/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* $RCSfile: nddemo0.c,v $ */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* $Revision: 2.2 $ */ /* $Name: $ */ /* $Date: 2003/01/17 08:07:46 $ */ /* $Author: agibert $ */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* This file is part of LibNode */ /* */ /* LibNode is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */ /* (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* LibNode is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include #ifdef _LIBVER_SUPPORT # include #endif #include //#include #ifdef _LIBVER_SUPPORT VER_INFO_EXPORT( ndbench, "$Revision: 2.2 $", "$Name: $", __FILE__, "$Author: agibert $") # define USAGE "Usage : %s [ --help | --version [-v]]\n" #else # define USAGE "Usage : %s [ --help]\n" #endif #define DEMO_FILE_NAME "demo0.txt" #define STRING_LEN (short)1024 #define STRING_SIZE (short)(STRING_LEN + 1) #define VAL_LEN (short)64 #define VAL_SIZE (short)(VAL_LEN + 1) #define INDEX_NB (short)4 #define NDT_CMD_INDEX0_PRINT (NDT_Command)64 #define NDT_CMD_INDEX1_PRINT (NDT_Command)65 #define NDT_CMD_INDEX2_PRINT (NDT_Command)66 #define NDT_CMD_INDEX3_PRINT (NDT_Command)67 typedef struct Demo_Value { char Val0[VAL_SIZE]; char Val1[VAL_SIZE]; char Val2[VAL_SIZE]; char Val3[VAL_SIZE]; } Demo_Value; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Prototypes */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ NDT_Status Manager_Demo0_DS( NDT_Root *, NDT_Index_Id, NDT_Node *, NDT_Command, va_list); void DataStruct_Load( NDT_Root *, FILE *); void DataStruct_Load( NDT_Root *, FILE *); void Demo( char *, short); int main( int, char **); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ NDT_Status Manager_Demo0_DS( NDT_Root *Root_Ptr, NDT_Index_Id Index_Id, NDT_Node *Node_Ptr, NDT_Command Command, va_list Args) { NDT_Command_Name Command_Name; switch( Command) { case NDD_CMD_MANAGER_VERSION: { NDT_Version_Name *Version_Name_Ptr = (NDT_Version_Name *)va_arg( Args, NDT_Version_Name *); Command_Name = "NDD_CMD_MANAGER_VERSION"; *Version_Name_Ptr = "$Revision: 2.2 $ $Name: $ $Date: 2003/01/17 08:07:46 $ $Author: agibert $"; return( NDS_OK); } case NDD_CMD_INDEX_GET: { /* NDT_Index_Id *Reply_Index_Id_Ptr = (NDT_Index_Id *)va_arg( Args, NDT_Index_Id *); NDT_Command *Reply_Command_Ptr = (NDT_Command *)va_arg( Args, NDT_Command *); NDT_Command Cmd = (NDT_Command)va_arg( Args, NDT_Command); void *Value_ptr = (void *)va_arg( Args, void *); */ NDT_Index_Id *Reply_Index_Id_Ptr = (NDT_Index_Id *)va_arg( Args, NDT_Index_Id *); NDT_Command *Reply_Command_Ptr = (NDT_Command *)va_arg( Args, NDT_Command *); NDT_Command Cmd = (NDT_Command)va_arg( Args, NDT_Command); Demo_Value *Value_ptr = (Demo_Value *)va_arg( Args, Demo_Value *); Command_Name = "NDD_CMD_INDEX_GET"; switch(Cmd) { case NDT_CMD_INDEX0_PRINT: { *Reply_Index_Id_Ptr = 0; *Reply_Command_Ptr = NDD_CMD_VALUE_PRINT; break; } case NDT_CMD_INDEX1_PRINT: { *Reply_Index_Id_Ptr = 1; *Reply_Command_Ptr = NDD_CMD_VALUE_PRINT; break; } case NDT_CMD_INDEX2_PRINT: { *Reply_Index_Id_Ptr = 2; *Reply_Command_Ptr = NDD_CMD_VALUE_PRINT; break; } case NDT_CMD_INDEX3_PRINT: { *Reply_Index_Id_Ptr = 3; *Reply_Command_Ptr = NDD_CMD_VALUE_PRINT; break; } default: { *Reply_Index_Id_Ptr = Index_Id; *Reply_Command_Ptr = Cmd; break; } } return( NDS_OK); } case NDD_CMD_VALUE_ALLOC: { /* void **Value_Ptr_Ptr = (void **)va_arg( Args, void **); va_list user_args = (va_list)va_arg( Args, va_list); user_type user_data = (user_type)va_arg( user_args, user_type); ... = (...)va_arg( user_args, ...); */ Demo_Value **Value_Ptr_Ptr = va_arg( Args, Demo_Value **); Command_Name = "NDD_CMD_VALUE_ALLOC"; if( ( *Value_Ptr_Ptr = (Demo_Value *)malloc( sizeof(Demo_Value))) == NULL) { return(NDS_ERRMEM); } else { (*Value_Ptr_Ptr)->Val0[0] = '\0'; (*Value_Ptr_Ptr)->Val1[0] = '\0'; (*Value_Ptr_Ptr)->Val2[0] = '\0'; (*Value_Ptr_Ptr)->Val3[0] = '\0'; return( NDS_OK); } } case NDD_CMD_VALUE_FREE: { /* void *Value_Ptr = (void *)va_arg( Args, void *); va_list user_args = (va_list)va_arg( Args, va_list); user_type user_data = (user_type)va_arg( user_args, user_type); ... = (...)va_arg( user_args, ...); */ Demo_Value *Value_Ptr = (Demo_Value *)va_arg( Args, Demo_Value *); Command_Name = "NDD_CMD_VALUE_FREE"; free( Value_Ptr); return( NDS_OK); } case NDD_CMD_VALUE_COMP: { /* void *Value1_Ptr = (void *)va_arg( Args, void *); void *Value2_Ptr = (void *)va_arg( Args, void *); va_list user_args = (va_list)va_arg( Args, va_list); user_type user_data = (user_type)va_arg( user_args, user_type); ... = (...)va_arg( user_args, ...); */ Demo_Value *Value1_Ptr = va_arg( Args, Demo_Value *); Demo_Value *Value2_Ptr = va_arg( Args, Demo_Value *); Command_Name = "NDD_CMD_VALUE_COMP"; switch( Index_Id) { case 0: { int rc; rc = strcmp( Value1_Ptr->Val0, Value2_Ptr->Val0); if( rc < 0) { return(NDS_LOWER); } else { if( rc > 0) { return(NDS_GREATER); } else { return(NDS_EQUAL); } } } case 1: { int val1 = atoi(Value1_Ptr->Val1); int val2 = atoi(Value2_Ptr->Val1); if( val1 < val2) { return(NDS_LOWER); } else { if( val1 > val2) { return(NDS_GREATER); } else { return(NDS_EQUAL); } } } case 2: { int val1 = strlen(Value1_Ptr->Val2); int val2 = strlen(Value2_Ptr->Val2); if( val1 < val2) { return(NDS_LOWER); } else { if( val1 > val2) { return(NDS_GREATER); } else { return(NDS_EQUAL); } } } default: { printf( "Unknown COMP idx (%d) !\n", Index_Id); return( NDS_KO); } } return( NDS_OK); } case NDD_CMD_VALUE_ADD: { /* void *Value_Ptr = (void *)va_arg( Args, void *); va_list user_args = (va_list)va_arg( Args, va_list); user_type user_data = (user_type)va_arg( user_args, user_type); ... = (...)va_arg( user_args, ...); */ Command_Name = "NDD_CMD_VALUE_ADD"; return( NDS_OK); } case NDD_CMD_VALUE_REMOVE: { /* void *Value_Ptr = (void *)va_arg( Args, void *); va_list user_args = (va_list)va_arg( Args, va_list); user_type user_data = (user_type)va_arg( user_args, user_type); ... = (...)va_arg( user_args, ...); */ Command_Name = "NDD_CMD_VALUE_REMOVE"; return( NDS_OK); } case NDD_CMD_VALUE_PRINT: { /* NDT_Node *Next_Node_Ptr = (NDT_Node *)va_arg( Args, NDT_Node *); va_list lib_args = (va_list)va_arg( Args, va_list); FILE *Out = (FILE *)va_arg( lib_args, FILE *); NDT_Recursive_Mode Recursive_Mode = (NDT_Recursive_Mode)va_arg( lib_args, NDT_Recursive_Mode); NDT_Recursive_Depth Recursive_Depth = (NDT_Recursive_Depth)va_arg( lib_args, NDT_Recursive_Depth); va_list user_args = (va_list)va_arg( lib_args, va_list); user_type user_data = (user_type)va_arg( user_args, user_type); ... = (...)va_arg( user_args, ...); void *Value_Ptr = Node_Ptr->Value; */ NDT_Node *Next_Node_Ptr = (NDT_Node *)va_arg( Args, NDT_Node *); va_list lib_args = (va_list)va_arg( Args, va_list); FILE *Out = (FILE *)va_arg( lib_args, FILE *); NDT_Recursive_Mode Recursive_Mode = (NDT_Recursive_Mode)va_arg( lib_args, NDT_Recursive_Mode); NDT_Recursive_Depth Recursive_Depth = (NDT_Recursive_Depth)va_arg( lib_args, NDT_Recursive_Depth); Demo_Value *Value_Ptr = Node_Ptr->Value; Command_Name = "NDD_CMD_VALUE_PRINT"; fprintf( Out, "Val0: (%s) Val1: (%s) Val2: (%s) Val3: (%s)\n", Value_Ptr->Val0, Value_Ptr->Val1, Value_Ptr->Val2, Value_Ptr->Val3); return( NDS_OK); } case NDD_CMD_INFO_PRINT: { /* NDT_Node *Next_Node_Ptr = (NDT_Node *)va_arg( Args, NDT_Node *); va_list lib_args = (va_list)va_arg( Args, va_list); FILE *Out = (FILE *)va_arg( lib_args, FILE *); NDT_Recursive_Mode Recursive_Mode = (NDT_Recursive_Mode)va_arg( lib_args, NDT_Recursive_Mode); NDT_Recursive_Depth Recursive_Depth = (NDT_Recursive_Depth)va_arg( lib_args, NDT_Recursive_Depth); va_list user_args = (va_list)va_arg( lib_args, va_list); user_type user_data = (user_type)va_arg( user_args, user_type); ... = (...)va_arg( user_args, ...); void *Value_Ptr = Node_Ptr->Value; */ Command_Name = "NDD_CMD_INFO_PRINT"; return( NDS_OK); } default: { printf( "Demo_DS_Manager() called with an undefined command %d\n", Command); return NDS_ERRAPI; } } printf( "Demo_DS_Manager() called with command %d (%s)\n", Command, Command_Name); return NDS_OK; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void DataStruct_Load( NDT_Root *ds_ptr, FILE *demo_file) { NDT_Status status; char *str; char input_string[STRING_SIZE]; char val0[VAL_SIZE], val1[VAL_SIZE], val2[VAL_SIZE], val3[VAL_SIZE]; Demo_Value *value_ptr; while( !feof( demo_file)) { str = fgets( input_string, STRING_SIZE, demo_file); if( ( (const int)str != EOF) && ( str != NULL)) { if( strlen( input_string) >= STRING_LEN) { printf( "Input line too long ! Skipping ..."); while( !feof( demo_file) && strlen( input_string) >= STRING_LEN) { printf( "."); str = fgets( input_string, STRING_SIZE, demo_file); } printf("\n"); } else { if( input_string[0] != '#') { if( sscanf( input_string, "%s %s %s %s\n", val0, val1, val2, val3) != 4) { printf( "Input line scaning error... Skipping !\n"); } else { printf( "Input line read: \t(%s)\t(%s)\t(%s)\t(%s)\n", val0, val1, val2, val3); printf( "Allocate Vallue: "); if( ( status = ND_Value_Alloc( ds_ptr, (void **)&value_ptr)) != NDS_OK) { printf( "ND_Value_Alloc() failed (%d) !\n", status); } else { printf( "Ok !\n"); strcpy( value_ptr->Val0, val0); strcpy( value_ptr->Val1, val1); strcpy( value_ptr->Val2, val2); strcpy( value_ptr->Val3, val3); printf( "Add Vallue: "); if( ( status = ND_DataStruct_Value_Add( ds_ptr, (void **)value_ptr)) != NDS_OK) { printf( "ND_Value_Add() failed (%d) !\n", status); } else { printf( "Ok !\n"); } } } } } } } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void DataStruct_Dump( NDT_Root *ds_ptr) { NDT_Status status; printf( "Print DataStructure Info:\n"); if( ( status = ND_DataStruct_Info_Print( stdout, ds_ptr, NDD_RECURSIVE_MODE_PARENT_CHILD, 0, 0)) != NDS_OK) { printf( "ND_DataStruct_Info_Print() failed (%d) !\n", status); } printf( "\n"); printf( "Traverse DataStructure Index 0:\n"); if( ( status = ND_DataStruct_Traverse( ds_ptr, NDT_CMD_INDEX0_PRINT, stdout, NDD_RECURSIVE_MODE_PARENT, 0)) != NDS_OK) { printf( "ND_DataStruct_Traverse() failed (%d) !\n", status); } printf( "\n"); printf( "Traverse DataStructure Index 1:\n"); if( ( status = ND_DataStruct_Traverse( ds_ptr, NDT_CMD_INDEX1_PRINT, stdout, NDD_RECURSIVE_MODE_PARENT, 0)) != NDS_OK) { printf( "ND_DataStruct_Traverse() failed (%d) !\n", status); } printf( "\n"); printf( "Traverse DataStructure Index 2:\n"); if( ( status = ND_DataStruct_Traverse( ds_ptr, NDT_CMD_INDEX2_PRINT, stdout, NDD_RECURSIVE_MODE_PARENT, 0)) != NDS_OK) { printf( "ND_DataStruct_Traverse() failed (%d) !\n", status); } printf( "\n"); printf( "Traverse DataStructure Index 3:\n"); if( ( status = ND_DataStruct_Traverse( ds_ptr, NDT_CMD_INDEX3_PRINT, stdout, NDD_RECURSIVE_MODE_PARENT, 0)) != NDS_OK) { printf( "ND_DataStruct_Traverse() failed (%d) !\n", status); } printf( "\n"); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void Demo( char *Demo_File_Name, short Optimized_Mode) { NDT_Status status; NDT_Root *demo_ds_ptr; NDT_Index_Type index_type_initial_tab[INDEX_NB] = { (NDD_INDEX_STATUS_OPENED | NDD_INDEX_TYPE_LIST | NDD_INDEX_SUBTYPE_FIFO), (NDD_INDEX_STATUS_OPENED | NDD_INDEX_TYPE_LIST | NDD_INDEX_SUBTYPE_FIFO), (NDD_INDEX_STATUS_OPENED | NDD_INDEX_TYPE_LIST | NDD_INDEX_SUBTYPE_FIFO), (NDD_INDEX_STATUS_OPENED | NDD_INDEX_TYPE_LIST | NDD_INDEX_SUBTYPE_FIFO) }; NDT_Index_Type index_type_final_tab[INDEX_NB] = { (NDD_INDEX_STATUS_OPENED | NDD_INDEX_TYPE_TREE | NDD_INDEX_SUBTYPE_BALANCED), (NDD_INDEX_STATUS_OPENED | NDD_INDEX_TYPE_LIST | NDD_INDEX_SUBTYPE_SORTED), (NDD_INDEX_STATUS_OPENED | NDD_INDEX_TYPE_TREE | NDD_INDEX_SUBTYPE_BALANCED), (NDD_INDEX_STATUS_OPENED | NDD_INDEX_TYPE_LIST | NDD_INDEX_SUBTYPE_FIFO) }; NDT_Index_Type *index_type_ptr; FILE *demo_file; printf( "Create demo DataStructure: "); if( Optimized_Mode) { index_type_ptr = index_type_initial_tab; } else { index_type_ptr = index_type_final_tab; } if( ( status = ND_DataStruct_Open( &demo_ds_ptr, INDEX_NB, index_type_ptr, "Manager_Demo0_DS", Manager_Demo0_DS, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,0, NULL)) != NDS_OK) { printf( "ND_DataStruct_Open() failed (%d) !\n", status); } else { printf( "Ok !\n"); printf( "Open demo datafile: "); if( ( demo_file = fopen( Demo_File_Name, "r")) == NULL) { printf( "fopen() failed (%d/%s) !\n", errno, strerror(errno)); } else { printf( "Ok !\n"); printf( "\n\n\nLaod Data File:\n\n"); DataStruct_Load( demo_ds_ptr, demo_file); if( Optimized_Mode) { printf( "\n\n\nInitial Structure Dump:\n\n"); DataStruct_Dump( demo_ds_ptr); printf( "Convert data structure: "); if( ( status = ND_DataStruct_Convert( demo_ds_ptr, index_type_final_tab)) != NDS_OK) { printf( "ND_DataStruct_Convert() failed (%d) !\n", status); } else { printf( "Ok !\n"); } } printf( "\n\n\nFinal Structure Dump:\n\n"); DataStruct_Dump( demo_ds_ptr); printf( "Close demo datafile: "); if( fclose( demo_file) != 0) { printf( "fclose() failed (%d/%s) !\n", errno, strerror(errno)); } else { printf( "Ok !\n"); } } printf( "Close demo DataStructure: "); if( ( status = ND_DataStruct_Close( demo_ds_ptr)) != NDS_OK) { printf( "ND_DataStruct_Close() failed (%d) !\n", status); } else { printf( "Ok !\n"); } } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main( int argc, char **argv) { /* Args Parsing */ if( argc >= 2) { if( !strcmp( argv[1], "--help")) { fprintf( stderr, USAGE, argv[0]); return( 1); } #ifdef _LIBVER_SUPPORT else if( !strcmp( argv[1], "--version")) { if( argc >= 3 && !strcmp( argv[2], "-v")) { return( VER_Object_Print( stdout, VERD_VERBOSE)); } else { return( VER_Object_Print( stdout, VERD_MINIMAL)); } } #endif } printf( "Non Optimized Demo\n------------------\n\n\n"); Demo( DEMO_FILE_NAME, 0); printf( "\n\n\n\n\nOptimized Demo\n--------------\n\n\n"); Demo( DEMO_FILE_NAME, 1); }