# Rx3 PosgreSQL Mageia-9 Docker Image #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARG IMG_URL_PREFIX="rx3" FROM ${IMG_URL_PREFIX}/server-mga9:1.1.2 ARG IMG_NAME ARG IMG_FULL_NAME ARG IMG_VERSION ARG IMG_MAINTAINER LABEL org.rx3.${IMG_NAME}.name=${IMG_FULL_NAME} LABEL org.rx3.${IMG_NAME}.version=${IMG_VERSION} LABEL org.rx3.${IMG_NAME}.maintainer=${IMG_MAINTAINER} LABEL maintainer=${IMG_MAINTAINER} ARG POSTGRESQL_LIB=/var/lib/pgsql ARG POSTGRESQL_DATA=${POSTGRESQL_LIB}/data ARG POSTGRESQL_PORT=5432 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARG POSTGRESQLD='#!/bin/bash \n\ \n\ usermod -u ${POSTGRESQL_UID} postgres \n\ groupmod -g ${POSTGRESQL_GID} postgres \n\ \n\ chown -R postgres:postgres '${POSTGRESQL_LIB}' /var/log/postgres /var/run/postgresql \n\ \n\ if [[ ! -f '${POSTGRESQL_DATA}/pg_hba.conf' ]] \n\ then \n\ echo "ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD `${POSTGRESQL_POSTGRES_PASSWORD}`;" >>/tmp/post.sql \n\ \n\ if [[ -n "${POSTGRESQL_DATABASE}" ]] \n\ then \n\ echo "CREATE DATABASE \"${POSTGRESQL_DATABASE}\";" >>/tmp/post.sql \n\ fi \n\ \n\ if [[ -n "${POSTGRESQL_USER}" ]] && [[ -n "${POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD}" ]] \n\ then \n\ echo "CREATE USER \"${POSTGRESQL_USER}\" WITH PASSWORD `${POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD}`;" >>/tmp/post.sql \n\ \n\ if [[ -n "${POSTGRESQL_DATABASE}" ]] \n\ then \n\ echo "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE \"${POSTGRESQL_DATABASE}\" TO \"${POSTGRESQL_USER}\";" >>/tmp/post.sql \n\ fi \n\ fi \n\ \n\ su - postgres -c "/usr/libexec/postgresql_initdb.sh '${POSTGRESQL_DATA}'" \n\ \n\ echo "# IPv4 extern connections:" >>'${POSTGRESQL_DATA}'/pg_hba.conf \n\ echo "host all all password" >>'${POSTGRESQL_DATA}'/pg_hba.conf \n\ sed -i "s/#port = 5432/listen_addresses=`*`\\n#port = 5432/" '${POSTGRESQL_DATA}'/postgresql.conf \n\ fi' #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #command=/usr/bin/pg_ctl start -D '${POSTGRESQL_DATA}' -s -o "-p '${POSTGRESQL_PORT}'" -w -t 300 \n\ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARG POSTGRESQLD_INI='[program:postgresqld] \n\ command=/usr/bin/postgres -D '${POSTGRESQL_DATA}' -p '${POSTGRESQL_PORT}' \n\ user=postgres' #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARG POSTSQL='#!/bin/bash \n\ \n\ function log() { echo "$(date --rfc-3339=ns) PostSQL: $*" | tee -a /var/log/postsql.log; } \n\ \n\ log "Starting" \n\ \n\ for i in {30..0} \n\ do \n\ if psql --username=postgres <<< "SELECT 1" &> /dev/null \n\ then \n\ break \n\ fi \n\ \n\ sleep 1 \n\ done \n\ \n\ if [ "$i" = 0 ] \n\ then \n\ log "Unable to connect server" \n\ else \n\ while read line \n\ do \n\ log "Executing: [${line}]" \n\ echo ${line} | psql --username=postgres \n\ done < /tmp/post.sql \n\ fi \n\ \n\ log "Completed"' #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARG POSTSQL_INI='[program:postsql] \n\ command=/usr/local/sbin/postsql' #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN urpmi --force postgresql15 postgresql15-server postgresql15-pl \ && echo -e "${POSTGRESQLD}" | sed -e "s/\`/'/g" -e 's/ *$//' > /etc/init.d/postgresqld \ && chmod a+x /etc/init.d/postgresqld \ && ln -s /etc/init.d/postgresqld /etc/rcD.d/S30postgresqld \ && echo -e "${POSTGRESQLD_INI}" | sed -e "s/\`/'/g" -e 's/ *$//' > /etc/supervisord.d/postgresqld.ini \ && echo -e "${POSTSQL}" | sed -e "s/\`/'/g" -e 's/ *$//' > /usr/local/sbin/postsql \ && chmod a+x /usr/local/sbin/postsql \ && echo -e "${POSTSQL_INI}" | sed -e 's/ *$//' > /etc/supervisord.d/postsql.ini VOLUME /var/lib/pgsql EXPOSE 5432