
4726 lines
164 KiB
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2000-07-31 15:15:35 +02:00
/* Utilisation des API sans v<>rification des arguments */
#define ND_MODE 1
#define SM_MODE 1
#define DS_MODE 1
#define MSG_MODE 1
#include <liblog.h>
VER_INFO_EXPORT (liblog,"$Revision: 1.1 $", "$Name: $",__FILE__,"$Author: smas $")
/* Ouverture de la librairie */
/* (I) Instance : num<75>ro de l'instance <20> ouvrir */
/* (I) Context : contexte d'utilisation de la librairie */
/* (I) Open_Mode : mode d'ouverture de la librairie */
LOGT_Status LOG_Library_Open_I ( int Instance, const char * Context, LOGT_Flags Open_Mode )
LOGT_Status rc;
int Locked;
int MSG_Debug_Mode = MSGD_DEBUG_NONE;
/* D<>finition du mode debug */
if (Open_Mode & LOGD_DEBUG)
LOG_stderr = stderr;
MSG_Debug_Mode = MSGD_DEBUG;
else if (Open_Mode & LOGD_DEBUG_ALL)
LOG_stderr = stderr;
/* Ouverture de la librairie LIBMSG */
rc = MSG_Library_Open (Instance, Context, MSGD_OPEN | MSG_Debug_Mode);
if (rc != MSGS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Open : unable to open the LIBMSG library");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
/* Acc<63>s aux ressources partag<61>es de la librairie */
if (Open_Mode & LOGD_CREATE)
/* On v<>rifie que le processus courant n'a pas d<>j<EFBFBD> ouvert la librairie */
if (LOG_Open_Counter > 0)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Open : the current process has already opened the LIBLOG library");
LOG_Error_Print ();
MSG_Library_Close (MSGD_CLOSE);
/* Cr<43>ation de la base LIBLOG */
if (rc != SMS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Open : unable to create the heap for the LIBLOG base");
LOG_Error_Print ();
MSG_Library_Close (MSGD_CLOSE);
return rc;
rc = SM_Chunk_Alloc (LOG_Base_Heap, sizeof (LOGT_Base), (void **)&LOG_Base);
if (rc != SMS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Open : unable to allocate memory for the LIBLOG base structure");
LOG_Error_Print ();
MSG_Library_Close (MSGD_CLOSE);
return rc;
/* Cr<43>ation du cache des modules */
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Open : unable to create the KMOD data structure");
LOG_Error_Print ();
LOG_Base = NULL;
MSG_Library_Close (MSGD_CLOSE);
return rc;
else strcpy (LOG_Base->KMOD->Manager, "LOG_KMOD_Manager");
/* Cr<43>ation du cache des formats d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Open : unable to create the KFORMAT data structure");
LOG_Error_Print ();
LOG_Base = NULL;
MSG_Library_Close (MSGD_CLOSE);
return rc;
else strcpy (LOG_Base->KFORMAT->Manager, "LOG_KFORMAT_Manager");
/* Cr<43>ation de la table de routage globale par d<>faut (GDRT) */
rc = SM_Chunk_Alloc (LOG_Base_Heap, sizeof (LOGT_RTab) + strlen (LOGD_GDRT_NAME) + 1, (void **)(&LOG_Base->GDRT));
if (rc != SMS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Open : unable to allocate memory for the GDRT rooting table");
LOG_Error_Print ();
LOG_Base = NULL;
MSG_Library_Close (MSGD_CLOSE);
return rc;
LOG_Base->GDRT->Name = (char *)((size_t)(LOG_Base->GDRT) + sizeof (LOGT_RTab));
strcpy (LOG_Base->GDRT->Name, LOGD_GDRT_NAME);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Open : unable to create the GDRT data structure");
LOG_Error_Print ();
LOG_Base = NULL;
MSG_Library_Close (MSGD_CLOSE);
return rc;
else strcpy (LOG_Base->GDRT->Root->Manager, "LOG_GDRT_Manager");
/* Cr<43>ation de la table de routage globale ma<6D>tre (GMRT) */
rc = SM_Chunk_Alloc (LOG_Base_Heap, sizeof (LOGT_RTab) + strlen (LOGD_GMRT_NAME) + 1, (void **)(&LOG_Base->GMRT));
if (rc != SMS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Open : unable to allocate memory for the GMRT rooting table");
LOG_Error_Print ();
LOG_Base = NULL;
MSG_Library_Close (MSGD_CLOSE);
return rc;
LOG_Base->GMRT->Name = (char *)((size_t)(LOG_Base->GMRT) + sizeof (LOGT_RTab));
strcpy (LOG_Base->GMRT->Name, LOGD_GMRT_NAME);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Open : unable to create the GMRT data structure");
LOG_Error_Print ();
LOG_Base = NULL;
MSG_Library_Close (MSGD_CLOSE);
return rc;
else strcpy (LOG_Base->GMRT->Root->Manager, "LOG_RTab_Manager");
/* Cr<43>ation de la liste des tables de routage locales ma<6D>tre (LMRT) */
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Open : unable to create the LMRT list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
LOG_Base = NULL;
MSG_Library_Close (MSGD_CLOSE);
return rc;
else strcpy (LOG_Base->LMRT_List->Manager, "LOG_Base_RTabList_Manager");
/* Cr<43>ation de la liste des tables de routage locale par d<>faut (LDRT) */
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Open : unable to create the LDRT list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
LOG_Base = NULL;
MSG_Library_Close (MSGD_CLOSE);
return rc;
else strcpy (LOG_Base->LDRT_List->Manager, "LOG_Base_RTabList_Manager");
/* Cr<43>ation de la liste des tables de routage utilisateur (URT) */
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Open : unable to create the URT list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
LOG_Base = NULL;
MSG_Library_Close (MSGD_CLOSE);
return rc;
else strcpy (LOG_Base->URT_List->Manager, "LOG_Base_RTabList_Manager");
/* Cr<43>ation de la liste des channels */
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Open : unable to create the channel list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
LOG_Base = NULL;
MSG_Library_Close (MSGD_CLOSE);
return rc;
else strcpy (LOG_Base->Channel_List->Manager, "LOG_Base_ChannelList_Manager");
/* Cr<43>ation du port de messages des <20>v<EFBFBD>nements */
if (rc != MSGS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Open : unable to create the event port list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
LOG_Base = NULL;
MSG_Library_Close (MSGD_CLOSE);
return rc;
/* Verrouillage de la base LIBLOG en lecture */
rc = SM_Heap_Unlock (LOG_Base_Heap);
if (rc != SMS_OK && SM_Heap_Lock (LOG_Base_Heap, SMD_READ, &Locked) != SMS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Open : unable to lock the LIBLOG base for reading");
LOG_Error_Print ();
LOG_Base = NULL;
MSG_Library_Close (MSGD_CLOSE);
return rc;
NDT_Root * Root;
/* Ouverture de la base LIBLOG */
rc = SM_Heap_Open (LOG_Name_Prefix (LOGD_BASE_HEAP_NAME), &LOG_Base_Heap, 0, SMD_OPEN | SMD_READ, &Locked);
if (rc != SMS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Open : unable to open the heap for the LIBLOG base");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
DSH = LOG_Base_Heap->MHH->DSR->Head->Value;
/* La structure de la base se trouve dans le premier chunk du premier segment du heap */
LOG_Base = (LOGT_Base *)((size_t)(DSH->Start) + sizeof (NDT_Node) + sizeof (SMT_Chunk));
/* Ouverture du cache des modules */
rc = DS_DataStruct_Open (LOG_Name_Prefix (LOGD_KMOD_NAME), &Root, NULL, NULL, 0, DSD_OPEN, TRUE);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Open : unable to open the KMOD data structure");
LOG_Error_Print ();
LOG_Base = NULL;
MSG_Library_Close (MSGD_CLOSE);
return rc;
/* Ouverture du cache des formats d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
rc = DS_DataStruct_Open (LOG_Name_Prefix (LOGD_KFORMAT_NAME), &Root, NULL, NULL, 0, DSD_OPEN, TRUE);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Open : unable to open the KFORMAT data structure");
LOG_Error_Print ();
LOG_Base = NULL;
MSG_Library_Close (MSGD_CLOSE);
return rc;
/* Ouverture de la table de routage globale par d<>faut (GDRT) */
rc = DS_DataStruct_Open (LOG_Name_Prefix (LOGD_GDRT_NAME), &Root, NULL, NULL, 0, DSD_OPEN, TRUE);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Open : unable to open the GDRT data structure");
LOG_Error_Print ();
LOG_Base = NULL;
MSG_Library_Close (MSGD_CLOSE);
return rc;
/* Ouverture de la table de routage globale ma<6D>tre (GMRT) */
rc = DS_DataStruct_Open (LOG_Name_Prefix (LOGD_GMRT_NAME), &Root, NULL, NULL, 0, DSD_OPEN, TRUE);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Open : unable to open the GMRT data structure");
LOG_Error_Print ();
LOG_Base = NULL;
MSG_Library_Close (MSGD_CLOSE);
return rc;
/* Ouverture de la liste des tables de routage locales ma<6D>tre (LMRT) */
rc = DS_DataStruct_Open (LOG_Name_Prefix (LOGD_LMRT_LIST_NAME), &Root, NULL, NULL, 0, DSD_OPEN, TRUE);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Open : unable to open the LMRT list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
LOG_Base = NULL;
MSG_Library_Close (MSGD_CLOSE);
return rc;
/* Ouverture de la liste des tables de routage locale par d<>faut (LDRT) */
rc = DS_DataStruct_Open (LOG_Name_Prefix (LOGD_LDRT_LIST_NAME), &Root, NULL, NULL, 0, DSD_OPEN, TRUE);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Open : unable to open the LDRT list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
LOG_Base = NULL;
MSG_Library_Close (MSGD_CLOSE);
return rc;
/* Ouverture de la liste des tables de routage utilisateur (URT) */
rc = DS_DataStruct_Open (LOG_Name_Prefix (LOGD_URT_LIST_NAME), &Root, NULL, NULL, 0, DSD_OPEN, TRUE);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Open : unable to open the URT list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
LOG_Base = NULL;
MSG_Library_Close (MSGD_CLOSE);
return rc;
/* Ouverture de la liste des channels */
rc = DS_DataStruct_Open (LOG_Name_Prefix (LOGD_CHANNEL_LIST_NAME), &Root, NULL, NULL, 0, DSD_OPEN, TRUE);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Open : unable to open the channel list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
LOG_Base = NULL;
MSG_Library_Close (MSGD_CLOSE);
return rc;
/* Ouverture du port de messages des <20>v<EFBFBD>nements */
rc = MSG_Port_Open (LOGD_EVENT_PORT_NAME, &Send_Port, MSGD_OPEN);
if (rc != MSGS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Open : unable to open the event port list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
LOG_Base = NULL;
MSG_Library_Close (MSGD_CLOSE);
return rc;
/* Mise <20> jour du compteur d'ouverture */
return LOGS_OK;
/* Fermeture de la librairie */
/* (I) Close_Mode : mode de fermeture de la librairie */
LOGT_Status LOG_Library_Close_I ( LOGT_Flags Close_Mode )
LOGT_Status rc;
if (Close_Mode == LOGD_DESTROY)
/* Suppression du port de messages des <20>v<EFBFBD>nements */
MSG_Port_Close (Send_Port, MSGD_DESTROY);
/* D<>verrouillage de la base LIBLOG */
rc = SM_Heap_Unlock (LOG_Base_Heap);
if (rc != SMS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Close : unable to unlock the LIBLOG base");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
/* Destruction de la liste des channels */
rc = DS_DataStruct_Close (LOG_Base->Channel_List, DSD_DESTROY);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Close : unable to destroy the channel list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
/* Destruction du cache des modules */
rc = DS_DataStruct_Close (LOG_Base->KMOD, DSD_DESTROY);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Close : unable to destroy the KMOD data structure");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
/* Destruction du cache des formats d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
rc = DS_DataStruct_Close (LOG_Base->KFORMAT, DSD_DESTROY);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Close : unable to destroy the KFORMAT data structure");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
/* Destruction de la table de routage globale par d<>faut (GDRT) */
rc = DS_DataStruct_Close (LOG_Base->GDRT->Root, DSD_DESTROY);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Close : unable to destroy the GDRT data structure");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
/* Destruction de la table de routage globale ma<6D>tre (GMRT) */
rc = DS_DataStruct_Close (LOG_Base->GMRT->Root, DSD_DESTROY);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Close : unable to destroy the GMRT data structure");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
/* Destruction de la liste des tables de routage locale ma<6D>tre (LMRT) */
rc = DS_DataStruct_Close (LOG_Base->LMRT_List, DSD_DESTROY);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Close : unable to destroy the LMRT list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
/* Destruction de la liste des tables de routage locale ma<6D>tre (LMRT) */
rc = DS_DataStruct_Close (LOG_Base->LDRT_List, DSD_DESTROY);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Close : unable to destroy the LDRT list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
/* Destruction de la liste des tables de routage utilisateur (URT) */
rc = DS_DataStruct_Close (LOG_Base->URT_List, DSD_DESTROY);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Close : unable to destroy the URT list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
/* Destruction du heap contenant la structure de base */
rc = SM_Heap_End (LOG_Name_Prefix (LOGD_BASE_HEAP_NAME));
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Close : unable to destroy the heap of the base structure");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
/* R<>initialisation du compteur d'ouverture */
LOG_Open_Counter = 0;
/* On ne lib<69>re les ressources que lors de la derni<6E>re fermeture */
if (LOG_Open_Counter == 1)
pid_t Pid = getpid ();
NDT_Node * Node, * Next_Node;
/* Fermeture du port de messages des <20>v<EFBFBD>nements */
MSG_Port_Close (Send_Port, MSGD_CLOSE);
/* M<>nage des channels du processus courant qui n'auraient pas <20>t<EFBFBD> ferm<72>s */
DS_Node_First_Get (LOG_Base->Channel_List, &Node);
while (Node)
LOGT_Channel * Channel = (LOGT_Channel *)(Node->Value);
DS_Node_Next_Get (Node, &Next_Node);
if (Channel->Pid == Pid)
rc = LOG_Channel_Close (Channel);
if (rc != LOGS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Close : unable to close a channel which belongs to the current process");
LOG_Error_Print ();
Petit message d'alerte <EFBFBD> l'encontre de l'utilisateur de la librairie
pour lui pr<EFBFBD>ciser qu'il a oubli<EFBFBD> de fermer l'un de ses channels.
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Warning LOG_Library_Close : a channel which belongs to the current process has not been closed. The garbage collector has done the work for you !");
LOG_Error_Print ();
Node = Next_Node;
/* M<>nage des tables de routage utilisateur du processus courant qui n'auraient pas <20>t<EFBFBD> supprim<69>es */
DS_Node_First_Get (LOG_Base->URT_List, &Node);
while (Node)
LOGT_RTab * RTab = (LOGT_RTab *)(Node->Value);
DS_Node_Next_Get (Node, &Next_Node);
if (RTab->Pid == Pid)
rc = LOG_RTab_Free (RTab);
if (rc != LOGS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Close : unable to close a user rooting table which belongs to the current process");
LOG_Error_Print ();
Ici, on n'affiche pas de message d'alerte car ce cas peut ne pas <EFBFBD>tre du fait de l'utilisateur
(notamment si une table de routage est supprim<EFBFBD>e d'un channel sur trigger, l'utilisateur
ne sait pas forc<EFBFBD>ment qu'elle l'a <EFBFBD>t<EFBFBD> et ne peut donc pas savoir qu'il faut la supprimer).
Node = Next_Node;
/* Fermeture du cache des modules */
rc = DS_DataStruct_Close (LOG_Base->KMOD, DSD_CLOSE);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Close : unable to close the KMOD data structure");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
/* Fermeture du cache des formats d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
rc = DS_DataStruct_Close (LOG_Base->KFORMAT, DSD_CLOSE);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Close : unable to close the KFORMAT data structure");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
/* Fermeture de la table de routage globale par d<>faut (GDRT) */
rc = DS_DataStruct_Close (LOG_Base->GDRT->Root, DSD_CLOSE);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Close : unable to close the GDRT data structure");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
/* Fermeture de la table de routage globale ma<6D>tre (GMRT) */
rc = DS_DataStruct_Close (LOG_Base->GMRT->Root, DSD_CLOSE);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Close : unable to close the GMRT data structure");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
/* Fermeture de la liste des tables de routage locale ma<6D>tre (LMRT) */
rc = DS_DataStruct_Close (LOG_Base->LMRT_List, DSD_CLOSE);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Close : unable to close the LMRT list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
/* Fermeture de la liste des tables de routage locale ma<6D>tre (LDRT) */
rc = DS_DataStruct_Close (LOG_Base->LDRT_List, DSD_CLOSE);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Close : unable to close the LDRT list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
/* Fermeture de la liste des tables de routage utilisateur (URT) */
rc = DS_DataStruct_Close (LOG_Base->URT_List, DSD_CLOSE);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Close : unable to close the URT list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
/* Fermeture de la liste des channels */
rc = DS_DataStruct_Close (LOG_Base->Channel_List, DSD_CLOSE);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Close : unable to close the channel list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
/* Fermeture du heap contenant la structure de base */
rc = SM_Heap_Close (LOG_Base_Heap);
if (rc != SMS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Library_Close : unable to close the heap of the base structure");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
LOG_Base = NULL;
/* Mise <20> jour du compteur d'ouverture */
/* Fermeture de la librairie LIBDATASTR */
rc = DS_Library_Close ();
return rc;
/* D<>finition de la sortie standard des messages d'erreur de la librairie */
/* (I) Out : flux de sortie des messages d'erreur */
LOGT_Status LOG_Library_Stderr_Set_I ( FILE * Out )
LOG_stderr = Out;
return LOGS_OK;
/* Cr<43>ation d'un canal de communication */
/* (O) Channel : adresse du pointeur sur le canal cr<63><72> */
/* (I) Pid : num<75>ro du processus propri<72>taire du canal */
/* (I) Channel_Id : identifiant du canal au sein du processus */
/* (I) Module_Name : nom du module propri<72>taire du canal */
/* (I) Master_Module_Name : nom du module primaire */
LOGT_Status LOG_Channel_Open_I ( LOGT_Channel ** Channel, int Pid, int Channel_Id, const char * Module_Name, const char * Master_Module_Name )
LOGT_Status rc;
NDT_Node * Node;
char DS_Name [100];
LOGT_Module To_Find;
/************************ VERSION AVEC LA LIBRAIRIE LOGEVT **********************
Id Id_Module;
Id_Module = logevt_get_id_module (Module_Name);
if (Id_Module < 0)
fprintf (stderr, "Error LOG_Channel_Open : logevt_get_id_module a retourn\351 %d", (int)Id_Module);
return rc;
*Channel = (LOGT_Channel *) malloc (sizeof (LOGT_Channel));
(*Channel)->Id = logevt_open_channel (Id_Module, 0, 0);
if ((int)(*Channel)->Id < 0 )
fprintf (stderr, "Error LOG_Channel_Open : logevt_open_channel a retourn\351 %d", (int)(*Channel));
return rc;
*Channel = NULL;
/* Recherche de l'identifiant du module envoyeur */
To_Find.Name = Module_Name;
rc = DS_Node_Find (LOG_Base->KMOD, &Node, &To_Find, NULL);
if (DS_ERROR(rc)) return rc;
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Open : unable to find module \"%s\"", Module_Name);
LOG_Error_Print ();
/* Cr<43>ation du channel */
rc = DS_Value_Alloc (LOG_Base->Channel_List, (void **)Channel);
if (rc != NDS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Open : unable to create a channel");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
if (!Pid) (*Channel)->Pid = (int)getpid ();
else (*Channel)->Pid = Pid;
(*Channel)->Id = Channel_Id;
(*Channel)->ModuleId = ((LOGT_Module *)(Node->Value))->Id;
(*Channel)->Master_ModuleId = 0;
(*Channel)->RTab_List = NULL;
(*Channel)->SubModule_List = NULL;
(*Channel)->Trigger_List = NULL;
(*Channel)->Event_Cpt_List = NULL;
/* Recherche de l'identifiant du module ma<6D>tre */
if (Master_Module_Name) To_Find.Name = Master_Module_Name;
else To_Find.Name = getenv (MASTER_MODULE_ENV);
if (To_Find.Name)
rc = DS_Node_Find (LOG_Base->KMOD, &Node, &To_Find, NULL);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Open : unable to find master module \"%s\"", Master_Module_Name);
LOG_Error_Print ();
(*Channel)->Master_ModuleId = ((LOGT_Module *)(Node->Value))->Id;
/* Cr<43>ation de la liste des sous-modules associ<63>e au channel (dans le m<>me heap que la liste des channels) */
rc = DS_DataStruct_Open (LOG_Name_Prefix (LOGD_CHANNEL_LIST_NAME), &((*Channel)->SubModule_List), NDD_DS_LIST | NDD_MN_FILO, LOG_FILE_MANAGER, 0, DSD_NEW, TRUE);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Open : unable to create the channel submodule list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
else strcpy ((*Channel)->SubModule_List->Manager, "LOG_Channel_SubModuleList_Manager");
/* Ajout d'un premier sous-module correspondant au nom du module */
rc = LOG_Channel_Enter (*Channel, Module_Name);
if (rc != LOGS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Open : unable to add a first submodule to the channel");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
/* Cr<43>ation de la liste des triggers associ<63>e au channel (dans le m<>me heap que la liste des channels) */
rc = DS_DataStruct_Open (LOG_Name_Prefix (LOGD_CHANNEL_LIST_NAME), &((*Channel)->Trigger_List), NDD_DS_LIST | NDD_MN_FILO, LOG_FILE_MANAGER, 0, DSD_NEW, TRUE);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Open : unable to create the channel trigger list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
else strcpy ((*Channel)->Trigger_List->Manager, "LOG_Channel_TriggerList_Manager");
/* Cr<43>ation de la liste de compteurs d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nements associ<63>e au channel (dans le m<>me heap que la liste des channels)*/
rc = DS_DataStruct_Open (LOG_Name_Prefix (LOGD_CHANNEL_LIST_NAME), &((*Channel)->Event_Cpt_List), NDD_DS_TREE | NDD_MN_AUTO_EQU, LOG_FILE_MANAGER, 0, DSD_NEW, TRUE);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Open : unable to create the channel event counter list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
else strcpy ((*Channel)->Event_Cpt_List->Manager, "LOG_Channel_Event_CptList_Manager");
/* Cr<43>ation de la liste des tables de routage associ<63>e au channel (dans le m<>me heap que la liste des channels)*/
rc = DS_DataStruct_Open (LOG_Name_Prefix (LOGD_CHANNEL_LIST_NAME), &((*Channel)->RTab_List), NDD_DS_LIST | NDD_MN_ORDERED, LOG_FILE_MANAGER, 0, DSD_NEW, TRUE);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Open : unable to create the channel rooting table list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
else strcpy ((*Channel)->RTab_List->Manager, "LOG_Channel_RTabList_Manager");
/* Ajout de la table de routage globale ma<6D>tre (GMRT) <20> la liste (pas la GDRT) */
rc = LOG_RTab_Add (*Channel, LOG_Base->GMRT);
if (rc != LOGS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Open : unable to add the GDRT table to the rooting table list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
/* Cr<43>ation de la table de routage locale ma<6D>tre */
sprintf (DS_Name, "%s_%d_%d_%d", LOGD_LMRT_NAME, (*Channel)->ModuleId, (int)(*Channel)->Pid, Channel_Id);
rc = DS_Value_Alloc (LOG_Base->LMRT_List, (void **)&LMRT, LOGD_LMRT, DS_Name);
if (rc != NDS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Open : unable to create the LMRT rooting table");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
/* Cr<43>ation de la table de routage locale par d<>faut */
sprintf (DS_Name, "%s_%d_%d_%d", LOGD_LDRT_NAME, (*Channel)->ModuleId, (int)(*Channel)->Pid, Channel_Id);
rc = DS_Value_Alloc (LOG_Base->LDRT_List, (void **)&LDRT, LOGD_LDRT, DS_Name);
if (rc != NDS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Open : unable to create the LMRT rooting table");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
/* Ajout des tables de routage locales <20> la liste des tables de routage du channel */
rc = LOG_RTab_Add (*Channel, LMRT);
if (rc != LOGS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Open : unable to add the LMRT table to the channel rooting table list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
rc = LOG_RTab_Add (*Channel, LDRT);
if (rc != LOGS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Open : unable to add the LDRT table to the channel rooting table list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
/* Ajout des tables de routage locales aux listes de tables de routage locales de la base */
rc = DS_Value_Add (LOG_Base->LMRT_List, (void *)LMRT);
if (rc != LOGS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Open : unable to add the LMRT table to the base LMRT list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
rc = DS_Value_Add (LOG_Base->LDRT_List, (void *)LDRT);
if (rc != LOGS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Open : unable to add the LDRT table to the base LDRT list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
/* Ajout du channel <20> la liste des channels */
rc = DS_Value_Add (LOG_Base->Channel_List, (void *)(*Channel));
if (rc != LOGS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Open : unable to add the channel to the base channel list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
return LOGS_OK;
/* Entr<74>e dans un sous-module pour un canal de communication */
/* (I) Channel : pointeur sur le canal */
/* (I) SubModule_Name : nom du sous-module */
LOGT_Status LOG_Channel_Enter_I ( LOGT_Channel * Channel, const char * SubModule_Name )
LOGT_Status rc;
char * SubModule;
rc = DS_Value_Alloc (Channel->SubModule_List, (void **)&SubModule, SubModule_Name);
if (rc != NDS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Enter : unable to create a submodule in channel submodule list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
rc = DS_Value_Add (Channel->SubModule_List, (void *)SubModule);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Enter : unable to add a submodule to the channel submodule list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
return LOGS_OK;
/* Sortie d'un sous-module pour un canal de communication */
/* (I) Channel : pointeur sur le canal */
/* (I) SubModule_Name : nom du sous-module */
LOGT_Status LOG_Channel_Leave_I ( LOGT_Channel * Channel, const char * SubModule_Name )
LOGT_Status rc;
char * Name;
rc = DS_Value_Remove (Channel->SubModule_List, (void *)SubModule_Name, (void **)&Name);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Leave : unable to remove the submodule from the channel submodule list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
rc = DS_Value_Free (Channel->SubModule_List, Name);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Leave : unable to free the submodule name");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
return LOGS_OK;
/* Fermeture d'un channel */
/* (I) Channel : pointeur sur le channel <20> fermer */
LOGT_Status LOG_Channel_Close_I ( LOGT_Channel * Channel )
LOGT_Status rc;
/************************ VERSION AVEC LA LIBRAIRIE LOGEVT **********************
logevt_close_channel ((Channel)Channel->Id);
rc = DS_Value_Remove (LOG_Base->Channel_List, (void *)Channel, (void **)&Channel);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Close : unable to remove a channel from the base channel list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
rc = DS_Value_Free (LOG_Base->Channel_List, (void *)Channel);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Close : unable to free the channel");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
return LOGS_OK;
/* Cr<43>ation d'une table de routage utilisateur */
/* (O) RTab : adresse du pointeur sur la table de routage */
/* (I) Name : nom de la table de routage */
LOGT_Status LOG_RTab_Alloc_I ( LOGT_RTab ** RTab, char * Name )
LOGT_Status rc;
*RTab = NULL;
/* Allocation de la nouvelle table */
rc = DS_Value_Alloc (LOG_Base->URT_List, (void **)RTab, LOGD_URT, Name);
if (rc != NDS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_RTab_Alloc : unable to create a rooting table");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
/* Ajout de la nouvelle table de routage dans la base */
rc = DS_Value_Add (LOG_Base->URT_List, (void *)(*RTab));
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_RTab_Alloc : unable to add the new rooting table to the base list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
DS_Value_Free (LOG_Base->URT_List, RTab);
return rc;
return LOGS_OK;
/* Ajout d'une r<>gle <20> une table de routage */
/* (I) RTab : pointeur sur la table de routage */
/* (I) Rule_Class : classe de la nouvelle r<>gle */
/* (I) Rule : pointeur sur la nouvelle r<>gle */
/* (I) Value : valeur de la nouvelle r<>gle */
LOGT_Status LOG_RTab_Setup_I ( LOGT_RTab * RTab, LOGT_RuleClass Rule_Class, LOGT_Rule * Rule, LOGT_Rooting Value )
RegExp_t * Compiled_RegExp = NULL;
/* Si la s<>lection se fait sur le nom du type d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement, on compile l'expression r<>guli<6C>re */
if (Rule_Class == LOGD_SELECT_TYPE)
Compiled_RegExp = (RegExp_t *) malloc (RegExp_Size);
if (!RegExp_Compile ((char *)Rule, Compiled_RegExp))
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_RTab_Setup : unable to compile the regular expression \"%s\"", (char *)Rule);
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (Compiled_RegExp) free (Compiled_RegExp);
/* S<>lection r<>cursive de tous les types d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement de la table de routage par d<>faut (GDRT) */
LOG_GDRT_Recursive_Select (0, LOG_Base->GDRT->Root, RTab, Rule_Class, Rule, Value, "", Compiled_RegExp);
if (Compiled_RegExp) free (Compiled_RegExp);
return LOGS_OK;
/* Ajout d'une table de routage utilisateur <20> un channel */
/* (I) Channel : pointeur sur le channel */
/* (I) RTab : pointeur sur la table de routage */
LOGT_Status LOG_RTab_Add_I ( LOGT_Channel * Channel, LOGT_RTab * RTab )
LOGT_Status rc;
rc = ND_Value_Add (Channel->RTab_List, (void *)RTab);
if (rc != NDS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_RTab_Add : unable to add the rooting table to the channel");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
return LOGS_OK;
/* Suppression d'une table de routage utilisateur d'un channel */
/* (I) Channel : pointeur sur le channel */
/* (I) RTab : pointeur sur la table de routage */
LOGT_Status LOG_RTab_Remove_I ( LOGT_Channel * Channel, LOGT_RTab * RTab )
LOGT_Status rc;
NDT_Node * Node;
/* On v<>rifie qu'il s'agit bien d'une table de routage utilisateur */
if (RTab->Type != LOGD_URT)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_RTab_Remove : the rooting table is not a user rooting table");
LOG_Error_Print ();
Pour rechercher la table de routage <EFBFBD> supprimer, on ne peut pas utiliser la fonction ND_Node_Find
car le manager compare les tables selon leur type ce qui ne nous int<EFBFBD>resse pas dans le cas pr<EFBFBD>sent.
ND_Node_First_Get (Channel->RTab_List, &Node);
while (Node && strcmp (RTab->Name, ((LOGT_RTab *)(Node->Value))->Name))
ND_Node_Next_Get (Node, &Node);
if (!Node)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_RTab_Remove : unable to find the rooting table \"%s\" in the channel", RTab->Name);
LOG_Error_Print ();
rc = ND_Node_Remove (Node);
if (rc != NDS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_RTab_Remove : unable to remove the rooting table from the channel");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
return LOGS_OK;
/* Destruction d'une table de routage utilisateur */
/* (I) RTab : pointeur sur la table de routage utilisateur */
LOGT_Status LOG_RTab_Free_I ( LOGT_RTab * RTab )
LOGT_Status rc;
char RTab_Name [50];
strcpy (RTab_Name, RTab->Name);
/* On ne supprime la table de routage que si elle n'est plus rattach<63>e <20> aucun channel */
if (RTab->Nb_Channel > 0)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_RTab_Free : unable to free rooting table \"%s\" because it is referenced by some channel", RTab_Name);
LOG_Error_Print ();
rc = DS_Value_Remove (LOG_Base->URT_List, (void *)RTab, (void **)&RTab);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_RTab_Free : unable to remove user rooting table \"%s\" from the base list", RTab_Name);
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
rc = DS_Value_Free (LOG_Base->URT_List, (void *)RTab);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_RTab_Free : unable to free the user rooting table \"%s\"", RTab_Name);
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
return LOGS_OK;
/* Ajout d'un trigger */
/* (O) Trigger : adresse du pointeur sur le trigger mis en place */
/* (I) Channel : pointeur sur le channel */
/* (I) RTab : pointeur sur la table de routage <20> appliquer */
/* (I) Event_Name : type d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement d<>clencheur (expression r<>guli<6C>re) */
LOGT_Status LOG_Trigger_Add_I ( LOGT_Trigger ** Trigger, LOGT_Channel * Channel, LOGT_RTab * RTab, char * Event_Name, LOGT_Flags Mode )
LOGT_Status rc;
*Trigger = NULL;
rc = DS_Value_Alloc (Channel->Trigger_List, (void **)Trigger, Event_Name);
if (rc != NDS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Trigger_Add : unable to create a trigger in the channel trigger list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
(*Trigger)->RTab = RTab;
(*Trigger)->Channel = Channel;
(*Trigger)->Mode = Mode;
rc = DS_Value_Add (Channel->Trigger_List, (void *)(*Trigger));
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Trigger_Add : unable to add a trigger to the channel trigger list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
return LOGS_OK;
/* Suppression d'un trigger */
/* (I) Trigger : pointeur sur le trigger mis en place */
LOGT_Status LOG_Trigger_Remove_I ( LOGT_Trigger * Trigger )
LOGT_Status rc;
rc = DS_Value_Remove (Trigger->Channel->Trigger_List, (void *)Trigger, (void **)&Trigger);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Trigger_Remove : unable to remove a trigger from the channel trigger list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
rc = DS_Value_Free (Trigger->Channel->Trigger_List, (void *)Trigger);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Trigger_Remove : unable to free the trigger");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
return LOGS_OK;
/* Envoi d'un <20>v<EFBFBD>nement */
/* (I) Channel : pointeur sur un channel */
/* (O) RC : pointeur sur le code retour associ<63> au type de l'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
/* (I) Support : code du support source */
/* (I) Data : donn<6E>es de l'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
LOGT_Status LOG_Event_Send_I ( LOGT_Channel * Channel, LOGT_RC * RC, char * Support, va_list Data )
/************************ VERSION AVEC LA LIBRAIRIE LOGEVT **********************
if ((*RC = (LOGT_RC)evtutils_vsend_evt ((Channel)(Channel->Id), Support, Data)) < 0)
return rc;
return LOG_Event_Internal_Send (DATA_ARG_LIST, Channel, RC, Support, Data, NULL);
/* Envoi d'un <20>v<EFBFBD>nement (PL/SQL ou shell) */
/* (I) Channel : identifiant du channel */
/* (I) Support : code du support source */
/* (I) Data : donn<6E>es de l'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
/* (O) Retourne le code retour associ<63> au type d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
LOGT_RC LOG_Event_External_Send_I ( LOGT_Channel * Channel, char * Support, char * Data )
/************************ VERSION AVEC LA LIBRAIRIE LOGEVT **********************
char * Commande;
char sChannel[256];
char Erreur[256];
sprintf (sChannel, "%d", (int)Channel);
Commande = (char *) malloc (strlen (sChannel) + strlen (Support) + strlen (Data) + 3);
sprintf (Commande, "%d %s %s", (int)Channel, Support, Data);
RC = evtutils_send_shell_evt (Commande, Erreur);
free (Commande);
LOG_Event_Internal_Send (DATA_STRING, Channel, &RC, Support, NULL, Data);
return RC;
/* Retourne les informations du type par lequel un <20>v<EFBFBD>nement est r<>solu */
/* (I) Channel : pointeur sur un channel */
/* (O) Info : pointeur sur les informations <20> r<>cup<75>rer */
/* (I) Event_Name : nom de l'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
LOGT_Status LOG_Event_Info_Get_I ( LOGT_Channel * Channel, LOGT_Info ** Info, char * Event_Name )
LOGT_Status rc;
char * ptr;
NDT_Node * Node;
LOGT_Event_Format To_Find;
ptr = (char *) malloc (81);
ptr [80] = (char)0;
ptr += 80;
/* Recherche des informations dans la table de routage par d<>faut */
rc = LOG_GDRT_Event_Find (&GDRT_Evt, &ptr, Event_Name);
if (LOG_ERROR(rc)) return rc;
if (rc != LOGS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Info_Get : unable to find event %s in the GDRT rooting table", Event_Name);
LOG_Error_Print ();
(*Info)->Event_Name = ptr;
(*Info)->Event_Type = GDRT_Evt->Id;
(*Info)->RC = GDRT_Evt->RC;
(*Info)->Gravite = GDRT_Evt->Gravite;
/* Recherche du routage dans la liste des tables de routage du channel, sinon routage par d<>faut */
rc = LOG_Channel_Rooting_Find (Channel, GDRT_Evt->Id, &((*Info)->Rooting));
if (rc != LOGS_OK || (*Info)->Rooting == LOGD_ROOTING_DEFAULT)
(*Info)->Rooting = GDRT_Evt->Rooting;
/* Recherche du format du type d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
To_Find.Event_Type = (*Info)->Event_Type;
rc = DS_Node_Find (LOG_Base->KFORMAT, &Node, &To_Find, NULL);
if (rc != DSS_OK) (*Info)->Data_List = NULL;
else (*Info)->Data_List = (NDT_Root *)(((LOGT_Event_Format *)(Node->Value))->Data_List);
return LOGS_OK;
/* Retourne le nombre d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nements envoy<6F>s pour chaque code retour */
/* (I) Channel : pointeur sur un channel */
/* (O) Cpt : pointeur sur un tableau de compteurs d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
/* (I) RegExpr : expression r<>guli<6C>re sur le nom d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
LOGT_Status LOG_Event_Cpt_Get_I ( LOGT_Channel * Channel, int * Cpt [LOGD_RC_SIZE], char * RegExpr )
LOGT_Status rc;
NDT_Node * Node;
LOGT_Event_Cpt * Event_Cpt;
LOGT_Info * Info;
int i;
RegExp_t * Compiled_RegExp = NULL;
/* Initialisation du tableau de compteurs */
for (i = 0; i < LOGD_RC_SIZE; i++) (*Cpt)[i] = 0;
/* Compilation de l'expression r<>guli<6C>re */
Compiled_RegExp = (RegExp_t *) malloc (RegExp_Size);
if (!RegExp_Compile (RegExpr, Compiled_RegExp))
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Cpt_Get : unable to compile the regular expression \"%s\"", RegExpr);
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (Compiled_RegExp) free (Compiled_RegExp);
/* Travers<72>e de la structure de compteurs */
ND_Node_First_Get (Channel->Event_Cpt_List, &Node);
while (Node)
Event_Cpt = (LOGT_Event_Cpt *)(Node->Value);
/* L'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement matche-t'il avec l'expression r<>guli<6C>re ? */
if (RegExp_Match (Event_Cpt->Name, Compiled_RegExp))
/* Recherche des informations concernant l'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
rc = LOG_Event_Info_Get (Channel, &Info, Event_Cpt->Name);
if (rc != LOGS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Cpt_Get : unable to retrieve information about event \"%s\"", Event_Cpt->Name);
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (Compiled_RegExp) free (Compiled_RegExp);
return rc;
/* Incr<63>mentation du compteur */
(*Cpt)[(int)Info->RC] += Event_Cpt->Total;
ND_Node_Next_Get (Node, &Node);
if (Compiled_RegExp) free (Compiled_RegExp);
return LOGS_OK;
/* Ouverture de la librairie */
/* (I) Instance : num<75>ro de l'instance <20> ouvrir */
/* (I) Context : contexte d'utilisation de la librairie */
/* (I) Open_Mode : mode d'ouverture de la librairie */
LOGT_Status LOG_Library_Open_C ( int Instance, const char * Context, LOGT_Flags Open_Mode )
return LOG_Library_Open_I (Instance, Context, Open_Mode);
/* Fermeture de la librairie */
/* (I) Close_Mode : mode de fermeture de la librairie */
LOGT_Status LOG_Library_Close_C ( LOGT_Flags Close_Mode )
return LOG_Library_Close_I (Close_Mode);
/* D<>finition de la sortie standard des messages d'erreur de la librairie */
/* (I) Out : flux de sortie des messages d'erreur */
LOGT_Status LOG_Library_Stderr_Set_C ( FILE * Out )
return LOG_Library_Stderr_Set_I (Out);
/* Cr<43>ation d'un canal de communication */
/* (O) Channel : adresse du pointeur sur le canal cr<63><72> */
/* (I) Pid : num<75>ro du processus propri<72>taire du canal */
/* (I) Channel_Id : identifiant du canal au sein du processus */
/* (I) Module_Name : nom du module propri<72>taire du canal */
/* (I) Master_Module_Name : nom du module primaire */
LOGT_Status LOG_Channel_Open_C (LOGT_Channel ** Channel, int Pid, int Channel_Id, const char * Module_Name, const char * Master_Module_Name )
*Channel = NULL;
if (!LOG_Base)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Open : the library is not open");
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (!Channel)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Open : the channel address is undefined");
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (!Module_Name)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Open : the module name is null");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return LOG_Channel_Open_I (Channel, Pid, Channel_Id, Module_Name, Master_Module_Name);
/* Entr<74>e dans un sous-module pour un canal de communication */
/* (I) Channel : pointeur sur le canal */
/* (I) SubModule_Name : nom du sous-module */
LOGT_Status LOG_Channel_Enter_C (LOGT_Channel * Channel, const char * SubModule_Name )
if (!Channel)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Enter : the channel is null");
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (!SubModule_Name)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Enter : the submodule name is null");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return LOG_Channel_Enter_I (Channel, SubModule_Name);
/* Sortie d'un sous-module pour un canal de communication */
/* (I) Channel : pointeur sur le canal */
/* (I) SubModule_Name : nom du sous-module */
LOGT_Status LOG_Channel_Leave_C (LOGT_Channel * Channel, const char * SubModule_Name )
if (!Channel)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Leave : the channel is null");
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (!SubModule_Name)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Leave : the submodule name is null");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return LOG_Channel_Leave_I (Channel, SubModule_Name);
/* Fermeture d'un channel */
/* (I) Channel : pointeur sur le channel <20> fermer */
LOGT_Status LOG_Channel_Close_C (LOGT_Channel * Channel)
if (!Channel)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Close : the channel is null");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return LOG_Channel_Close_I (Channel);
/* Cr<43>ation d'une table de routage utilisateur */
/* (O) RTab : adresse du pointeur sur la table de routage */
/* (I) Name : nom de la table de routage */
LOGT_Status LOG_RTab_Alloc_C ( LOGT_RTab ** RTab, char * Name )
if (!LOG_Base)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_RTab_Alloc : the library is not open");
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (!Name)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_RTab_Alloc : the rooting table name is undefined");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return LOG_RTab_Alloc_I (RTab, Name);
/* Ajout d'une r<>gle <20> une table de routage */
/* (I) RTab : pointeur sur la table de routage */
/* (I) Rule_Class : classe de la nouvelle r<>gle */
/* (I) Rule : pointeur sur la nouvelle r<>gle */
/* (I) Value : valeur de la nouvelle r<>gle */
LOGT_Status LOG_RTab_Setup_C (LOGT_RTab * RTab, LOGT_RuleClass Rule_Class, LOGT_Rule * Rule, LOGT_Rooting Value )
if (!RTab)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_RTab_Setup : the rooting table is null");
LOG_Error_Print ();
/* On v<>rifie qu'il s'agit bien d'une table de routage utilisateur */
if (RTab->Type != LOGD_URT)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_RTab_Setup : the rooting table is not a user rooting table");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return LOG_RTab_Setup_I (RTab, Rule_Class, Rule, Value);
/* Ajout d'une table de routage utilisateur <20> un channel */
/* (I) Channel : pointeur sur le channel */
/* (I) RTab : pointeur sur la table de routage */
LOGT_Status LOG_RTab_Add_C (LOGT_Channel * Channel, LOGT_RTab * RTab )
if (!Channel)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_RTab_Add : the channel is null");
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (!RTab)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_RTab_Add : the rooting table is null");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return LOG_RTab_Add_I (Channel, RTab);
/* Suppression d'une table de routage utilisateur d'un channel */
/* (I) Channel : pointeur sur le channel */
/* (I) RTab : pointeur sur la table de routage */
LOGT_Status LOG_RTab_Remove_C (LOGT_Channel * Channel, LOGT_RTab * RTab )
if (!Channel)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_RTab_Remove : the channel is null");
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (!RTab)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_RTab_Remove : the rooting table is null");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return LOG_RTab_Remove_I (Channel, RTab );
/* Destruction d'une table de routage utilisateur */
/* (I) RTab : pointeur sur la table de routage utilisateur */
LOGT_Status LOG_RTab_Free_C ( LOGT_RTab * RTab )
if (!RTab)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_RTab_Free : the rooting table is null");
LOG_Error_Print ();
/* On v<>rifie qu'il s'agit bien d'une table de routage utilisateur */
if (RTab->Type != LOGD_URT)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_RTab_Free : rooting table \"%s\" is not a user rooting table", RTab->Name);
LOG_Error_Print ();
return LOG_RTab_Free_I (RTab);
/* Ajout d'un trigger */
/* (O) Trigger : adresse du pointeur sur le trigger mis en place */
/* (I) Channel : pointeur sur le channel */
/* (I) RTab : pointeur sur la table de routage <20> appliquer */
/* (I) Event_Name : type d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement d<>clencheur (expression r<>guli<6C>re) */
LOGT_Status LOG_Trigger_Add_C ( LOGT_Trigger ** Trigger, LOGT_Channel * Channel, LOGT_RTab * RTab, char * Event_Name, LOGT_Flags Mode )
if (!Channel)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Trigger_Add : the channel is null");
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (!RTab)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Trigger_Add : the rooting table is null");
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (!Event_Name)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Trigger_Add : the event type is undefined");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return LOG_Trigger_Add_I (Trigger, Channel, RTab, Event_Name, Mode);
/* Suppression d'un trigger */
/* (I) Trigger : pointeur sur le trigger mis en place */
LOGT_Status LOG_Trigger_Remove_C ( LOGT_Trigger * Trigger )
if (!Trigger)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Trigger_Remove : the trigger is null");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return LOG_Trigger_Remove_I (Trigger);
/* Envoi d'un <20>v<EFBFBD>nement */
/* (I) Channel : pointeur sur un channel */
/* (O) RC : pointeur sur le code retour associ<63> au type de l'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
/* (I) Support : code du support source */
/* (I) Data : donn<6E>es de l'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
LOGT_Status LOG_Event_Send_C (LOGT_Channel * Channel, LOGT_RC * RC, char * Support, va_list Data )
if (!LOG_Base)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Send : the library is not open");
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (!Channel)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Send : the channel is null");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return LOG_Event_Send_I (Channel, RC, Support, Data);
/* Envoi d'un <20>v<EFBFBD>nement (PL/SQL ou shell) */
/* (I) Channel : identifiant du channel */
/* (I) Support : code du support source */
/* (I) Data : donn<6E>es de l'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
/* (O) Retourne le code retour associ<63> au type d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
LOGT_RC LOG_Event_External_Send_C ( LOGT_Channel * Channel, char * Support, char * Data )
if (!LOG_Base)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_External_Send : the library is not open");
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (!Channel)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_External_Send : the channel is null");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return LOG_Event_External_Send_I (Channel, Support, Data);
/* Retourne les informations du type par lequel un <20>v<EFBFBD>nement est r<>solu */
/* (I) Channel : pointeur sur un channel */
/* (O) Info : pointeur sur les informations <20> r<>cup<75>rer */
/* (I) Event_Name : nom de l'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
LOGT_Status LOG_Event_Info_Get_C ( LOGT_Channel * Channel, LOGT_Info ** Info, char * Event_Name )
if (!LOG_Base)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Info_Get : the library is not open");
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (!Channel)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Info_Get : the channel is null");
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (!Info)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Info_Get : the info address is null");
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (!Event_Name)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Info_Get : the event name is null");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return LOG_Event_Info_Get_I (Channel, Info, Event_Name);
/* Retourne le nombre d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nements envoy<6F>s pour chaque code retour */
/* (I) Channel : pointeur sur un channel */
/* (O) Cpt : pointeur sur un tableau de compteurs d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
/* (I) RegExpr : expression r<>guli<6C>re sur le nom d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
LOGT_Status LOG_Event_Cpt_Get_C ( LOGT_Channel * Channel, int * Cpt [LOGD_RC_SIZE], char * RegExpr )
if (!Channel)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Cpt_Get : the channel is null");
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (!Cpt)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Cpt_Get : the counter array address is undefined");
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (!RegExpr)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Cpt_Get : the regular expression is null");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return LOG_Event_Cpt_Get_I (Channel, Cpt, RegExpr);
/* Envoi d'un <20>v<EFBFBD>nement (partie commune aux fonctions 'LOG_Event_Send' */
/* et 'LOG_Event_External_Send' : */
/* - r<>cup<75>ration des donn<6E>es de l'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
/* - r<>solution du nom d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
/* - mise <20> jour du compteur d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
/* - traitement de l'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement en fonction du routage */
LOGT_Status LOG_Event_Internal_Send (int Mode, LOGT_Channel * Channel, LOGT_RC * RC, char * Support, va_list Data_Arg, char * Data_Str)
LOGT_Status rc;
NDT_Node * Node;
LOGT_Info * Info;
char Event_Name [81];
char * Event_Data, * Event_Data_Ptr;
size_t Data_Size;
LOGT_Event_Cpt To_Find;
unsigned int Length;
RegExp_t * Compiled_RegExp = NULL;
size_t Msg_Size;
LOGT_Event_Msg_Data * Event_Msg_Data;
/* R<>cup<75>ration des donn<6E>es de l'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
rc = LOG_Event_Data_Get (Mode, Support, &Event_Data, &Data_Size, &Data_Arg, Data_Str);
if (rc != LOGS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Internal_Send : unable to retrieve event data from the %s", Mode == DATA_ARG_LIST ? "argument list" : "string");
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (Event_Data) free (Event_Data);
return rc;
/* R<>cup<75>ration du nom de l'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
Length = (unsigned int)Event_Data [0];
strncpy (Event_Name, Event_Data + 1, Length);
Event_Name [Length] = (char)0;
/* R<>solution du nom d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
Info = (LOGT_Info *) malloc (sizeof (LOGT_Info));
if (!Info)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Internal_Send : unable to allocate memory for event information");
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (Event_Data) free (Event_Data);
rc = LOG_Event_Info_Get (Channel, &Info, Event_Name);
if (rc != LOGS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Internal_Send : unable to resolve event \"%s\"", Event_Name);
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (Event_Data) free (Event_Data);
return rc;
/* Ajout au compteur d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nements du channel */
To_Find.Name = Event_Name;
rc = ND_Node_Find (Channel->Event_Cpt_List, &Node, &To_Find, NULL);
if (rc != NDS_OK)
int Locked;
LOGT_Event_Cpt * Event_Cpt;
Optimisation : on verrouille nous-m<EFBFBD>me la data structure et
on fait appel aux API sans verrouillage syst<EFBFBD>matique (DS_*_I).
rc = DS_DataStruct_Lock (Channel->Event_Cpt_List, DSD_WRITE, &Locked);
if (rc != NDS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Internal_Send : unable to lock the channel counter list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (Event_Data) free (Event_Data);
return rc;
rc = DS_Value_Alloc_I (Channel->Event_Cpt_List, (void **)&Event_Cpt, Event_Name);
if (rc != NDS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Internal_Send : unable to create a counter for event \"%s\"", Event_Name);
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (Locked == TRUE) DS_DataStruct_Unlock (Channel->Event_Cpt_List);
if (Event_Data) free (Event_Data);
return rc;
rc = DS_Value_Add_I (Channel->Event_Cpt_List, (void *)Event_Cpt);
if (rc != LOGS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Internal_Send : unable to add the event counter \"%s\" to the data structure", Event_Name);
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (Locked == TRUE) DS_DataStruct_Unlock (Channel->Event_Cpt_List);
if (Event_Data) free (Event_Data);
return rc;
if (Locked == TRUE) DS_DataStruct_Unlock (Channel->Event_Cpt_List);
else ((LOGT_Event_Cpt *)(Node->Value))->Total++;
/* Traitement de l'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement en fonction du routage */
if (Info->Rooting & LOGD_ROOTING_STDERR)
/* Affichage de l'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement sur la sortie standard du process */
fprintf (stderr, "[EVENT] %s\n", Event_Name);
if (Info->Rooting & LOGD_ROOTING_DATABASE)
MSGT_Message * Event_Msg;
/* Allocation du message : ent<6E>te du format de l'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement + donn<6E>es de l'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement (Data_Size) */
Msg_Size = sizeof (LOGT_Event_Msg_Header) + 2 * sizeof (unsigned int) + Data_Size;
rc = MSG_Message_Alloc (&Event_Msg, Msg_Size);
if (rc != MSGS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Internal_Send : unable to allocate %d byte(s) for a new message", Msg_Size);
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (Event_Data) free (Event_Data);
return rc;
rc = MSG_Message_Config (Event_Msg, MSGD_CONFIG_TYPE, LOGD_EVENT_MSG_TYPE);
if (rc != MSGS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Internal_Send : unable to configure the message as an event message");
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (Event_Data) free (Event_Data);
MSG_Message_Free (Event_Msg);
return rc;
/* On remplit la zone de donn<6E>es du message selon le format d'un message d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
Event_Msg_Data = (LOGT_Event_Msg_Data *)(Event_Msg->Data);
strcpy (Event_Msg_Data->Header.Version, EVENT_FORMAT_VERSION);
Event_Msg_Data->Header.Sending_Pid = Channel->Pid;
Event_Msg_Data->Header.ModuleId = Channel->ModuleId;
Event_Msg_Data->Header.Master_ModuleId = Channel->Master_ModuleId;
Event_Msg_Data->Event_Type = Info->Event_Type;
Event_Msg_Data->Data_Size = Data_Size;
Event_Data_Ptr = &(Event_Msg_Data->Event_Data);
strncpy (Event_Data_Ptr, Event_Data, Data_Size);
/* Envoi du message pour insertion de l'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement en base */
rc = MSG_Message_Send (0, Send_Port, Event_Msg);
if (rc != MSGS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Internal_Send : unable to send the event through message port \"%s\"", Send_Port->Name);
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (Event_Data) free (Event_Data);
MSG_Message_Free (Event_Msg);
return rc;
if (Event_Data) free (Event_Data);
Compiled_RegExp = (RegExp_t *) malloc (RegExp_Size);
/* D<>clenchement des triggers */
ND_Node_First_Get (Channel->Trigger_List, &Node);
while (Node)
LOGT_Trigger * Trigger = (LOGT_Trigger *)(Node->Value);
NDT_Node * Next_Node;
ND_Node_Next_Get (Node, &Next_Node);
/* Compilation de l'expression r<>guli<6C>re du trigger */
if (!RegExp_Compile (Trigger->Event_Name, Compiled_RegExp))
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Internal_Send : unable to compile the trigger regular expression \"%s\"", Trigger->Event_Name);
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (Compiled_RegExp) free (Compiled_RegExp);
/* L'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement d<>clencheur matche-t'il avec l'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement courant ? */
if (RegExp_Match (Event_Name, Compiled_RegExp))
/* D<>clenchement du trigger */
if (LOGD_ADD_MSK (Trigger->Mode))
rc = LOG_RTab_Add (Channel, Trigger->RTab);
if (rc != LOGS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Internal_Send : unable to add a rooting table on event \"%s\" when specified by a trigger", Event_Name);
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (Compiled_RegExp) free (Compiled_RegExp);
return rc;
else if (LOGD_REMOVE_MSK (Trigger->Mode))
rc = LOG_RTab_Remove (Channel, Trigger->RTab);
if (rc != LOGS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Internal_Send : unable to remove rooting table \"%s\" on event \"%s\" when specified by a trigger", Trigger->RTab->Name, Event_Name);
LOG_Error_Print ();
/* On continue quand m<>me */
/* Retrait du trigger s'il n'est actif qu'une seule fois */
if (LOGD_ONE_SHOT_MSK (Trigger->Mode))
rc = LOG_Trigger_Remove (Trigger);
if (rc != LOGS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Internal_Send : unable to remove a \"one-shot\" trigger on event %s", Event_Name);
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (Compiled_RegExp) free (Compiled_RegExp);
return rc;
Node = Next_Node;
if (Compiled_RegExp) free (Compiled_RegExp);
/* R<>cup<75>ration du code retour */
*RC = Info->RC;
return LOGS_OK;
/* BASE */
NDT_Status LOG_Base_ChannelList_Manager (va_list Args)
LOGT_Status rc;
NDT_Command Command = va_arg (Args, NDT_Command);
if (Command == NDD_CMD_MAKE_VALUE)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
LOGT_Channel ** Channel = va_arg (Args, LOGT_Channel **);
*Channel = NULL;
rc = DS_Alloc (Root, sizeof (LOGT_Channel), (void **)Channel);
if (rc != NDS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Base_ChannelList_Manager : unable to allocate a new channel");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_PRINT_VALUE)
LOGT_Channel * Channel = (LOGT_Channel *) va_arg (Args, void *);
FILE * Out = va_arg (Args, FILE *);
fprintf (Out, "Channel (address %d) :\n\t- pid = %ld\n\t- ID = %d\n\t- module = %d\n\t- %ld sous-module(s)\n\t- %ld table(s)\n\t- %ld trigger(s)\n\t- %ld compteur(s) d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement", (int)Channel, Channel->Pid, Channel->Id, Channel->ModuleId, Channel->SubModule_List->Node_Number, Channel->RTab_List->Node_Number, Channel->Trigger_List->Node_Number, Channel->Event_Cpt_List->Node_Number);
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_DELETE_VALUE)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
LOGT_Channel * Channel = (LOGT_Channel *) va_arg (Args, void *);
rc = DS_DataStruct_Close (Channel->RTab_List, DSD_DESTROY);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Base_ChannelList_Manager : unable to destroy the channel rooting table list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
rc = DS_DataStruct_Close (Channel->SubModule_List, DSD_DESTROY);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Base_ChannelList_Manager : unable to destroy the channel submodule list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
rc = DS_DataStruct_Close (Channel->Trigger_List, DSD_DESTROY);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Base_ChannelList_Manager : unable to destroy the channel trigger list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
rc = DS_DataStruct_Close (Channel->Event_Cpt_List, DSD_DESTROY);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Base_ChannelList_Manager : unable to destroy the channel event counter list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
rc = DS_Free (Root, Channel);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Base_ChannelList_Manager : unable to free the channel");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_PRINT_INFO)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
FILE * Out = va_arg (Args, FILE *);
const char * Root_Type;
DST_RootDesc * RootDesc;
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_DS_MSK))
case NDD_DS_LIST :
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_MN_MSK))
case NDD_MN_ORDERED : Root_Type = "liste tri<72>e"; break;
case NDD_MN_FILO : Root_Type = "liste FILO"; break;
case NDD_MN_FIFO : Root_Type = "liste FIFO"; break;
default : Root_Type = "inconnu"; break;
case NDD_DS_TREE :
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_MN_MSK))
case NDD_MN_AUTO_EQU : Root_Type = "arbre auto-<2D>quilibr<62>"; break;
default : Root_Type = "arbre non auto-<2D>quilibr<62>"; break;
default : Root_Type = "inconnu"; break;
RootDesc = (DST_RootDesc *)(Root->User);
fprintf (Out, "\n%s\n\t- Structure = %s\n\t- Manager = %s\n\t- Nombre de channels = %ld\n", RootDesc->Heap_Name, Root_Type, RootDesc->Manager_FileName, Root->Node_Number);
if (Root->Type & NDD_DS_TREE)
fprintf (Out, "\t- Profondeur maxi = %ld\n\t- Profondeur mini = %ld\n\t- Diff<66>rence maximale autoris<69>e = %ld\n\t- Nombre d'<27>quilibrages = %ld\n", Root->Max_Depth, Root->Min_Depth, Root->Max_Dif, Root->Nb_Equ);
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_COMP_VALUE)
LOGT_Channel * Channel1, *Channel2;
long comp;
Channel1 = (LOGT_Channel *) va_arg (Args, void *);
Channel2 = (LOGT_Channel *) va_arg (Args, void *);
va_end (Args);
comp = (int)Channel1 - (int)Channel2;
if (comp < 0) return NDS_LOWER;
if (comp > 0) return NDS_GREATER;
return NDS_EQUAL;
return NDS_OK;
/* Manager d'une liste de tables de routage attach<63>es <20> la base */
NDT_Status LOG_Base_RTabList_Manager (va_list Args)
LOGT_Status rc;
NDT_Command Command = va_arg (Args, NDT_Command);
if (Command == NDD_CMD_MAKE_VALUE)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
LOGT_RTab ** RTab = va_arg (Args, LOGT_RTab **);
va_list Args_Value = va_arg (Args, va_list);
LOGT_RTType Type = va_arg (Args_Value, LOGT_RTType);
char * Name = va_arg (Args_Value, char *);
char * Heap_Name;
*RTab = NULL;
/* Allocation de la table de routage dans le m<>me heap que celui de la liste des tables de routage */
rc = DS_Alloc (Root, sizeof (LOGT_RTab) + strlen (Name) + 1, (void **)RTab);
if (rc != NDS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Base_RTabList_Manager : unable to allocate a new table %s", Name);
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
(*RTab)->Type = Type;
(*RTab)->Nb_Channel = 0;
(*RTab)->Root = NULL;
(*RTab)->Pid = getpid ();
(*RTab)->Name = (char *)((size_t)(*RTab) + sizeof (LOGT_RTab));
strcpy ((*RTab)->Name, Name);
/* Cr<43>ation de la data structure sous-jacente toujours dans le m<>me heap */
switch ((int)Type)
Heap_Name = LOG_Name_Prefix (LOGD_LMRT_LIST_NAME);
Heap_Name = LOG_Name_Prefix (LOGD_LDRT_LIST_NAME);
case LOGD_URT:
default :
Heap_Name = LOG_Name_Prefix (LOGD_URT_LIST_NAME);
rc = DS_DataStruct_Open (Heap_Name, &((*RTab)->Root), NDD_DS_TREE | NDD_MN_AUTO_EQU, LOG_FILE_MANAGER, 0, DSD_NEW, TRUE);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Base_RTabList_Manager : unable to create the data structure for the rooting table \"%s\"", Name);
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
else strcpy ((*RTab)->Root->Manager, "LOG_RTab_Manager");
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_PRINT_VALUE)
LOGT_RTab * RTab = (LOGT_RTab *) va_arg (Args, void *);
FILE * Out = va_arg (Args, FILE *);
fprintf (Out, "Table de routage \"%s\" :\n\t- creator = %d\n\t- type = %s\n\t- nombre d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nements = %ld\n\t- attach<63>e <20> %d channel(s)", RTab->Name, (int)RTab->Pid, LOG_RTType_Label_Get (RTab->Type), RTab->Root->Node_Number, RTab->Nb_Channel);
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_DELETE_VALUE)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
LOGT_RTab * RTab = (LOGT_RTab *) va_arg (Args, void *);
char RTab_Name [50];
strcpy (RTab_Name, RTab->Name);
rc = DS_DataStruct_Close (RTab->Root, DSD_DESTROY);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Base_RTabList_Manager : unable to destroy the data structure of rooting table \"%s\"", RTab_Name);
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
rc = DS_Free (Root, RTab);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Base_RTabList_Manager : unable to desallocate the rooting table \"%s\"", RTab_Name);
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_PRINT_INFO)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
FILE * Out = va_arg (Args, FILE *);
const char * Root_Type;
DST_RootDesc * RootDesc;
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_DS_MSK))
case NDD_DS_LIST :
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_MN_MSK))
case NDD_MN_ORDERED : Root_Type = "liste tri<72>e"; break;
case NDD_MN_FILO : Root_Type = "liste FILO"; break;
case NDD_MN_FIFO : Root_Type = "liste FIFO"; break;
default : Root_Type = "inconnu"; break;
case NDD_DS_TREE :
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_MN_MSK))
case NDD_MN_AUTO_EQU : Root_Type = "arbre auto-<2D>quilibr<62>"; break;
default : Root_Type = "arbre non auto-<2D>quilibr<62>"; break;
default : Root_Type = "inconnu"; break;
RootDesc = (DST_RootDesc *)(Root->User);
fprintf (Out, "\n%s\n\t- Structure = %s\n\t- Manager = %s\n\t- Nombre de tables de routage = %ld\n", RootDesc->Heap_Name, Root_Type, RootDesc->Manager_FileName, Root->Node_Number);
if (Root->Type & NDD_DS_TREE)
fprintf (Out, "\t- Profondeur maxi = %ld\n\t- Profondeur mini = %ld\n\t- Diff<66>rence maximale autoris<69>e = %ld\n\t- Nombre d'<27>quilibrages = %ld\n", Root->Max_Depth, Root->Min_Depth, Root->Max_Dif, Root->Nb_Equ);
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_COMP_VALUE)
LOGT_RTab * RTab1, * RTab2;
long comp;
RTab1 = (LOGT_RTab *) va_arg (Args, void *);
RTab2 = (LOGT_RTab *) va_arg (Args, void *);
va_end (Args);
comp = strcmp (RTab1->Name, RTab2->Name);
if (comp < 0) return NDS_LOWER;
if (comp > 0) return NDS_GREATER;
return NDS_EQUAL;
return NDS_OK;
/* Manager de la liste de tables de routage d'un channel */
NDT_Status LOG_Channel_RTabList_Manager (va_list Args)
LOGT_Status rc;
NDT_Command Command = va_arg (Args, NDT_Command);
if (Command == NDD_CMD_PRINT_VALUE)
LOGT_RTab * RTab = (LOGT_RTab *) va_arg (Args, void *);
FILE * Out = va_arg (Args, FILE *);
fprintf (Out, "Table de routage \"%s\" :\n\t- type = %s\n\t- nombre d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nements = %ld\n\t- attach<63>e <20> %d channel(s)", RTab->Name, LOG_RTType_Label_Get (RTab->Type), RTab->Root->Node_Number, RTab->Nb_Channel);
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_DELETE_VALUE)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
LOGT_RTab * RTab = (LOGT_RTab *) va_arg (Args, void *);
/* La table de routage globale ma<6D>tre n'est m<>me pas ferm<72>e car peut <20>tre utilis<69>e par d'autres channels */
/* Les tables de routage locales sont supprim<69>es */
if (RTab->Type == LOGD_LMRT)
rc = DS_Value_Remove (LOG_Base->LMRT_List, (void *)RTab, (void **)&RTab);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_RTabList_Manager : unable to remove the LMRT rooting table from the base list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
rc = DS_Value_Free (LOG_Base->LMRT_List, (void *)RTab);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_RTabList_Manager : unable to free the LMRT rooting table");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
if (RTab->Type == LOGD_LDRT)
rc = DS_Value_Remove (LOG_Base->LDRT_List, (void *)RTab, (void **)&RTab);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_RTabList_Manager : unable to remove a LDRT rooting table from the base list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
rc = DS_Value_Free (LOG_Base->LDRT_List, (void *)RTab);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_RTabList_Manager : unable to free the LDRT rooting table");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
/* Les tables de routage utilisateur ne sont supprim<69>es que si elles ne sont plus rattach<63>es <20> aucun channel */
if (RTab->Type == LOGD_URT && RTab->Nb_Channel == 1)
rc = DS_Value_Remove (LOG_Base->URT_List, (void *)RTab, (void **)&RTab);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_RTabList_Manager : unable to remove a user rooting table (%p) from the base list", (void *)RTab);
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
rc = DS_Value_Free (LOG_Base->URT_List, (void *)RTab);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_RTabList_Manager : unable to free the user rooting table (%p)", (void *)RTab);
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
else (RTab->Nb_Channel)--;
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_PRINT_INFO)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
FILE * Out = va_arg (Args, FILE *);
const char * Root_Type;
DST_RootDesc * RootDesc;
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_DS_MSK))
case NDD_DS_LIST :
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_MN_MSK))
case NDD_MN_ORDERED : Root_Type = "liste tri<72>e"; break;
case NDD_MN_FILO : Root_Type = "liste FILO"; break;
case NDD_MN_FIFO : Root_Type = "liste FIFO"; break;
default : Root_Type = "inconnu"; break;
case NDD_DS_TREE :
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_MN_MSK))
case NDD_MN_AUTO_EQU : Root_Type = "arbre auto-<2D>quilibr<62>"; break;
default : Root_Type = "arbre non auto-<2D>quilibr<62>"; break;
default : Root_Type = "inconnu"; break;
RootDesc = (DST_RootDesc *)(Root->User);
fprintf (Out, "\n%s\n\t- Structure = %s\n\t- Manager = %s\n\t- Nombre de tables de routage = %ld\n", RootDesc->Heap_Name, Root_Type, RootDesc->Manager_FileName, Root->Node_Number);
if (Root->Type & NDD_DS_TREE)
fprintf (Out, "\t- Profondeur maxi = %ld\n\t- Profondeur mini = %ld\n\t- Diff<66>rence maximale autoris<69>e = %ld\n\t- Nombre d'<27>quilibrages = %ld\n", Root->Max_Depth, Root->Min_Depth, Root->Max_Dif, Root->Nb_Equ);
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_COMP_VALUE)
LOGT_RTab * RTab1, * RTab2;
long comp;
RTab1 = (LOGT_RTab *) va_arg (Args, void *);
RTab2 = (LOGT_RTab *) va_arg (Args, void *);
va_end (Args);
Pour le tri des tables de routage, la comparaison se fait sur le type :
- GMRT en 1er
- LMRT en 2<EFBFBD>me
- URT ensuite
- LDRT en dernier
Les types ont <EFBFBD>t<EFBFBD> choisis pour qu'on puisse se contenter de trier sur leur valeur.
comp = RTab1->Type - RTab2->Type;
if (comp < 0) return NDS_LOWER;
if (comp > 0) return NDS_GREATER;
if (comp == 0) return NDS_EQUAL;
return NDS_OK;
/* Manager de la structure de compteurs d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nements d'un channel */
NDT_Status LOG_Channel_Event_CptList_Manager (va_list Args)
LOGT_Status rc;
NDT_Command Command = va_arg (Args, NDT_Command);
if (Command == NDD_CMD_MAKE_VALUE)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
LOGT_Event_Cpt ** Event_Cpt = va_arg (Args, LOGT_Event_Cpt **);
va_list Args_Value = va_arg (Args, va_list);
char * Name = va_arg (Args_Value, char *);
*Event_Cpt = NULL;
rc = DS_Alloc (Root, sizeof (LOGT_Event_Cpt) + strlen (Name) + 1, (void **)Event_Cpt);
if (rc != NDS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Event_CptList_Manager : unable to allocate a new event counter");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
(*Event_Cpt)->Total = 1;
(*Event_Cpt)->Name = (char *)((size_t)(*Event_Cpt) + sizeof (LOGT_Event_Cpt));
strcpy ((*Event_Cpt)->Name, Name);
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_PRINT_VALUE)
LOGT_Event_Cpt * EventCpt = (LOGT_Event_Cpt *) va_arg (Args, void *);
FILE * Out = va_arg (Args, FILE *);
fprintf (Out, "Compteur :\n\t- <20>v<EFBFBD>nement = %s\n\t- valeur = %d", EventCpt->Name, EventCpt->Total);
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_DELETE_VALUE)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
LOGT_Event_Cpt * EventCpt = (LOGT_Event_Cpt *) va_arg (Args, void *);
rc = DS_Free (Root, EventCpt);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_Event_CptList_Manager : unable to free an event counter");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_PRINT_INFO)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
FILE * Out = va_arg (Args, FILE *);
const char * Root_Type;
DST_RootDesc * RootDesc;
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_DS_MSK))
case NDD_DS_LIST :
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_MN_MSK))
case NDD_MN_ORDERED : Root_Type = "liste tri<72>e"; break;
case NDD_MN_FILO : Root_Type = "liste FILO"; break;
case NDD_MN_FIFO : Root_Type = "liste FIFO"; break;
default : Root_Type = "inconnu"; break;
case NDD_DS_TREE :
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_MN_MSK))
case NDD_MN_AUTO_EQU : Root_Type = "arbre auto-<2D>quilibr<62>"; break;
default : Root_Type = "arbre non auto-<2D>quilibr<62>"; break;
default : Root_Type = "inconnu"; break;
RootDesc = (DST_RootDesc *)(Root->User);
fprintf (Out, "\n%s\n\t- Structure = %s\n\t- Manager = %s\n\t- Nombre de compteurs = %ld\n", RootDesc->Heap_Name, Root_Type, RootDesc->Manager_FileName, Root->Node_Number);
if (Root->Type & NDD_DS_TREE)
fprintf (Out, "\t- Profondeur maxi = %ld\n\t- Profondeur mini = %ld\n\t- Diff<66>rence maximale autoris<69>e = %ld\n\t- Nombre d'<27>quilibrages = %ld\n", Root->Max_Depth, Root->Min_Depth, Root->Max_Dif, Root->Nb_Equ);
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_COMP_VALUE)
LOGT_Event_Cpt *Event_Cpt1, *Event_Cpt2;
long comp;
Event_Cpt1 = (LOGT_Event_Cpt *) va_arg (Args, void *);
Event_Cpt2 = (LOGT_Event_Cpt *) va_arg (Args, void *);
va_end (Args);
comp = strcmp (Event_Cpt1->Name, Event_Cpt2->Name);
if (comp < 0) return NDS_LOWER;
if (comp > 0) return NDS_GREATER;
return NDS_EQUAL;
return NDS_OK;
/* Manager de la liste de sous-modules d'un channel */
NDT_Status LOG_Channel_TriggerList_Manager (va_list Args)
LOGT_Status rc;
NDT_Command Command = va_arg (Args, NDT_Command);
if (Command == NDD_CMD_MAKE_VALUE)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
LOGT_Trigger ** Trigger = va_arg (Args, LOGT_Trigger **);
va_list Args_Value = va_arg (Args, va_list);
char * Event_Name = va_arg (Args_Value, char *);
*Trigger = NULL;
rc = DS_Alloc (Root, sizeof (LOGT_Trigger) + strlen (Event_Name) + 1, (void **)Trigger);
if (rc != NDS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_TriggerList_Manager : unable to allocate a new trigger");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
(*Trigger)->Event_Name = (char *)((size_t)(*Trigger) + sizeof (LOGT_Trigger));
strcpy ((*Trigger)->Event_Name, Event_Name);
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_PRINT_VALUE)
LOGT_Trigger * Trigger = (LOGT_Trigger *) va_arg (Args, void *);
FILE * Out = va_arg (Args, FILE *);
fprintf (Out, "Trigger :\n\t- <20>v<EFBFBD>nement d<>clencheur = \"%s\"\n\t- mode = %s (%s)\n\t- table de routage concern<72>e = \"%s\"", Trigger->Event_Name, LOGD_ADD_MSK (Trigger->Mode) == LOGD_ADD ? "ajout" : "suppression", LOGD_ONE_SHOT_MSK (Trigger->Mode) == LOGD_ONE_SHOT ? "une seule fois" : "permanent", Trigger->RTab->Name);
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_DELETE_VALUE)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
LOGT_Trigger * Trigger = (LOGT_Trigger *) va_arg (Args, void *);
rc = DS_Free (Root, Trigger);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_TriggerList_Manager : unable to free submodule");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_PRINT_INFO)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
FILE * Out = va_arg (Args, FILE *);
const char * Root_Type;
DST_RootDesc * RootDesc;
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_DS_MSK))
case NDD_DS_LIST :
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_MN_MSK))
case NDD_MN_ORDERED : Root_Type = "liste tri<72>e"; break;
case NDD_MN_FILO : Root_Type = "liste FILO"; break;
case NDD_MN_FIFO : Root_Type = "liste FIFO"; break;
default : Root_Type = "inconnu"; break;
case NDD_DS_TREE :
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_MN_MSK))
case NDD_MN_AUTO_EQU : Root_Type = "arbre auto-<2D>quilibr<62>"; break;
default : Root_Type = "arbre non auto-<2D>quilibr<62>"; break;
default : Root_Type = "inconnu"; break;
RootDesc = (DST_RootDesc *)(Root->User);
fprintf (Out, "\n%s\n\t- Structure = %s\n\t- Manager = %s\n\t- Nombre de sous-module = %ld\n", RootDesc->Heap_Name, Root_Type, RootDesc->Manager_FileName, Root->Node_Number);
if (Root->Type & NDD_DS_TREE)
fprintf (Out, "\t- Profondeur maxi = %ld\n\t- Profondeur mini = %ld\n\t- Diff<66>rence maximale autoris<69>e = %ld\n\t- Nombre d'<27>quilibrages = %ld\n", Root->Max_Depth, Root->Min_Depth, Root->Max_Dif, Root->Nb_Equ);
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_COMP_VALUE)
char * Trigger1, * Trigger2;
long comp;
Trigger1 = (char *) va_arg (Args, void *);
Trigger2 = (char *) va_arg (Args, void *);
va_end (Args);
comp = (long)Trigger1 - (long)Trigger2;
if (comp < 0) return NDS_LOWER;
if (comp > 0) return NDS_GREATER;
return NDS_EQUAL;
return NDS_OK;
/* Manager de la liste de sous-modules d'un channel */
NDT_Status LOG_Channel_SubModuleList_Manager (va_list Args)
LOGT_Status rc;
NDT_Command Command = va_arg (Args, NDT_Command);
if (Command == NDD_CMD_MAKE_VALUE)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
char ** SubModule = va_arg (Args, char **);
va_list Args_Value = va_arg (Args, va_list);
char * Name = va_arg (Args_Value, char *);
*SubModule = NULL;
rc = DS_Alloc (Root, strlen (Name) + 1, (void **) SubModule);
if (rc != NDS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_SubModuleList_Manager : unable to allocate a new submodule");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
strcpy (*SubModule, Name);
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_PRINT_VALUE)
char *SubModule = (char *) va_arg (Args, void *);
FILE * Out = va_arg (Args, FILE *);
fprintf (Out, "Sous-module \"%s\"", SubModule);
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_DELETE_VALUE)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
char *SubModule = (char *) va_arg (Args, void *);
rc = DS_Free (Root, SubModule);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Channel_SubModuleList_Manager : unable to free submodule");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_PRINT_INFO)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
FILE * Out = va_arg (Args, FILE *);
const char * Root_Type;
DST_RootDesc * RootDesc;
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_DS_MSK))
case NDD_DS_LIST :
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_MN_MSK))
case NDD_MN_ORDERED : Root_Type = "liste tri<72>e"; break;
case NDD_MN_FILO : Root_Type = "liste FILO"; break;
case NDD_MN_FIFO : Root_Type = "liste FIFO"; break;
default : Root_Type = "inconnu"; break;
case NDD_DS_TREE :
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_MN_MSK))
case NDD_MN_AUTO_EQU : Root_Type = "arbre auto-<2D>quilibr<62>"; break;
default : Root_Type = "arbre non auto-<2D>quilibr<62>"; break;
default : Root_Type = "inconnu"; break;
RootDesc = (DST_RootDesc *)(Root->User);
fprintf (Out, "\n%s\n\t- Structure = %s\n\t- Manager = %s\n\t- Nombre de sous-module = %ld\n", RootDesc->Heap_Name, Root_Type, RootDesc->Manager_FileName, Root->Node_Number);
if (Root->Type & NDD_DS_TREE)
fprintf (Out, "\t- Profondeur maxi = %ld\n\t- Profondeur mini = %ld\n\t- Diff<66>rence maximale autoris<69>e = %ld\n\t- Nombre d'<27>quilibrages = %ld\n", Root->Max_Depth, Root->Min_Depth, Root->Max_Dif, Root->Nb_Equ);
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_COMP_VALUE)
char * SubModule1, * SubModule2;
long comp;
SubModule1 = (char *) va_arg (Args, void *);
SubModule2 = (char *) va_arg (Args, void *);
va_end (Args);
comp = strcmp (SubModule1, SubModule2);
if (comp < 0) return NDS_LOWER;
if (comp > 0) return NDS_GREATER;
return NDS_EQUAL;
return NDS_OK;
/* Recherche du routage d'un <20>v<EFBFBD>nement pour un channel donn<6E> */
LOGT_Status LOG_Channel_Rooting_Find (LOGT_Channel * Channel, int EvtId, LOGT_Rooting * Rooting)
LOGT_Status rc;
LOGT_RTab * RTab;
NDT_Node * RTab_Node;
NDT_Node * Event_Node = NULL;
LOGT_RTab_Evt To_Find;
if (!Channel) return LOGS_ERRAPI;
To_Find.Id = EvtId;
/* Recherche dans toutes les tables de routage du channel */
ND_Node_First_Get (Channel->RTab_List, &RTab_Node);
while (RTab_Node)
RTab = (LOGT_RTab *)(RTab_Node->Value);
rc = DS_Node_Find (RTab->Root, &Event_Node, &To_Find, NULL);
if (DS_ERROR(rc)) return rc;
if (rc == DSS_OK)
*Rooting = ((LOGT_RTab_Evt *)(Event_Node->Value))->Rooting;
/* Si le routage n'est pas celui de la table pr<70>c<EFBFBD>dente, alors on a trouv<75> ! */
if (*Rooting != LOGD_ROOTING_PREVIOUS) return LOGS_OK;
ND_Node_Next_Get (RTab_Node, &RTab_Node);
return LOGS_KO;
/* Manager du cache de modules */
NDT_Status LOG_KMOD_Manager (va_list Args)
LOGT_Status rc;
NDT_Command Command = va_arg (Args, NDT_Command);
if (Command == NDD_CMD_MAKE_VALUE)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
LOGT_Module ** Module = va_arg (Args, LOGT_Module **);
va_list Args_Value = va_arg (Args, va_list);
char * Name = va_arg (Args_Value, char *);
int Id = va_arg (Args_Value, int);
*Module = NULL;
rc = DS_Alloc (Root, sizeof (LOGT_Module) + strlen (Name) + 1, (void **)Module);
if (rc != NDS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_KMOD_Manager : unable to allocate a new module for the module cache data structure");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
(*Module)->Id = Id;
(*Module)->Name = (char *)((size_t)(*Module) + sizeof (LOGT_Module));
strcpy ((*Module)->Name, Name);
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_PRINT_VALUE)
LOGT_Module * Module = (LOGT_Module *) va_arg (Args, void *);
FILE * Out = va_arg (Args, FILE *);
fprintf (Out, "Module \"%s\" (ID = %d)", Module->Name, Module->Id);
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_DELETE_VALUE)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
LOGT_Module * Module = (LOGT_Module *) va_arg (Args, void *);
DS_Free (Root, Module);
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_PRINT_INFO)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
FILE * Out = va_arg (Args, FILE *);
const char * Root_Type;
DST_RootDesc * RootDesc;
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_DS_MSK))
case NDD_DS_LIST :
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_MN_MSK))
case NDD_MN_ORDERED : Root_Type = "liste tri<72>e"; break;
case NDD_MN_FILO : Root_Type = "liste FILO"; break;
case NDD_MN_FIFO : Root_Type = "liste FIFO"; break;
default : Root_Type = "inconnu"; break;
case NDD_DS_TREE :
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_MN_MSK))
case NDD_MN_AUTO_EQU : Root_Type = "arbre auto-<2D>quilibr<62>"; break;
default : Root_Type = "arbre non auto-<2D>quilibr<62>"; break;
default : Root_Type = "inconnu"; break;
RootDesc = (DST_RootDesc *)(Root->User);
fprintf (Out, "\n%s\n\t- Structure = %s\n\t- Manager = %s\n\t- Nombre de modules = %ld\n", RootDesc->Heap_Name, Root_Type, RootDesc->Manager_FileName, Root->Node_Number);
if (Root->Type & NDD_DS_TREE)
fprintf (Out, "\t- Profondeur maxi = %ld\n\t- Profondeur mini = %ld\n\t- Diff<66>rence maximale autoris<69>e = %ld\n\t- Nombre d'<27>quilibrages = %ld\n", Root->Max_Depth, Root->Min_Depth, Root->Max_Dif, Root->Nb_Equ);
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_COMP_VALUE)
LOGT_Module * Module1, * Module2;
long comp;
Module1 = (LOGT_Module *) va_arg (Args, void *);
Module2 = (LOGT_Module *) va_arg (Args, void *);
va_end (Args);
comp = strcmp (Module1->Name, Module2->Name);
if (comp < 0) return NDS_LOWER;
if (comp > 0) return NDS_GREATER;
return NDS_EQUAL;
return NDS_OK;
/* Manager du cache des formats d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
NDT_Status LOG_KFORMAT_Manager (va_list Args)
LOGT_Status rc;
NDT_Command Command = va_arg (Args, NDT_Command);
if (Command == NDD_CMD_MAKE_VALUE)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
LOGT_Event_Format ** Event_Format = va_arg (Args, LOGT_Event_Format **);
va_list Args_Value = va_arg (Args, va_list);
unsigned int Event_Type = va_arg (Args_Value, unsigned int);
*Event_Format = NULL;
/* Allocation de la structure LOGT_Event_Format */
rc = DS_Alloc (Root, sizeof (LOGT_Event_Format), (void **)Event_Format);
if (rc != NDS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_KFORMAT_Manager : unable to allocate a new event format for the KFORMAT data structure");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
(*Event_Format)->Event_Type = Event_Type;
/* Cr<43>ation de la liste des donn<6E>es associ<63>e au format */
rc = DS_DataStruct_Open (LOG_Name_Prefix (LOGD_KFORMAT_NAME), &((*Event_Format)->Data_List), NDD_DS_LIST | NDD_MN_FIFO, LOG_FILE_MANAGER, 0, DSD_NEW, TRUE);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_KFORMAT_Manager : unable to create the event format data list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
DS_Free (Root, *Event_Format);
return rc;
else strcpy ((*Event_Format)->Data_List->Manager, "LOG_KFORMAT_DataList_Manager");
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_PRINT_VALUE)
LOGT_Event_Format * Event_Format = (LOGT_Event_Format *) va_arg (Args, void *);
FILE * Out = va_arg (Args, FILE *);
fprintf (Out, "Format du type d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement %d : %ld donn<6E>e(s) associ<63>e(s)", Event_Format->Event_Type, Event_Format->Data_List->Node_Number);
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_DELETE_VALUE)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
LOGT_Event_Format * Event_Format = (LOGT_Event_Format *) va_arg (Args, void *);
rc = DS_DataStruct_Close (Event_Format->Data_List, DSD_DESTROY);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_KFORMAT_Manager : unable to destroy the event format data list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
DS_Free (Root, Event_Format);
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_PRINT_INFO)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
FILE * Out = va_arg (Args, FILE *);
const char * Root_Type;
DST_RootDesc * RootDesc;
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_DS_MSK))
case NDD_DS_LIST :
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_MN_MSK))
case NDD_MN_ORDERED : Root_Type = "liste tri<72>e"; break;
case NDD_MN_FILO : Root_Type = "liste FILO"; break;
case NDD_MN_FIFO : Root_Type = "liste FIFO"; break;
default : Root_Type = "inconnu"; break;
case NDD_DS_TREE :
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_MN_MSK))
case NDD_MN_AUTO_EQU : Root_Type = "arbre auto-<2D>quilibr<62>"; break;
default : Root_Type = "arbre non auto-<2D>quilibr<62>"; break;
default : Root_Type = "inconnu"; break;
RootDesc = (DST_RootDesc *)(Root->User);
fprintf (Out, "\n%s\n\t- Structure = %s\n\t- Manager = %s\n\t- Nombre de formats d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement = %ld\n", RootDesc->Heap_Name, Root_Type, RootDesc->Manager_FileName, Root->Node_Number);
if (Root->Type & NDD_DS_TREE)
fprintf (Out, "\t- Profondeur maxi = %ld\n\t- Profondeur mini = %ld\n\t- Diff<66>rence maximale autoris<69>e = %ld\n\t- Nombre d'<27>quilibrages = %ld\n", Root->Max_Depth, Root->Min_Depth, Root->Max_Dif, Root->Nb_Equ);
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_COMP_VALUE)
LOGT_Event_Format * Event_Format1, *Event_Format2;
long comp;
Event_Format1 = (LOGT_Event_Format *) va_arg (Args, void *);
Event_Format2 = (LOGT_Event_Format *) va_arg (Args, void *);
va_end (Args);
comp = Event_Format1->Event_Type - Event_Format2->Event_Type;
if (comp < 0) return NDS_LOWER;
if (comp > 0) return NDS_GREATER;
return NDS_EQUAL;
return NDS_OK;
/* Manager d'une liste de donn<6E>es associ<63>e <20> un format d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
NDT_Status LOG_KFORMAT_DataList_Manager (va_list Args)
LOGT_Status rc;
NDT_Command Command = va_arg (Args, NDT_Command);
if (Command == NDD_CMD_MAKE_VALUE)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
char ** Event_Data = va_arg (Args, char **);
va_list Args_Value = va_arg (Args, va_list);
char * Data = va_arg (Args_Value, char *);
*Event_Data = NULL;
rc = DS_Alloc (Root, strlen (Data) + 1, (void **)Event_Data);
if (rc != NDS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_KFORMAT_DataList_Manager : unable to allocate a new data for the event format data list");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
strcpy (*Event_Data, Data);
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_PRINT_VALUE)
char * Event_Data = (char *) va_arg (Args, void *);
FILE * Out = va_arg (Args, FILE *);
fprintf (Out, "Donn<EFBFBD>es de format \"%s\"", Event_Data);
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_DELETE_VALUE)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
char * Event_Data = (char *) va_arg (Args, void *);
DS_Free (Root, Event_Data);
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_PRINT_INFO)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
FILE * Out = va_arg (Args, FILE *);
const char * Root_Type;
DST_RootDesc * RootDesc;
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_DS_MSK))
case NDD_DS_LIST :
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_MN_MSK))
case NDD_MN_ORDERED : Root_Type = "liste tri<72>e"; break;
case NDD_MN_FILO : Root_Type = "liste FILO"; break;
case NDD_MN_FIFO : Root_Type = "liste FIFO"; break;
default : Root_Type = "inconnu"; break;
case NDD_DS_TREE :
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_MN_MSK))
case NDD_MN_AUTO_EQU : Root_Type = "arbre auto-<2D>quilibr<62>"; break;
default : Root_Type = "arbre non auto-<2D>quilibr<62>"; break;
default : Root_Type = "inconnu"; break;
RootDesc = (DST_RootDesc *)(Root->User);
fprintf (Out, "\n%s\n\t- Structure = %s\n\t- Manager = %s\n\t- Nombre de donn<6E>es associ<63>es aux format = %ld\n", RootDesc->Heap_Name, Root_Type, RootDesc->Manager_FileName, Root->Node_Number);
if (Root->Type & NDD_DS_TREE)
fprintf (Out, "\t- Profondeur maxi = %ld\n\t- Profondeur mini = %ld\n\t- Diff<66>rence maximale autoris<69>e = %ld\n\t- Nombre d'<27>quilibrages = %ld\n", Root->Max_Depth, Root->Min_Depth, Root->Max_Dif, Root->Nb_Equ);
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_COMP_VALUE)
char * Event_Data1, *Event_Data2;
long comp;
Event_Data1 = (char *) va_arg (Args, void *);
Event_Data2 = (char *) va_arg (Args, void *);
va_end (Args);
comp = strcmp (Event_Data1, Event_Data2);
if (comp < 0) return NDS_LOWER;
if (comp > 0) return NDS_GREATER;
return NDS_EQUAL;
return NDS_OK;
/* Manager de la table GDRT */
NDT_Status LOG_GDRT_Manager (va_list Args)
LOGT_Status rc;
NDT_Command Command = va_arg (Args, NDT_Command);
if (Command == NDD_CMD_MAKE_VALUE)
char * Event_Name = va_arg (Args, char *);
int EvtId = va_arg (Args, int);
LOGT_Gravite Gravite = va_arg (Args, LOGT_Gravite);
LOGT_RC RC = va_arg (Args, LOGT_RC);
LOGT_Rooting Rooting = va_arg (Args, LOGT_Rooting);
int * Nb_Tree = va_arg (Args, int *);
return LOG_GDRT_Event_Create (Event_Name, EvtId, Gravite, RC, Rooting, Nb_Tree);
if (Command == NDD_CMD_PRINT_VALUE)
LOGT_GDRT_Evt * GDRT_Evt = (LOGT_GDRT_Evt *) va_arg (Args, void *);
FILE * Out = va_arg (Args, FILE *);
fprintf (Out, "Ev<EFBFBD>nement \"%s\" : ", GDRT_Evt->Name);
if (GDRT_Evt->Terminal == TRUE)
fprintf (Out, "terminal (ID=%d Gravit<69>='%c' RC=%s Routage=%s) / %ld sous-valeur(s)", GDRT_Evt->Id, (char)(GDRT_Evt->Gravite), LOG_RC_Label_Get (GDRT_Evt->RC), LOG_Rooting_Label_Get (GDRT_Evt->Rooting), GDRT_Evt->Next_Dim ? ((NDT_Root *)(GDRT_Evt->Next_Dim))->Node_Number : 0);
fprintf (Out, "non terminal / %ld sous-valeur(s)", GDRT_Evt->Next_Dim ? ((NDT_Root *)(GDRT_Evt->Next_Dim))->Node_Number : 0);
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_DELETE_VALUE)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
LOGT_GDRT_Evt *GDRT_Evt = (LOGT_GDRT_Evt *) va_arg (Args, void *);
if (GDRT_Evt->Next_Dim)
rc = DS_DataStruct_Traverse (GDRT_Evt->Next_Dim, NDD_CMD_DELETE_VALUE, NULL);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_GDRT_Manager : unable to destroy the next dimension of value %s from the GDRT data structure", GDRT_Evt->Name);
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
rc = DS_Free (Root, GDRT_Evt);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_GDRT_Manager : unable to free a value from the GDRT data structure");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_PRINT_INFO)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
FILE * Out = va_arg (Args, FILE *);
const char * Root_Type;
DST_RootDesc * RootDesc;
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_DS_MSK))
case NDD_DS_LIST :
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_MN_MSK))
case NDD_MN_ORDERED : Root_Type = "liste tri<72>e"; break;
case NDD_MN_FILO : Root_Type = "liste FILO"; break;
case NDD_MN_FIFO : Root_Type = "liste FIFO"; break;
default : Root_Type = "inconnu"; break;
case NDD_DS_TREE :
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_MN_MSK))
case NDD_MN_AUTO_EQU : Root_Type = "arbre auto-<2D>quilibr<62>"; break;
default : Root_Type = "arbre non auto-<2D>quilibr<62>"; break;
default : Root_Type = "inconnu"; break;
RootDesc = (DST_RootDesc *)(Root->User);
fprintf (Out, "\n%s\n\t- Structure = %s\n\t- Manager = %s\n\t- Nombre d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nements = %ld\n", RootDesc->Heap_Name, Root_Type, RootDesc->Manager_FileName, Root->Node_Number);
if (Root->Type & NDD_DS_TREE)
fprintf (Out, "\t- Profondeur maxi = %ld\n\t- Profondeur mini = %ld\n\t- Diff<66>rence maximale autoris<69>e = %ld\n\t- Nombre d'<27>quilibrages = %ld\n", Root->Max_Depth, Root->Min_Depth, Root->Max_Dif, Root->Nb_Equ);
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_COMP_VALUE)
long comp;
GDRT_Evt1 = (LOGT_GDRT_Evt *) va_arg (Args, void *);
GDRT_Evt2 = (LOGT_GDRT_Evt *) va_arg (Args, void *);
va_end (Args);
comp = strcmp (GDRT_Evt1->Name, GDRT_Evt2->Name);
if (comp < 0) return NDS_LOWER;
if (comp > 0) return NDS_GREATER;
return NDS_EQUAL;
return NDS_OK;
/* Manager des dimensions des <20>v<EFBFBD>nements de la table GDRT */
NDT_Status LOG_GDRT_Dim_Manager (va_list Args)
LOGT_Status rc;
NDT_Command Command = va_arg (Args, NDT_Command);
if (Command == NDD_CMD_PRINT_VALUE)
LOGT_GDRT_Evt *GDRT_Evt = (LOGT_GDRT_Evt *) va_arg (Args, void *);
FILE * Out = va_arg (Args, FILE *);
fprintf (Out, "Dimension \"%s\" :\n\t- ID = %d\n\t- Gravit<69> = '%c'\n\t- Code retour = %s\n\t- Routage = %s\n\t- Dimension suivante = %ld valeur(s)", GDRT_Evt->Name, GDRT_Evt->Id, (char)(GDRT_Evt->Gravite), LOG_RC_Label_Get (GDRT_Evt->RC), LOG_Rooting_Label_Get (GDRT_Evt->Rooting), GDRT_Evt->Next_Dim ? ((NDT_Root *)(GDRT_Evt->Next_Dim))->Node_Number : 0);
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_DELETE_VALUE)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
LOGT_GDRT_Evt *GDRT_Evt = (LOGT_GDRT_Evt *) va_arg (Args, void *);
if (GDRT_Evt->Next_Dim)
rc = DS_DataStruct_Traverse (GDRT_Evt->Next_Dim, NDD_CMD_DELETE_VALUE, NULL);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_GDRT_Dim_Manager : unable to destroy the next dimension of value %s from the GDRT data structure", GDRT_Evt->Name);
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
rc = DS_Free (Root, GDRT_Evt);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_GDRT_Dim_Manager : unable to free a value from the GDRT data structure");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_PRINT_INFO)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
FILE * Out = va_arg (Args, FILE *);
const char * Root_Type;
DST_RootDesc * RootDesc;
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_DS_MSK))
case NDD_DS_LIST :
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_MN_MSK))
case NDD_MN_ORDERED : Root_Type = "liste tri<72>e"; break;
case NDD_MN_FILO : Root_Type = "liste FILO"; break;
case NDD_MN_FIFO : Root_Type = "liste FIFO"; break;
default : Root_Type = "inconnu"; break;
case NDD_DS_TREE :
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_MN_MSK))
case NDD_MN_AUTO_EQU : Root_Type = "arbre auto-<2D>quilibr<62>"; break;
default : Root_Type = "arbre non auto-<2D>quilibr<62>"; break;
default : Root_Type = "inconnu"; break;
RootDesc = (DST_RootDesc *)(Root->User);
fprintf (Out, "\n%s\n\t- Structure = %s\n\t- Manager = %s\n\t- Nombre de contextes = %ld\n", RootDesc->Heap_Name, Root_Type, RootDesc->Manager_FileName, Root->Node_Number);
if (Root->Type & NDD_DS_TREE)
fprintf (Out, "\t- Profondeur maxi = %ld\n\t- Profondeur mini = %ld\n\t- Diff<66>rence maximale autoris<69>e = %ld\n\t- Nombre d'<27>quilibrages = %ld\n", Root->Max_Depth, Root->Min_Depth, Root->Max_Dif, Root->Nb_Equ);
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_COMP_VALUE)
long comp;
GDRT_Evt1 = (LOGT_GDRT_Evt *) va_arg (Args, void *);
GDRT_Evt2 = (LOGT_GDRT_Evt *) va_arg (Args, void *);
va_end (Args);
comp = strcmp (GDRT_Evt1->Name, GDRT_Evt2->Name);
if (comp < 0) return NDS_LOWER;
if (comp > 0) return NDS_GREATER;
return NDS_EQUAL;
return NDS_OK;
/* Cr<43>ation d'un <20>v<EFBFBD>nement dans la table GDRT */
LOGT_Status LOG_GDRT_Event_Create (const char * Event_Name, int Id, LOGT_Gravite Gravite, LOGT_RC RC, LOGT_Rooting Rooting, int *Nb_Tree)
LOGT_Status rc;
int i;
char * ptr;
NDT_Node * Node;
char * Tab_Dim [EVENT_NB_DIM];
LOGT_GDRT_Evt * Evt;
NDT_Root * Root;
LOGT_GDRT_Evt To_Find;
ptr = strdup (Event_Name);
for (i = 0; i < EVENT_NB_DIM; i++) Tab_Dim [i] = NULL;
/* R<>cup<75>ration des dimensions du type d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
i = 0;
while (i < EVENT_NB_DIM)
Tab_Dim [i] = ptr;
if (i < EVENT_NB_DIM - 1)
char sep = (i == 0 ? '@' : ':');
if ((ptr = strchr (Tab_Dim [i], sep)))
*ptr = (char)0;
else i = EVENT_NB_DIM;
/* Cr<43>ation des diff<66>rentes dimensions (1 dimension = 1 arbre) */
Root = LOG_Base->GDRT->Root;
for (i = 0; i < EVENT_NB_DIM; i++)
if (!Tab_Dim [i]) return LOGS_OK;
/* Ajout de la dimension si elle n'existe pas */
To_Find.Name = Tab_Dim [i];
rc = ND_Node_Find (Root, &Node, &To_Find, NULL);
if (rc != NDS_OK)
/* Allocation de la nouvelle valeur */
rc = DS_Alloc (Root, sizeof (LOGT_GDRT_Evt) + strlen (Tab_Dim [i]) + 1, (void **)(&Evt));
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_GDRT_Event_Create : unable to allocate memory for a new value of the dimension %d", i);
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
Evt->Id = 0;
Evt->Gravite = 0;
Evt->RC = 0;
Evt->Rooting = 0;
Evt->Next_Dim = NULL;
Evt->Terminal = FALSE;
Evt->Name = (char *)((size_t)Evt + sizeof (LOGT_GDRT_Evt));
strcpy (Evt->Name, Tab_Dim [i]);
/* Ajout de la valeur */
rc = ND_Value_Add (Root, Evt);
if (rc != NDS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_GDRT_Event_Create : unable to add a new value in the data structureof dimension %d", i);
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
else Evt = (LOGT_GDRT_Evt *)(Node->Value);
/* Est-on <20> la fin du nom du type d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
if (i == EVENT_NB_DIM - 1 || !Tab_Dim [i + 1])
Evt->Terminal = TRUE;
Evt->Id = Id;
Evt->Gravite = Gravite;
Evt->RC = RC;
Evt->Rooting = Rooting;
return LOGS_OK;
/* Cr<43>ation de la dimension suivante si elle n'existe pas d<>j<EFBFBD> */
if (!Evt->Next_Dim)
rc = DS_DataStruct_Open (LOG_Name_Prefix (LOGD_GDRT_NAME), &(Evt->Next_Dim), NDD_DS_TREE | NDD_MN_AUTO_EQU, LOG_FILE_MANAGER, 0, DSD_NEW, TRUE);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_GDRT_Event_Create : unable to create a data structure for the dimension %d", i + 1);
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
strcpy (Evt->Next_Dim->Manager, "LOG_GDRT_Dim_Manager");
Root = Evt->Next_Dim;
return LOGS_OK;
/* Recherche dans la table de routage par d<>faut (GDRT) */
LOGT_Status LOG_GDRT_Event_Find (LOGT_GDRT_Evt ** Evt, char ** Complete_Name, char * Event_Name)
LOGT_Status rc;
char * ptr;
int i;
char * Tab_Dim [EVENT_NB_DIM];
*Evt = NULL;
**Complete_Name = (char)0;
ptr = strdup (Event_Name);
for (i = 0; i < EVENT_NB_DIM; i++) Tab_Dim [i] = NULL;
/* R<>cup<75>ration des dimensions du type d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
i = 0;
while (i < EVENT_NB_DIM)
Tab_Dim [i] = ptr;
if (i < EVENT_NB_DIM - 1)
char sep = (i == 0 ? '@' : ':');
if ((ptr = strchr (Tab_Dim [i], sep)))
*ptr = (char)0;
else i = EVENT_NB_DIM;
/* Recherche de l'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
rc = LOG_GDRT_Recursive_Find (Tab_Dim, LOG_Base->GDRT->Root, 0, Evt, Complete_Name);
if (rc != LOGS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_GDRT_Event_Find : unable to find event \"%s\"", Event_Name);
LOG_Error_Print ();
free (Tab_Dim [0]);
return rc;
free (*Tab_Dim);
return LOGS_OK;
/* Fonction de recherche r<>cursive dans les diff<66>rentes dimensions */
LOGT_Status LOG_GDRT_Recursive_Find (char ** Tab_Dim, NDT_Root * Root, int Dim, LOGT_GDRT_Evt ** Evt, char ** Complete_Name)
LOGT_Status rc;
int Found, End;
NDT_Node * Node;
char Default_Name [10];
char * Dim_Name;
char * ptr;
LOGT_GDRT_Evt To_Find;
if (!Root || !Tab_Dim [Dim]) return LOGS_ERRAPI;
/* D<>finition de la valeur par d<>faut <20> rechercher */
if (Dim == 0) strcpy (Default_Name, "DEFAULT");
else strcpy (Default_Name, "");
Dim_Name = strdup (Tab_Dim [Dim]);
/* Recherche du type d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement le plus proche */
Found = End = FALSE;
while (Found == FALSE && End == FALSE)
To_Find.Name = Dim_Name;
if (ND_Node_Find (Root, &Node, &To_Find, NULL) == NDS_OK)
/* R<>solution de la dimension suivante */
if (LOG_GDRT_Recursive_Find (Tab_Dim, ((LOGT_GDRT_Evt *)(Node->Value))->Next_Dim, Dim + 1, Evt, Complete_Name) == LOGS_OK)
Found = TRUE;
End = TRUE;
/* Le noeud trouv<75> est-il terminal ? */
if (((LOGT_GDRT_Evt *)(Node->Value))->Terminal == TRUE)
*Evt = (LOGT_GDRT_Evt *)(Node->Value);
Found = TRUE;
End = TRUE;
if (End == FALSE)
ptr = strchr (Dim_Name, '.');
if (ptr) *ptr = (char)0;
Derni<EFBFBD>re chance de r<EFBFBD>soudre la dimension :
- "DEFAULT" pour le nom du type d'<EFBFBD>v<EFBFBD>nement
- "" pour le contexte
if (!strcmp (Dim_Name, Default_Name)) End = TRUE;
else strcpy (Dim_Name, Default_Name);
if (Found == TRUE)
if (strlen (Dim_Name))
*Complete_Name -= strlen (Dim_Name);
memcpy (*Complete_Name, Dim_Name, strlen (Dim_Name));
if (Dim > 0)
*Complete_Name -= 1;
**Complete_Name = (Dim == 1 ? '@' : ':');
rc = LOGS_OK;
else rc = LOGS_KO;
free (Dim_Name);
return rc;
/* S<>lection r<>cursive des types d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nements dans la GDRT */
LOGT_Status LOG_GDRT_Recursive_Select (int Dim, NDT_Root * Root, LOGT_RTab * RTab, LOGT_RuleClass Rule_Class, LOGT_Rule * Rule, LOGT_Rooting Value, const char * Name, char * Compiled_RegExp)
LOGT_Status rc;
NDT_Node * Node;
if (!Root) return LOGS_ERRAPI;
ND_Node_First_Get (Root, &Node);
while (Node)
LOGT_GDRT_Evt * GDRT_Evt = (LOGT_GDRT_Evt *)(Node->Value);
int Selected = FALSE;
char Event_Name [81];
LOGT_Rooting Rooting = (Value == LOGD_ROOTING_DEFAULT ? GDRT_Evt->Rooting : Value);
if (Dim == 0) strcpy (Event_Name, GDRT_Evt->Name);
else sprintf (Event_Name, "%s%c%s", Name, Dim == 1 ? '@' : ':', GDRT_Evt->Name);
if (GDRT_Evt->Terminal == TRUE)
/* On v<>rifie si le type d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement correspond au crit<69>re de s<>lection */
switch (Rule_Class)
Selected = TRUE;
if (GDRT_Evt->Gravite == *(LOGT_Gravite *)Rule) Selected = TRUE;
if (GDRT_Evt->RC == *(LOGT_RC *)Rule) Selected = TRUE;
/* L'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement matche-t'il avec l'expression r<>guli<6C>re ? */
if (RegExp_Match (Event_Name, Compiled_RegExp) && GDRT_Evt->Terminal == TRUE) Selected = TRUE;
if (Selected == TRUE)
NDT_Node * Tmp_Node;
LOGT_RTab_Evt Tmp_Evt;
Tmp_Evt.Id = GDRT_Evt->Id;
/* Si le type d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement n'existe pas d<>j<EFBFBD>, on l'ajoute <20> la table de routage utilisateur */
rc = DS_Node_Find (RTab->Root, &Tmp_Node, (void *)&Tmp_Evt, NULL);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
LOGT_RTab_Evt * RTab_Evt;
rc = DS_Value_Alloc (RTab->Root, (void **)&RTab_Evt, GDRT_Evt->Id, Rooting);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_RTab_Setup : unable to create event type %d for the user rooting table", GDRT_Evt->Id);
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
rc = DS_Value_Add (RTab->Root, (void *)RTab_Evt);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_RTab_Setup : unable to add event type %d to the user rooting table", GDRT_Evt->Id);
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
LOG_GDRT_Recursive_Select (Dim + 1, GDRT_Evt->Next_Dim, RTab, Rule_Class, Rule, Value, Event_Name, Compiled_RegExp);
ND_Node_Next_Get (Node, &Node);
return LOGS_OK;
/* Manager des tables de routage autres que GDRT */
NDT_Status LOG_RTab_Manager (va_list Args)
LOGT_Status rc;
NDT_Command Command = va_arg (Args, NDT_Command);
if (Command == NDD_CMD_MAKE_VALUE)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
LOGT_RTab_Evt ** RTab_Evt = (LOGT_RTab_Evt **) va_arg (Args, void **);
va_list Args_Value = va_arg (Args, va_list);
int Id = (int) va_arg (Args_Value, int);
LOGT_Rooting Rooting = (LOGT_Rooting) va_arg (Args_Value, LOGT_Rooting);
DST_RootDesc * RootDesc = (DST_RootDesc *)(Root->User);
rc = DS_Alloc (Root, sizeof (LOGT_RTab_Evt), (void **)RTab_Evt);
if (rc != NDS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_RTab_Manager : unable to allocate a new event for rooting table \"%s\"", RootDesc ? RootDesc->Heap_Name : "User");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
(*RTab_Evt)->Id = Id;
(*RTab_Evt)->Rooting = Rooting;
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_PRINT_VALUE)
LOGT_RTab_Evt * RTab_Evt = (LOGT_RTab_Evt *) va_arg (Args, void *);
FILE * Out = va_arg (Args, FILE *);
fprintf (Out, "Ev<EFBFBD>nement :\n\t- ID = %d\n\t- Routage = %s", RTab_Evt->Id, LOG_Rooting_Label_Get (RTab_Evt->Rooting));
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_DELETE_VALUE)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
LOGT_RTab_Evt * RTab_Evt = (LOGT_RTab_Evt *) va_arg (Args, void *);
DST_RootDesc * RootDesc = (DST_RootDesc *)(Root->User);
rc = DS_Free (Root, (void *)RTab_Evt);
if (rc != DSS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_RTab_Manager : unable to free an event of rooting table \"%s\"", RootDesc ? RootDesc->Heap_Name : "User");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_PRINT_INFO)
NDT_Root * Root = va_arg (Args, NDT_Root *);
FILE * Out = va_arg (Args, FILE *);
const char * Root_Type;
DST_RootDesc * RootDesc;
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_DS_MSK))
case NDD_DS_LIST :
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_MN_MSK))
case NDD_MN_ORDERED : Root_Type = "liste tri<72>e"; break;
case NDD_MN_FILO : Root_Type = "liste FILO"; break;
case NDD_MN_FIFO : Root_Type = "liste FIFO"; break;
default : Root_Type = "inconnu"; break;
case NDD_DS_TREE :
switch ((int)(Root->Type & NDD_MN_MSK))
case NDD_MN_AUTO_EQU : Root_Type = "arbre auto-<2D>quilibr<62>"; break;
default : Root_Type = "arbre non auto-<2D>quilibr<62>"; break;
default : Root_Type = "inconnu"; break;
RootDesc = (DST_RootDesc *)(Root->User);
fprintf (Out, "\n%s\n\t- Structure = %s\n\t- Manager = %s\n\t- Nombre d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nements = %ld\n", RootDesc->Heap_Name, Root_Type, RootDesc->Manager_FileName, Root->Node_Number);
if (Root->Type & NDD_DS_TREE)
fprintf (Out, "\t- Profondeur maxi = %ld\n\t- Profondeur mini = %ld\n\t- Diff<66>rence maximale autoris<69>e = %ld\n\t- Nombre d'<27>quilibrages = %ld\n", Root->Max_Depth, Root->Min_Depth, Root->Max_Dif, Root->Nb_Equ);
return NDS_OK;
if (Command == NDD_CMD_COMP_VALUE)
LOGT_RTab_Evt * RTab_Evt1, * RTab_Evt2;
long comp;
RTab_Evt1 = (LOGT_RTab_Evt *) va_arg (Args, void *);
RTab_Evt2 = (LOGT_RTab_Evt *) va_arg (Args, void *);
va_end (Args);
comp = RTab_Evt1->Id - RTab_Evt2->Id;
if (comp < 0) return NDS_LOWER;
if (comp > 0) return NDS_GREATER;
return NDS_EQUAL;
return NDS_OK;
/* R<>cup<75>ration des donn<6E>es de l'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement <20> partir d'une liste d'arguments */
/* ou d'une cha<68>ne de caract<63>res. */
LOGT_Status LOG_Event_Data_Get (int Mode, char * Support, char ** Event_Data, size_t * Data_Size, va_list * Arg_Data, char * Str_Data)
LOGT_Status rc;
char Event_Name [81];
int Tag;
char Value [256];
char Macro [256];
int End = FALSE;
int Context = FALSE;
char * even [3] = {NULL, NULL, NULL};
char * module [3] = {NULL, NULL, NULL};
char * mode [3] = {NULL, NULL, NULL};
char * geo [3] = {NULL, NULL, NULL};
char * ptr;
char * Ptr_Data = Str_Data;
unsigned int i;
size_t New_Size;
*Event_Data = NULL;
*Data_Size = 0;
R<EFBFBD>cup<EFBFBD>ration des composants du nom de l'<EFBFBD>v<EFBFBD>nement :
NB : le nom de l'<EFBFBD>v<EFBFBD>nement est d<EFBFBD>limit<EFBFBD> par le tag END_NAME.
while (End == FALSE)
rc = LOG_Event_Data_Tag_Get (Mode, Arg_Data, &Ptr_Data, &Tag, Value);
if (rc != LOGS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Data_Get : unable to retrieve event name from the data %s", Mode == DATA_ARG_LIST ? "argument list" : "string");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
switch (Tag)
case EVEN1:
even [0] = strdup (Value);
case EVEN2:
even [1] = strdup (Value);
case EVEN3:
even [2] = strdup (Value);
case MODULE1:
module [0] = strdup (Value);
Context = TRUE;
case MODULE2:
module [1] = strdup (Value);
Context = TRUE;
case MODULE3:
module [2] = strdup (Value);
Context = TRUE;
case MODE1:
mode [0] = strdup (Value);
Context = TRUE;
case MODE2:
mode [1] = strdup (Value);
Context = TRUE;
case MODE3:
mode [2] = strdup (Value);
Context = TRUE;
case GEO1:
geo [0] = strdup (Value);
Context = TRUE;
case GEO2:
geo [1] = strdup (Value);
Context = TRUE;
case GEO3:
geo [2] = strdup (Value);
Context = TRUE;
case END_NAME:
End = TRUE;
default :
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Data_Get : unexpected tag %d before END_NAME", Tag);
LOG_Error_Print ();
/* Reconstitution du nom de l'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
if (!even [0])
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Data_Get : tag EVEN1 must be defined before END_NAME");
LOG_Error_Print ();
strcpy (Event_Name, even [0]);
for (i = 1; i < 3; i++)
if (even [i])
strcat (Event_Name, ".");
strcat (Event_Name, even [i]);
free (even [i]);
else break;
if (Context == TRUE) strcat (Event_Name, "@");
else return LOGS_OK;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (module [i])
strcat (Event_Name, i > 0 ? "." : "");
strcat (Event_Name, module [i]);
free (module [i]);
else break;
strcat (Event_Name, ":");
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (mode [i])
strcat (Event_Name, i > 0 ? "." : "");
strcat (Event_Name, mode [i]);
free (mode [i]);
else break;
strcat (Event_Name, ":");
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (geo [i])
strcat (Event_Name, i > 0 ? "." : "");
strcat (Event_Name, geo [i]);
free (geo [i]);
else break;
/* On recopie le nom de l'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement au d<>but de la cha<68>ne de caract<63>res contenant les donn<6E>es */
*Data_Size = 0;
*Event_Data = NULL;
i = strlen (Event_Name);
New_Size = *Data_Size + i + 1;
*Event_Data = (char *)realloc (*Event_Data, New_Size);
ptr = *Event_Data + *Data_Size;
*Data_Size = New_Size;
*ptr = (char)i;
ptr ++;
memcpy (ptr, (void *)Event_Name, i);
/* On recopie le code support comme <20>tant la premi<6D>re macro-donn<6E>e */
i = strlen (Support);
New_Size = *Data_Size + i + 1;
*Event_Data = (char *)realloc (*Event_Data, New_Size);
ptr = *Event_Data + *Data_Size;
*Data_Size = New_Size;
*ptr = (char)i;
ptr ++;
memcpy (ptr, (void *)Support, i);
/* R<>cup<75>ration des macro-donn<6E>es associ<63>es <20> l'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
End = FALSE;
while (End == FALSE)
unsigned int j;
rc = LOG_Event_Data_Macro_Get (Mode, Arg_Data, &Ptr_Data, Macro, Value);
if (rc != LOGS_OK)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Data_Get : unable to retrieve event macro data from the data %s", Mode == DATA_ARG_LIST ? "argument list" : "string");
LOG_Error_Print ();
return rc;
if (!strcmp (Macro, END_DATA)) break;
i = strlen (Macro);
j = strlen (Value);
New_Size = *Data_Size + i + j + 2;
*Event_Data = (char *)realloc (*Event_Data, New_Size);
ptr = *Event_Data + *Data_Size;
*Data_Size = New_Size;
*ptr = (char)i;
ptr ++;
memcpy (ptr, (void *)Macro, i);
ptr += i;
*ptr = (char)j;
ptr ++;
memcpy (ptr, (void *)Value, j);
return LOGS_OK;
/* R<>cup<75>ration d'un composant (tag et valeur) d'un nom d'<27>v<EFBFBD>nement */
/* <20> partir d'une liste d'arguments ou d'une cha<68>ne de caract<63>res. */
LOGT_Status LOG_Event_Data_Tag_Get (int Mode, va_list * Arg_Data, char ** ptr, int * Tag, char * Value)
if (Mode == DATA_ARG_LIST)
*Tag = va_arg (*Arg_Data, int);
if (*Tag != END_NAME) strcpy (Value, va_arg (*Arg_Data, char *));
return LOGS_OK;
if (Mode == DATA_STRING)
char sTag [256];
if (LOG_NextString_Get (ptr, sTag) != TRUE)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Data_Tag_Get : missing tag after value %s", Value);
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (!strcmp (sTag, "EVEN1")) *Tag = EVEN1;
else if (!strcmp (sTag, "EVEN2")) *Tag = EVEN2;
else if (!strcmp (sTag, "EVEN3")) *Tag = EVEN3;
else if (!strcmp (sTag, "MODULE1")) *Tag = MODULE1;
else if (!strcmp (sTag, "MODULE2")) *Tag = MODULE2;
else if (!strcmp (sTag, "MODULE3")) *Tag = MODULE3;
else if (!strcmp (sTag, "MODE1")) *Tag = MODE1;
else if (!strcmp (sTag, "MODE2")) *Tag = MODE2;
else if (!strcmp (sTag, "MODE3")) *Tag = MODE3;
else if (!strcmp (sTag, "GEO1")) *Tag = GEO1;
else if (!strcmp (sTag, "GEO2")) *Tag = GEO2;
else if (!strcmp (sTag, "GEO3")) *Tag = GEO3;
else if (!strcmp (sTag, "END_NAME")) *Tag = END_NAME;
else *Tag = 0;
if (*Tag != END_NAME)
char str [256];
if (LOG_NextString_Get (ptr, str) != TRUE)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Data_Tag_Get : missing value after tag %s", sTag);
LOG_Error_Print ();
strcpy (Value, str);
return LOGS_OK;
/* R<>cup<75>ration d'une macro donn<6E>e (tag et valeur) associ<63> <20> une <20>v<EFBFBD>nement */
/* <20> partir d'une liste d'arguments ou d'une cha<68>ne de caract<63>res. */
/* Pour une liste d'arguments, une macro-donn<6E>e est donn<6E>e par un triplet : */
/* - nom (char *) */
/* - type (int) */
/* - valeur (char *) */
/* */
/* Pour une cha<68>ne de caract<63>res, une macro-donn<6E>e est donn<6E>e par un couple : */
/* - nom (char *) */
/* - valeur (char *) : les espaces sont remplac<61>s par des '~' */
/* */
/* NB : les macro-donn<6E>es sont d<>limit<69>es par le tag END_DATA. */
LOGT_Status LOG_Event_Data_Macro_Get (int Mode, va_list * Arg_Data, char ** ptr, char * Macro, char * Value)
if (Mode == DATA_ARG_LIST)
int Type;
strcpy (Macro, va_arg (*Arg_Data, char *));
if (!strcmp (Macro, END_DATA)) return LOGS_OK;
Type = va_arg (*Arg_Data, int);
switch (Type)
case STRING:
strcpy (Value, va_arg (*Arg_Data, char *));
case CHAR:
sprintf (Value, "%c", *va_arg (*Arg_Data, char *));
case SHORT:
sprintf (Value, "%d", *va_arg (*Arg_Data, short *));
case INT:
sprintf (Value, "%d", *va_arg (*Arg_Data, int *));
case LONG:
sprintf (Value, "%ld", *va_arg (*Arg_Data, long *));
case FLOAT:
sprintf (Value, "%f", *va_arg (*Arg_Data, float *));
case DOUBLE:
sprintf (Value, "%f", *va_arg (*Arg_Data, double *));
default :
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Data_Macro_Get : unexpected type %d after macro \"%s\"", Type, Macro);
LOG_Error_Print ();
return LOGS_OK;
if (Mode == DATA_STRING)
char * tmp;
if (LOG_NextString_Get (ptr, Macro) != TRUE)
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Data_Macro_Get : missing macro after value %s", Value);
LOG_Error_Print ();
if (!strcmp (Macro, END_DATA)) return LOGS_OK;
if (LOG_NextString_Get (ptr, Value) != TRUE || !strcmp (Value, END_DATA))
sprintf (LOG_Error_Msg, "Error LOG_Event_Data_Macro_Get : missing value after macro %s", Macro);
LOG_Error_Print ();
/* On remplace les '~' par des espaces */
while ((tmp = strchr (Value, '~'))) *tmp = ' ';
return LOGS_OK;
return LOGS_OK;
/* R<>cup<75>ration de la prochaine valeur dans une cha<68>ne de caract<63>res (valeurs */
/* s<>par<61>es par des espaces) */
int LOG_NextString_Get (char ** ptr, char * result)
int i = 0;
/* On recherche le premier caract<63>re diff<66>rent non blanc (espace, tab, newline) */
while (isspace ((int)(**ptr)) && **ptr != (char)0) (*ptr)++;
if (**ptr == (char)0) return FALSE;
/* On recopie le pointeur dans la cha<68>ne r<>sultat jusqu'au premier caract<63>re blanc */
while (!isspace ((int)(**ptr)) && **ptr != (char)0)
result [i] = **ptr;
result [i] = (char)0;
return TRUE;
/* R<>cup<75>ration du libell<6C> d'un code retour */
char * LOG_RC_Label_Get (LOGT_RC RC)
static char Label [20];
switch ((int)RC)
case LOGD_RC_OK:
strcpy (Label, "OK");
strcpy (Label, "ANOERR");
strcpy (Label, "REJDON");
strcpy (Label, "REJENR");
strcpy (Label, "WARNING");
strcpy (Label, "RECYCLE");
strcpy (Label, "EXIT");
strcpy (Label, "ABEND");
default :
strcpy (Label, "unknown");
return Label;
/* R<>cup<75>ration du libell<6C> d'un type de routage */
char * LOG_Rooting_Label_Get (LOGT_Rooting Rooting)
static char Label [20];
switch ((int)Rooting)
strcpy (Label, "NULL");
strcpy (Label, "STDERR");
strcpy (Label, "BASE");
strcpy (Label, "DEFAULT");
strcpy (Label, "PREVIOUS");
default :
strcpy (Label, "unknown");
return Label;
/* R<>cup<75>ration du type de table de routage */
char * LOG_RTType_Label_Get ( LOGT_RTType RTabType )
static char Label [20];
switch ((int)RTabType)
strcpy (Label, "Global Default Rooting Table");
strcpy (Label, "Global Master Rooting Table");
strcpy (Label, "Local Default Rooting Table");
strcpy (Label, "Local Master Rooting Table");
case LOGD_URT:
strcpy (Label, "User Rooting Table");
default :
strcpy (Label, "unknown");
return Label;
/* Routine d'affichage d'un message d'erreur */
void LOG_Error_Print ( void )
if (LOG_stderr) fprintf (LOG_stderr, "%s\n", LOG_Error_Msg);
/* Pour pr<70>fixer les noms de heap avec le contexte de la librairie LIBLOG */
static char * LOG_Name_Prefix ( const char * Name )
static char Prefixed [256];
sprintf (Prefixed, "%s/%s", LOG_PREFIX, Name);
return Prefixed;