- Add News Tab support,

- Add RSS support,
- Add RSS button.
This commit is contained in:
agibert 2013-08-20 16:32:00 +00:00
parent f1a872a452
commit 79bfba676b

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
// $RCSfile: lmbrowse.php,v $
// $Revision: 1.6 $
// $Revision: 1.7 $
// $Name: $
// $Date: 2013/03/21 16:21:45 $
// $Date: 2013/08/20 16:32:00 $
// $Author: agibert $
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ $time_start = microtime_float();
include "/var/httpd/www.langueur-monotone.com/html/lmbrowse_config.inc";
$lmb_tag_tab=explode( " ", "$Name: $");
$lmb_tag_tab=explode( " ", "\$Name: $");
$lmb_tag_tab=explode( "-", $lmb_tag_tab[1]);
$lmb_myver=strtr( "$lmb_tag_tab[1]-$lmb_tag_tab[2]", "_", ".");
@ -74,13 +74,16 @@ function lmb_cookie_load( $cookie_id, $cookie_defvalue)
global $lmb_cookie_tab;
$cookie_value = $_COOKIE[ $cookie_id];
// echo "load val ($cookie_value) for ($cookie_id)";
if( array_key_exists ( $cookie_id, $_COOKIE))
$cookie_value = $_COOKIE[ $cookie_id];
// echo "load val ($cookie_value) for ($cookie_id)";
if( ! isset( $cookie_value))
$cookie_value = $cookie_defvalue;
// echo "set def val ($cookie_defvalue) for ($cookie_id)";
$cookie_value = $cookie_defvalue;
// echo "set def val ($cookie_defvalue) for ($cookie_id)";
$lmb_cookie_tab[ $cookie_id] = $cookie_value;
@ -109,7 +112,14 @@ function lmb_cookies_load()
function lmb_cookie_update( $get_array)
if( array_key_exists ( "cookie_id", $get_array))
$cookie_id = $get_array["cookie_id"];
$cookie_id = "";
if( $cookie_id != "")
@ -155,7 +165,14 @@ function lmb_admin_update()
global $lmb_cookie_tab;
$passwd = $_POST["password"];
if( array_key_exists ( "password", $_POST))
$passwd = $_POST["password"];
$passwd = "";
if( $passwd != "")
@ -401,6 +418,59 @@ gapi.plusone.render
/* XML Text Format */
function lmb_xml_text_format( $input_text)
$search_tab = array(
"< >",
$replace_tab = array(
"\n ",
return( str_replace( $search_tab, $replace_tab, $input_text));
/* Make Tab */
@ -709,11 +779,12 @@ function lmb_header( $page_id, $page_name, $img_path, $img_alt, $description, $k
function lmb_footer()
global $lmb_myname;
global $lmb_myver;
global $lmb_body_footer;
global $lmb_page_footer;
global $time_start;
global $lmb_url;
global $lmb_myname;
global $lmb_myver;
global $lmb_body_footer;
global $lmb_page_footer;
global $time_start;
echo " </tbody>
@ -745,6 +816,8 @@ function lmb_footer()
<td style=\"width: 16px;\"></td>
<td class=\"button-item\" style=\"width: 32px;\"><a rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"button-rss\" href=\"http://www.langueur-monotone.com/?page=rss\" title=\"Langueur Monotone RSS feed\"></a></td>
<td style=\"width: 8px;\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td class=\"button-item\" style=\"width: 96px;\"><a rel=\"\" class=\"button-rx3\" href=\"http://www.rx3.net/\" title=\"Rx3.Net\"></a></td>
<td style=\"width: 8px;\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td class=\"button-item\" style=\"width: 32px;\"><a rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"button-safe_creative\" href=\"http://www.safecreative.org/\" title=\"SafeCreative\"></a></td>
@ -753,7 +826,7 @@ function lmb_footer()
<td style=\"width: 25%;\">
<td style=\"width: 30%;\">
<table style=\"width: 100%; height: auto; text-align: left; \" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">
@ -766,6 +839,8 @@ function lmb_footer()
<td style=\"width: 8px;\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td class=\"button-item\" style=\"width: 32px;\"><a rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"button-w3c-css\" href=\"http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer\" title=\"W3C CSS Validator\"></a></td>
<td style=\"width: 8px;\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td class=\"button-item\" style=\"width: 32px;\"><a rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"button-w3c-rss\" href=\"http://feed1.w3.org/check.cgi?url=http%3A//www.langueur-monotone.com/%3Fpage%3Drss\" title=\"W3C RSS Validator\"></a></td>
<td style=\"width: 8px;\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td class=\"button-item\" style=\"width: 32px;\"><a class=\"button-stats\" href=\"/www-stats/\" title=\"Rx3 Statistics\"></a></td>
<td style=\"width: 8px;\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td class=\"button-item\" style=\"width: 32px;\"><a class=\"button-stats\" href=\"https://www.google.com/analytics/web/?hl=en&amp;pli=1#dashboard//a37642754w66067134p67926512\" title=\"Google Analytics\"></a></td>
@ -857,11 +932,69 @@ function lmb_welcome_tab( )
/* News Tab Get */
function lmb_news_tab_get( )
global $lmb_url;
$news_file = "news.txt";
$line = array();
$cmd = "sed -e 's/\t*\t/\t/g' ${news_file}";
exec( $cmd, $line);
for( $i = 0; $i < count($line); $i++)
$tab = explode( "\t", $line[$i]);
$css_row = ( $i + 1) % 2 + 1;
if( count($tab) > 3)
$play_name = $tab[3];
$play_type = $tab[4];
$play_id = $tab[5];
$play_priority = $tab[6];
$news_tab[$i]["name"] = "{$play_name}";
$news_tab[$i]["rlink"] = "{$lmb_url}?page=play&amp;type={$play_type}&amp;id={$play_id}&amp;priority={$play_priority}";
$news_tab[$i]["alink"] = "http://www.langueur-monotone.com{$news_tab[$i]["rlink"]}";
$news_tab[$i]["rimg"] = "/discography/{$play_type}/{$play_priority}-{$play_id}/covers/{$play_id}-cover-1-icon.png";
$news_tab[$i]["aimg"] = "http://www.langueur-monotone.com{$news_tab[$i]["rimg"]}";
$news_tab[$i]["name"] = "";
$news_tab[$i]["date"] = $tab[0];
$news_tab[$i]["title"] = $tab[1];
if( $tab[2] != ".")
$news_tab[$i]["news"] = $tab[2];
$news_tab[$i]["news"] = "";
/* News Tab */
function lmb_news_tab( )
function lmb_news_tab_old( )
global $lmb_url;
@ -918,6 +1051,64 @@ function lmb_news_tab( )
/* News Tab */
function lmb_news_tab( )
global $lmb_url;
$news_tab = lmb_news_tab_get();
for( $i=0; $i < count($news_tab); $i++)
$css_row = ( $i + 1) % 2 + 1;
if( "{$news_tab[$i]["name"]}" != "")
$height = 110;
$link_tag = "<a href=\"{$news_tab[$i]["rlink"]}\">";
$img_tag = "<img src=\"{$news_tab[$i]["rimg"]}\" alt=\"\"/>";
$play_tag=" <td class=\"news3\">{$link_tag}{$news_tab[$i]["name"]}</a></td>
<td class=\"news4\" style=\"height: {$height}px\">{$link_tag}{$img_tag}</a></td>";
$colspan_tag = "";
$play_tag = "";
$cover_tag = "";
$colspan_tag = "colspan=\"3\"";
if( $news_tab[$i]["news"] != "")
$news = "<br/>{$news_tab[$i]["title"]}<br/><br/>{$news_tab[$i]["news"]}<br/><br/>";
$news = "<br/>{$news_tab[$i]["title"]}<br/><br/>";
echo " <tr class=\"news{$css_row}\">
<td class=\"news01\"></td>
<td class=\"news1\">{$news_tab[$i]["date"]}</td>
<td class=\"news2\" {$colspan_tag}>".lmb_html_text_format( "{$news}")."</td>
{$play_tag} <td class=\"news01\"></td>
$data = ob_get_contents();
lmb_make_tab( "news", "news", "r", "/images/lm-logo5-n-220.png", $data);
/* Main Body */
@ -950,6 +1141,83 @@ function lmb_main_page()
/* RSS Page */
function lmb_rss_page()
header( 'Content-Type: application/rss+xml');
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>
<rss version=\"2.0\"
<title>Langueur Monotone News Page</title>
<atom:link href=\"http://www.langueur-monotone.com/?page=rss\" rel=\"self\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" />
<description>Langueur Monotone project news RSS feed</description>
<title>Langueur Monotone News Page</title>
$news_tab = lmb_news_tab_get();
for( $i=0; $i < count($news_tab); $i++)
$news = lmb_xml_text_format( $news_tab[$i]["news"]);
$pubdate = date("r", strtotime($news_tab[$i]["date"]));
echo " <item>
if( "{$news_tab[$i]["name"]}" != "")
echo " <title>{$news_tab[$i]["title"]}: {$news_tab[$i]["name"]}</title>
echo " <title>{$news_tab[$i]["title"]}</title>
echo " <pubDate>{$pubdate}</pubDate>
<dc:creator>Langueur Monotone</dc:creator>
if( "{$news_tab[$i]["name"]}" != "")
echo " <enclosure url=\"{$news_tab[$i]["aimg"]}\" length=\"".filesize(".{$news_tab[$i]["rimg"]}")."\" type=\"picture/png\" />
echo " <description>{$news}</description>
echo " </item>
echo "</channel>
/* About Tab */
@ -1135,7 +1403,7 @@ function lmb_playlist_next( $play_type, $path, $row)
$tab=explode( "\t", $line[$i]);
if( "{$tab[4]}" != "")
if( ( count($tab) >4 ) && ( "{$tab[4]}" != ""))
$icon = "/images/{$tab[4]}";
@ -1146,7 +1414,16 @@ function lmb_playlist_next( $play_type, $path, $row)
echo " <tr class=\"play{$css_row}\"><td class=\"play1\"><img src=\"{$icon}\" alt=\"\"/></td><td class=\"play2\">{$tab[0]}</td><td class=\"play3\">&nbsp;{$tab[1]}</td><td class=\"play3\">&nbsp;{$tab[2]}&nbsp;</td><td class=\"play4\">{$tab[3]}</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
if( count($tab) > 3)
$comment = $tab[3];
$comment = "";
echo " <tr class=\"play{$css_row}\"><td class=\"play1\"><img src=\"{$icon}\" alt=\"\"/></td><td class=\"play2\">{$tab[0]}</td><td class=\"play3\">&nbsp;{$tab[1]}</td><td class=\"play3\">&nbsp;{$tab[2]}&nbsp;</td><td class=\"play4\">{$comment}</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
@ -1330,42 +1607,52 @@ function lmb_track_info_get( $play_type, $play_id, $play_priority, $track_id)
$line = array();
$track_info = array();
$cmd="eval \$( metaflac --export-tags-to=- \"${track_file}\" | grep -v -e \".* .*=\" -e \".*-.*=\" | sed -e 's/=/=\\\"/' -e 's/$/\"/')
if( count($track_array) == 0)
$track_info["status"] = 0;
$track_info["status"] = 1;
$cmd="eval \$( metaflac --export-tags-to=- \"${track_file}\" | grep -v -e \".* .*=\" -e \".*-.*=\" | sed -e 's/=/=\\\"/' -e 's/$/\"/')
echo -e \"\${TRACKNUMBER}\t\$(basename ${track_file} .flac)\t\${ARTIST}\t\${ALBUM}\t\$(echo \${TITLE} | sed 's/ (.*//')\t\$(echo \${TITLE} | sed -e 's/.* (//' -e 's/)$//')\t\${COMPOSER}\t\${COMMENT}\t\$(metaflac --show-sample-rate \"${track_file}\")\t\$(metaflac --show-total-samples \"${track_file}\")\t\${SAFECREATIVE}\"";
exec($cmd, $line);
exec($cmd, $line);
$tab = explode( "\t", $line[0]);
$tab = explode( "\t", $line[0]);
$track_info["id"] = $tab[0];
$track_info["file"] = $tab[1];
$track_info["artist"] = $tab[2];
$track_info["album"] = $tab[3];
$track_info["title"] = $tab[4];
$track_info["mix"] = $tab[5];
$track_info["composer"] = $tab[6];
$track_info["comment"] = $tab[7];
$track_info["sample_rate"] = $tab[8];
$track_info["sample_nb"] = $tab[9];
$track_info["id"] = $tab[0];
$track_info["file"] = $tab[1];
$track_info["artist"] = $tab[2];
$track_info["album"] = $tab[3];
$track_info["title"] = $tab[4];
$track_info["mix"] = $tab[5];
$track_info["composer"] = $tab[6];
$track_info["comment"] = $tab[7];
$track_info["sample_rate"] = $tab[8];
$track_info["sample_nb"] = $tab[9];
if( "{$track_info["title"]}" == "{$track_info["mix"]}")
if( "{$track_info["title"]}" == "{$track_info["mix"]}")
$total = intval( $track_info["sample_nb"] / $track_info["sample_rate"]);
$min = intval( $total / 60);
$sec = $total - $min * 60;
$track_info["length"] = "{$min}' {$sec}\"";
$track_info["duration"] = "PT{$min}M{$sec}S";
$track_info["safe_creative"] = $tab[10];
$search_tab = array( "/flac/", ".flac");
$replace_tab = array( "/mp3-192/", ".mp3");
$track_info["url"] = "/".str_replace( $search_tab, $replace_tab, "${track_file}");
$total = intval( $track_info["sample_nb"] / $track_info["sample_rate"]);
$min = intval( $total / 60);
$sec = $total - $min * 60;
$track_info["length"] = "{$min}' {$sec}\"";
$track_info["duration"] = "PT{$min}M{$sec}S";
$track_info["safe_creative"] = $tab[10];
$search_tab = array( "/flac/", ".flac");
$replace_tab = array( "/mp3-192/", ".mp3");
$track_info["url"] = "/".str_replace( $search_tab, $replace_tab, "${track_file}");
return( $track_info);
@ -1391,16 +1678,39 @@ function lmb_track_file_tag_get( $play_type, $play_id, $play_priority, $track_id
$dir = basename( $file_dir);
$tab = explode( "-", $dir);
$file_type = $tab[0];
$file_subtype = $tab[1];
$file_pat = "{$track_path}/{$dir}/{$track_id}-*.{$file_type}";
if( count( $tab) > 1)
$file_subtype = $tab[1];
$file_subtype = "";
if( "{$track_id}" == "00")
$file_pat = "{$track_path}/{$dir}/01-*.{$file_type}";
$file_pat = "{$track_path}/{$dir}/{$track_id}-*.{$file_type}";
$file_tab = glob( "{$file_pat}");
$file_url = $file_tab[0];
if( count( $file_tab) > 0)
$file_url = $file_tab[0];
$file_url = "";
$file_tag = "{$file_tag}<td class=\"tracks7\">";
// echo "TI: $track_id | FD: $tab[0] | FP: $file_pat | file_url: {$file_url}<br/>";
if( count( glob( "{$file_url}")))
if( "{$track_id}" == "00")
@ -1555,8 +1865,6 @@ function lmb_tracklist( $play_type, $play_id, $play_priority)
lmb_make_tab( "tracks", "tracks", "r", "/images/lm-logo3-n-96.png", $data);
return( $row);
@ -1565,7 +1873,7 @@ function lmb_tracklist( $play_type, $play_id, $play_priority)
/* File Entry Print */
function lmb_file_entry_print( $file_tab, $format_css_id, $size_css_id, $entry_tag)
function lmb_file_entry_print( $file_tab, $format_css_id, $size_css_id, $entry_tag, $max_nb)
echo "{$entry_tag}";
@ -1582,6 +1890,19 @@ function lmb_file_entry_print( $file_tab, $format_css_id, $size_css_id, $entry_t
for( $i = count( $file_tab); $i < $max_nb; $i++)
echo " <td class=\"{$format_css_id}\">
<table class=\"list\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">
<tr><td class=\"{$format_css_id}\"></td></tr>
<tr><td class=\"{$size_css_id}\"></td></tr>
echo " </tr>
@ -1604,6 +1925,7 @@ function lmb_cover_file_tab_get( $play_type, $play_id, $play_priority, $cover_id
exec( $cmd, $cover_format_tab);
$file_tab = array();
$file_tag = "";
for( $i = 0; $i < count($cover_format_tab); $i++)
@ -1669,7 +1991,7 @@ function lmb_coverlist( $play_type, $play_id, $play_priority)
<td class=\"covers2\" colspan=\"2\" style=\"text-align: left;\">&nbsp;&nbsp;All the Covers&nbsp;</td>
lmb_file_entry_print( $file_tab, "covers3", "covers4", "{$entry_tag}");
lmb_file_entry_print( $file_tab, "covers3", "covers4", "{$entry_tag}", count( $file_tab));
for( $i = 0; $i < count($sheet_tab); $i++)
@ -1699,7 +2021,7 @@ function lmb_coverlist( $play_type, $play_id, $play_priority)
<td class=\"covers1\"><a href=\"{$file_tab[0]["url"]}\"><img src=\"{$cover_path}-{$sheet_tab[$i]}-icon.png\" alt=\"\"/></a></td>
<td class=\"covers2\">&nbsp;{$sheet_name}&nbsp;</td>";
lmb_file_entry_print( $file_tab, "covers3", "covers4", "{$entry_tag}");
lmb_file_entry_print( $file_tab, "covers3", "covers4", "{$entry_tag}", count( $file_tab));
@ -1708,8 +2030,6 @@ function lmb_coverlist( $play_type, $play_id, $play_priority)
lmb_make_tab( "covers", "covers", "l", "{$logo_path}-2-128.png", $data);
return( $row);
@ -1797,7 +2117,7 @@ function lmb_videolist( $play_type, $play_id, $play_priority)
<td class=\"videos2\" colspan=\"4\" style=\"text-align: left;\">&nbsp;&nbsp;All the Videos&nbsp;</td>
lmb_file_entry_print( $file_tab, "videos5", "videos6", $entry_tag);
lmb_file_entry_print( $file_tab, "videos5", "videos6", $entry_tag, count( $file_tab));
for( $i = 0; $i < count($video_tab); $i++)
@ -1825,7 +2145,7 @@ function lmb_videolist( $play_type, $play_id, $play_priority)
<td class=\"videos4\">&nbsp;{$video_mix_name}&nbsp;</td>
lmb_file_entry_print( $file_tab, "videos5", "videos6", "{$entry_tag}");
lmb_file_entry_print( $file_tab, "videos5", "videos6", "{$entry_tag}", count( $file_tab));
@ -1834,8 +2154,6 @@ function lmb_videolist( $play_type, $play_id, $play_priority)
lmb_make_tab( "videos", "videos", "r", "{$logo_path}-1-128.png", $data);
return( $row);
@ -1852,10 +2170,11 @@ function lmb_extra_file_tab_get( $play_type, $play_id, $play_priority, $extra_id
$cmd = "ls {$extra_path}/{$play_id}-{$extra_id}-*.png | sed -e 's/.*-//' -e 's/.png$//' | sort -rnu";
$cmd = "ls {$extra_path}/{$play_id}-{$extra_id}-*.png | sed -e 's/.*-//' -e 's/.png$//' | sort -nu";
exec( $cmd, $extra_format_tab);
$file_tab = array();
$file_tag = "";
for( $i = 0; $i < count($extra_format_tab); $i++)
@ -1905,7 +2224,7 @@ function lmb_extralist( $play_type, $play_id, $play_priority)
$cmd="ls {$extra_path}/{$play_id}-*-*-icon.png | sed -e 's/-icon.png$//' -e 's/.*{$play_id}-.*-//' | sort -rnu";
$cmd="ls {$extra_path}/{$play_id}-*-*-icon.png | sed -e 's/-icon.png$//' -e 's/.*{$play_id}-.*-//' | sort -u";
exec($cmd, $format_tab);
if( count($format_tab) == 0 || ( file_exists( "{$extra_path}/.hide" ) && ! lmb_admin_is()))
@ -1921,22 +2240,30 @@ function lmb_extralist( $play_type, $play_id, $play_priority)
$title_tag = " <td class=\"extras2\" rowspan=\"{$format_nb}\" colspan=\"3\" style=\"text-align: left;\">&nbsp;&nbsp;All the Extras&nbsp;</td>
$file_tab = array();
$max_file_nb = 0;
foreach( $format_tab as $format)
$file_tab[ $format] = lmb_extra_file_tab_get( $play_type, $play_id, $play_priority, "*-{$format}", "MULTI");
$max_file_nb = max( $max_file_nb, count( $file_tab[ $format]));
foreach( $format_tab as $format)
$file_tab = lmb_extra_file_tab_get( $play_type, $play_id, $play_priority, "*-{$format}", "MULTI");
$extra_format = str_replace( "_", "/", "{$format}");
$entry_tag = " <tr class=\"extras0\" style=\"height: 30px\">
${title_tag} <td class=\"extras4\">&nbsp;{$extra_format}&nbsp;</td>
lmb_file_entry_print( $file_tab, "extras5", "extras6", "{$entry_tag}");
lmb_file_entry_print( $file_tab[ $format], "extras5", "extras6", "{$entry_tag}", $max_file_nb);
$title_tag = "";
$cmd="ls {$extra_path}/{$play_id}-*-*-icon.png | sed -e 's/-icon.png$//' -e 's/.*{$play_id}-//'";
$cmd="ls {$extra_path}/{$play_id}-*-*-icon.png | sed -e 's/-icon.png$//' -e 's/.*{$play_id}-//' | sort ";
exec($cmd, $extra_tab);
$height = max( 86, ( ( 220 - 30 * $format_nb) / count($extra_tab)));
@ -1957,13 +2284,13 @@ ${title_tag} <td class=\"extras4\">&nbs
$css_row = $i % 2 + 1;
$entry_tag = " <tr class=\"extras{$css_row}\" style=\"height: {$height}px\">
<td class=\"extras1\"><a href=\"{$file_tab[0]["url"]}\"><img src=\"{$extra_prefix}-icon.png\" alt=\"\"/></a></td>
<td class=\"extras1\"><a href=\"{$file_tab[1]["url"]}\"><img src=\"{$extra_prefix}-icon.png\" alt=\"\"/></a></td>
<td class=\"extras2\">&nbsp;{$extra_type}&nbsp;</td>
<td class=\"extras3\">&nbsp;{$extra_subid}&nbsp;</td>
<td class=\"extras4\">&nbsp;{$extra_format}&nbsp;</td>
lmb_file_entry_print( $file_tab, "extras5", "extras6", "{$entry_tag}");
lmb_file_entry_print( $file_tab, "extras5", "extras6", "{$entry_tag}", $max_file_nb);
@ -1981,12 +2308,13 @@ ${title_tag} <td class=\"extras4\">&nbs
function lmb_links_tab( $play_type, $play_id, $play_priority)
$links_file = "{$play_path}/.links";
$play_path = "discography/{$play_type}/{$play_priority}-{$play_id}";
$global_links_file = ".links";
$local_links_file = "{$play_path}/.links";
$line = array();
$cmd = "sed -e 's/\t*\t/\t/g' ${links_file}";
$cmd = "cat ${local_links_file} ${global_links_file} | sed -e 's/\t*\t/\t/g'";
exec( $cmd, $line);
@ -1999,10 +2327,18 @@ function lmb_links_tab( $play_type, $play_id, $play_priority)
$tab = explode( "\t", $line[$i]);
$css_row = ( $i + 1) % 2 + 1;
$text = lmb_html_text_format( "{$tab[0]}");
$link = htmlentities( "{$tab[1]}");
$image = "{$tab[2]}";
$flag = "{$tab[3]}";
$text = lmb_html_text_format( "{$tab[0]}");
$link = htmlentities( "{$tab[1]}");
$image = "{$tab[2]}";
if( count( $tab) > 3)
$flag = "{$tab[3]}";
$flag = "";
if( $flag == "nf")
@ -2519,7 +2855,7 @@ function lmb_track_intro( $play_type, $play_id, $play_priority, $track_id, $trac
<td style=\"height: 40px; width: auto;\">
<table class=\"list\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"10\" style=\"\">
<tr class=\"info0\" style=\"height: {$height}px;\">
<tr class=\"info0\" style=\"height: 0px;\">
<td class=\"info0\">Informations</td>
@ -2648,28 +2984,59 @@ function lmb_track_download( $play_type, $play_id, $play_priority, $track_id, $t
$play_tab = explode( "-", $path_tab[2]);
$track_tab = explode( "-", $path_tab[5]);
$mix_tab[$i]["play_type"] = $path_tab[1];
$mix_tab[$i]["play_type_name"] = lmb_play_type_name_get( $path_tab[1]);
$mix_tab[$i]["play_id"] = $play_tab[1];
$mix_tab[$i]["play_pri"] = $play_tab[0];
$mix_tab[$i]["track_id"] = $track_tab[0];
$play_type = $path_tab[1];
$play_pri = $play_tab[0];
$play_id = $play_tab[1];
$mix_tab[$i]["play_url"] = "{$lmb_url}?page=play&amp;type={$mix_tab[$i]["play_type"]}&amp;id={$mix_tab[$i]["play_id"]}&amp;priority={$mix_tab[$i]["play_pri"]}";
$mix_tab[$i]["mix_url"] = "{$lmb_url}?page=track&amp;type={$mix_tab[$i]["play_type"]}&amp;id={$mix_tab[$i]["play_id"]}&amp;priority={$mix_tab[$i]["play_pri"]}&amp;tid={$mix_tab[$i]["track_id"]}";
$track_info = lmb_track_info_get( $mix_tab[$i]["play_type"], $mix_tab[$i]["play_id"], $mix_tab[$i]["play_pri"], $mix_tab[$i]["track_id"]);
if( file_exists( "discography/{$play_type}/{$play_pri}-{$play_id}/.hide" ))
$hide = "y";
$hide = "n";
$mix_tab[$i]["track_name"] = $track_info["title"];
$mix_tab[$i]["mix_name"] = $track_info["mix"];
$mix_tab[$i]["play_name"] = $track_info["album"];
if( ( $hide == "n") || lmb_admin_is())
$mix_tab[$k]["hide"] = $hide;
$mix_tab[$k]["play_type"] = $play_type;
$mix_tab[$k]["play_type_name"] = lmb_play_type_name_get( $path_tab[1]);
$mix_tab[$k]["play_id"] = $play_id;
$mix_tab[$k]["play_pri"] = $play_pri;
$mix_tab[$k]["track_id"] = $track_tab[0];
$mix_tab[$k]["play_url"] = "{$lmb_url}?page=play&amp;type={$mix_tab[$k]["play_type"]}&amp;id={$mix_tab[$k]["play_id"]}&amp;priority={$mix_tab[$k]["play_pri"]}";
$mix_tab[$k]["mix_url"] = "{$lmb_url}?page=track&amp;type={$mix_tab[$k]["play_type"]}&amp;id={$mix_tab[$k]["play_id"]}&amp;priority={$mix_tab[$k]["play_pri"]}&amp;tid={$mix_tab[$k]["track_id"]}";
$track_info = lmb_track_info_get( $mix_tab[$k]["play_type"], $mix_tab[$k]["play_id"], $mix_tab[$k]["play_pri"], $mix_tab[$k]["track_id"]);
$mix_tab[$k]["track_name"] = $track_info["title"];
$mix_tab[$k]["mix_name"] = $track_info["mix"];
$mix_tab[$k]["play_name"] = $track_info["album"];
for( $k = 0; $k < count( $mix_tab); $k++)
if( "{$mix_tab[$k]["hide"]}" == "y")
$css_row = ( $k + 1 + count( $mix_tab)) % 2 + 3;
echo " <tr class=\"row${css_row}\">
<td class=\"tracks2\"><a href=\"{$mix_tab[$k]["mix_url"]}\">{$mix_tab[$k]["track_name"]}</a></td>
<td class=\"tracks2\"><a href=\"{$mix_tab[$k]["mix_url"]}\">{$mix_tab[$k]["track_name"]}{$hide_flag}</a></td>
<td class=\"tracks3\"><a href=\"{$mix_tab[$k]["mix_url"]}\">{$mix_tab[$k]["mix_name"]}</a></td>
<td class=\"tracks2\">{$mix_tab[$k]["play_type_name"]}</td>
<td class=\"tracks3\"><a href=\"{$mix_tab[$k]["play_url"]}\">{$mix_tab[$k]["play_name"]}</a></td>
@ -3141,13 +3508,29 @@ function lmb_fl_page( $lmb_id, $lmb_name, $lmb_curver, $lmb_currel)
function lmb_get_proceed( $get_array)
global $lmb_tab;
lmb_cookie_update( $get_array);
if( array_key_exists ( "page", $get_array))
switch ($page_id)
case "rss":
lmb_rss_page( );
case "about":
lmb_about_page( $lmb_tab);
@ -3234,7 +3617,7 @@ function lmb_get_proceed( $get_array)
lmb_main_page( $lmb_tab);
lmb_main_page( );