# $RCSfile: ReadMe.txt,v $ # $Revision: 1.2 $ # $Name: $ # $Date: 2002/05/02 13:15:37 $ # $Author: giberta1 $ Compilation: ------------ - Just type: "javac TSLaunch.java" ! Installation: ------------- - You only need the TSLauch.class and TSLaunch$Stream_Gobbler.class files. Notes: ------ - By default TimaStamp key is "TIME-STAMP". - This software is under the GNU General Public License. See GNU-GPL.txt. Usage Example: --------------- - To execute the program "toto.exe " with input_file as toto.txt and output_file with a variable name including a time-stamp (e.g. tata_.txt) use: java TSLaunch toto.exe tata_TIME-STAMP.txt titi.txt