Testing LIBMSG for 10 second(s) with 1 message(s) of 10 byte(s)... 23639 message(s) exchanged (2363 msg/sec) Testing LIBMSG for 10 second(s) with 1 message(s) of 1000 byte(s)... 22974 message(s) exchanged (2297 msg/sec) Testing LIBMSG for 10 second(s) with 1 message(s) of 2048 byte(s)... 23340 message(s) exchanged (2334 msg/sec) --------- Testing LIBMSG for 10 second(s) with 10 message(s) of 10 byte(s)... 26497 message(s) exchanged (2649 msg/sec) Testing LIBMSG for 10 second(s) with 10 message(s) of 1000 byte(s)... 26441 message(s) exchanged (2644 msg/sec) Testing LIBMSG for 10 second(s) with 10 message(s) of 2048 byte(s)... 26680 message(s) exchanged (2668 msg/sec) --------- Testing LIBMSG for 10 second(s) with 100 message(s) of 10 byte(s)... 29914 message(s) exchanged (2991 msg/sec) Testing LIBMSG for 10 second(s) with 100 message(s) of 1000 byte(s)... 29854 message(s) exchanged (2985 msg/sec) Testing LIBMSG for 10 second(s) with 100 message(s) of 2048 byte(s)... 29891 message(s) exchanged (2989 msg/sec)