// $RCSfile: MQSLoad.java,v $ // $Revision: 1.9 $ // $Name: $ // $Date: 2007/06/05 09:22:43 $ // $Author: agibert $ /* * MQSLoad.java - Data file to MQ/Series queue loader * Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Arnaud G. Gibert * mailto:arnaud@rx3.net * http://www.rx3.org/dvp/MQSLoad * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ import com.ibm.mq.*; import java.io.*; import java.text.*; public class MQSLoad { private MQQueueManager QMng = null; private String QMng_Name = ""; private MQQueue MsgQ; private String MsgQ_Name; private int MsgQ_Open_Options = MQC.MQOO_OUTPUT | MQC.MQOO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING; private String File_Name; private String Field_Break = ""; private String Message_Break = "\r\n"; private String Message_Tail = ""; private boolean Keep_Message_Break = false; private String MQSLoad_Revision = "$Revision: 1.9 $"; private String MQSLoad_Tag = "$Name: $"; private String MQSLoad_Date = "$Date: 2007/06/05 09:22:43 $"; private String MQSLoad_Author = "$Author: agibert $"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static void main( String args[]) { new MQSLoad( args); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static String Str_Format( String UnFmt) { int idx; boolean esc = false; String fmt = ""; for( idx = 0; idx < UnFmt.length(); idx++) { if( esc) { switch( UnFmt.charAt( idx)) { case '\\': { fmt += "\\"; break; } case 'n': { fmt += "\n"; break; } case 'r': { fmt += "\r"; break; } case 't': { fmt += "\t"; break; } default: { fmt += "?"; break; } } esc = false; } else { if( UnFmt.charAt( idx) == '\\') { esc = true; } else { fmt += UnFmt.charAt( idx); } } } return( fmt); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static String Str_UnFormat( String Fmt) { int idx; String unfmt = ""; for( idx = 0; idx < Fmt.length(); idx++) { switch( Fmt.charAt( idx)) { case '\\': { unfmt += "\\\\"; break; } case '\n': { unfmt += "\\n"; break; } case '\r': { unfmt += "\\r"; break; } case '\t': { unfmt += "\\t"; break; } default: { unfmt += Fmt.charAt( idx); break; } } } return( unfmt); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void Arg_Parse( String args[]) throws Exception { int argc = 0; try { while( argc < args.length) { if( args[argc].equals( "-qm")) { if( argc < ( args.length + 1)) { QMng_Name = Str_Format( args[++argc]); } else { System.out.println( "Invalid number of command line options..."); throw new Exception(); } } else if( args[argc].equals( "-fb")) { if( argc < ( args.length + 1)) { Field_Break = Str_Format( args[++argc]); } else { System.out.println( "Invalid number of command line options..."); throw new Exception(); } } else if ( args[argc].equals( "-mb")) { if( argc < ( args.length + 1)) { Message_Break = Str_Format( args[++argc]); } else { System.out.println( "Invalid number of command line options..."); throw new Exception(); } } else if ( args[argc].equals( "-mt")) { if( argc < ( args.length + 1)) { Message_Tail = Str_Format( args[++argc]); } else { System.out.println( "Invalid number of command line options..."); throw new Exception(); } } else if ( args[argc].equals( "-kmb")) { Keep_Message_Break = true; } else { MsgQ_Name = args[argc++]; File_Name = args[argc++]; if( argc < args.length) { System.out.println( "Invalid number of command line options..."); throw new Exception(); } } ++argc; } } catch( Exception Expt) { throw Expt; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void MQSInit() throws Exception { short retry = 0; final short RETRY_MAX = 10; while( QMng == null) { try { QMng = new MQQueueManager( QMng_Name); // System.out.println( "QManager Open: (" + QMng + ") !"); } catch( Exception Expt) { System.out.print("!"); if( retry++ > RETRY_MAX) { throw Expt; } } } try { MsgQ = QMng.accessQueue( MsgQ_Name, MsgQ_Open_Options, null, null, null); // System.out.println( "MsgQ Open: (" + MsgQ + ") !"); } catch( Exception Expt) { QMng.disconnect(); // System.out.println( "QManager Close: (" + QMng + ") !"); throw Expt; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void MQSDeInit() throws Exception { try { MsgQ.close(); // System.out.println( "MsgQ Close: (" + MsgQ + ") !"); QMng.disconnect(); // System.out.println( "QManager Close: (" + QMng + ") !"); } catch( Exception Expt) { throw Expt; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void MQSPut_Msg( MQMessage Msg) throws Exception { try { MQPutMessageOptions pmo = new MQPutMessageOptions(); MsgQ.put( Msg, pmo); } catch( Exception Expt) { throw Expt; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void Counter_Print( int Msg_Nb) { if( ( Msg_Nb % 50) == 0) { System.out.print( "\n(" + Msg_Nb + ")\t"); } if( ( Msg_Nb % 10) == 0) { System.out.print( " "); } System.out.print( "."); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private int Load_File( BufferedInputStream Input_File) throws Exception { byte input_char; int msg_nb = 0; MQMessage output_msg = new MQMessage(); int buffer_size, cur_buffer_size, window_size, cur_window_size, prefetch_size, buffer_offset, read_size; int cur_pos, end_pos, next_message, next_field; byte[] buffer_byte; String buffer_string, out_string = null; try { output_msg.format = MQC.MQFMT_STRING; window_size = 1024 * 64; prefetch_size = Field_Break.length() + Message_Break.length(); buffer_size = window_size + prefetch_size; buffer_offset = 0; buffer_byte = new byte[buffer_size]; do { read_size = Input_File.read( buffer_byte, buffer_offset, buffer_size - buffer_offset); // System.out.println( "Load buffer read_size: (" + read_size + ") asked: (" + (buffer_size - buffer_offset) + ")"); if( read_size > 0) { cur_window_size = Math.min( ( read_size + buffer_offset), window_size); cur_buffer_size = ( read_size + buffer_offset); buffer_string = new String( buffer_byte, 0, cur_buffer_size); cur_pos = 0; while( cur_pos < cur_window_size) { // System.out.println( "- CurPos: (" + cur_pos + ")"); next_message = buffer_string.indexOf( Message_Break, cur_pos); if( ( next_message == -1) || ( next_message > cur_window_size)) { next_message = cur_window_size + 1; end_pos = cur_window_size; } else { // System.out.println( "+ Get message next_message: (" + next_message + ")"); end_pos = next_message; } while( cur_pos < end_pos) { // System.out.println( "+ CurPos: (" + cur_pos + ") end_pos: (" + end_pos + ")"); if( Field_Break.length() > 0) { next_field = buffer_string.indexOf( Field_Break, cur_pos); } else { next_field = -1; } if( ( next_field == -1) || ( next_field > end_pos)) { out_string = buffer_string.substring( cur_pos, end_pos); cur_pos = end_pos; } else { // System.out.println( "+ Get field next_field: (" + next_field + ")"); out_string = buffer_string.substring( cur_pos, next_field); cur_pos = next_field + Field_Break.length(); } output_msg.writeString( out_string); } if( next_message <= cur_window_size) { // System.out.println( "* Write Msg CurPos: (" + cur_pos + ")"); output_msg.writeString( Message_Tail); if( Keep_Message_Break) { output_msg.writeString( Message_Break); } output_msg.messageId = MQC.MQMI_NONE; MQSPut_Msg( output_msg); output_msg.clearMessage(); out_string = null; cur_pos += Message_Break.length(); Counter_Print( msg_nb++); } } if( cur_buffer_size > cur_window_size) { buffer_offset = cur_buffer_size - cur_window_size; System.arraycopy( buffer_byte, cur_window_size, buffer_byte, 0, buffer_offset); } } } while( read_size > 0); if( out_string != null) { // System.out.println( "* Flushing Msg"); output_msg.messageId = MQC.MQMI_NONE; MQSPut_Msg( output_msg); Counter_Print( msg_nb++); } System.out.println( "\n"); return( msg_nb); } catch( Exception Expt) { throw Expt; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public MQSLoad( String args[]) { int msg_nb; long time_begin, time_end; double time_elapsed, speed; NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(); try { System.out.println("MQSLoad: " + MQSLoad_Tag + " / " + MQSLoad_Date + " / " + MQSLoad_Author); if( ( args.length < 2) || ( args.length > 6)) { System.out.println( "Usage: MQSLoad [-qm \"Output_QueueMng_Name\"] [-fb \"field_break\"] [-mb \"message_break\"] [-mt \"message_tail\"] [-kmb] "); System.out.println( " Default: Output QueueMng Name: (" + QMng_Name + ") Field Break: (" + Str_UnFormat( Field_Break) + ") Message Break: (" + Str_UnFormat( Message_Break) + ") Message Tail: (" + Str_UnFormat( Message_Tail) + ") Keep Message Break: (" + Keep_Message_Break + ")"); System.exit( 1); } else { System.out.println( "MQS Load Starting..."); Arg_Parse( args); System.out.println( "Output QueueMng Name: (" + QMng_Name + ") Output MsgQueue Name: (" + MsgQ_Name + ") Input File Name: (" + File_Name + ")"); System.out.println( "Field Break: (" + Str_UnFormat( Field_Break) + ") Message Break: (" + Str_UnFormat( Message_Break) + ") Message Tail: (" + Str_UnFormat( Message_Tail) + ") Keep Message Break: (" + Keep_Message_Break + ")"); MQSInit(); try { BufferedInputStream input_file = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream( File_Name)); try { // System.out.println("Input File Open: (" + input_file + ") !"); time_begin = System.currentTimeMillis(); msg_nb = Load_File( input_file); time_end = System.currentTimeMillis(); time_elapsed = ( time_end - time_begin) / 100.0; speed = msg_nb / time_elapsed; nf.setMinimumFractionDigits(2); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); System.out.println( "Loaded Message Nb: (" + msg_nb + ") Elapsed Time: (" + nf.format(time_elapsed) + ") s Speed: (" + nf.format(speed) + ") msg/s"); } catch( Exception Expt) { input_file.close(); throw Expt; } input_file.close(); } catch( Exception Expt) { MQSDeInit(); throw Expt; } MQSDeInit(); System.out.println( "MQS Load Completed !"); System.exit( 0); } } catch( Exception Expt) { System.out.println("Exception: (" + Expt + ") !"); Expt.printStackTrace(); System.exit( 1); } } }