result *result);
/* A shorthand for DB_Statement_Execute for SELECT statements. */
/* */
DBT_Status DB_Statement_ExecuteSelect(DBT_Statement *statement, DBT_Result *result);
/* Retrieves next results after a query has been executed with */
/* DB_Statement_Execute(). */
/* */
DBT_Status DB_Statement_Fetch(DBT_Statement *statement, DBT_Result *result);
/* Cancels implicit cursor associated to last fetch. */
/* */
DBT_Status DB_Statement_Fetch_Terminate(DBT_Statement *statement);
/* Sets debug level for debug messages display. */
/* (I) level: 0 to disable display. */
void DB_Debug_Level_Set(int level);
#ifdef __cplusplus