This Quake Version is for Minecraft Spigot 1.16.5
Improve list command output (new data, sort, color...) Improve help command output (sort) Rename score board Minor fixing |
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This version of QuakeCraft is a fork from bl4ckskull666
This Scource Code is free available all time for everybody. The only condition to use is to add your own name to the version number in the plugin.yml of the plugin.
This Quake Version is for Minecraft Spigot 1.16.5.
For Questions and Help please join Discord , after join type !ahoi and !coding in Lobby channel.
- /quake help - All commands
- Quake.player - For a default player.
- Quake.JoinInGame - Join in game.
- Quake.modo - Start/stop for moderators.
- Quake.edit - To manage arenas.
- Quake.lobby - To manage lobby.
- Quake.VIP - To double gain ! and other stuff (join full games ...)
- Quake.Shop - To allow automatic give of emerald in selected world.
- Quake.admin - Allow all permissions.
- Economy support / Self economy
- Multiple arenas
- Timer
- ScoreBoard
- Dynamic Lobby and Multiple Lobby !
- Permissions
Gameplay features
- Sneak is disable, when you sneak other people see you normally (You can disable in the arena config).
- Jump Boost 2 and Speed 2 effect in the arena (You can disable in the arena config).
- Spawn-Kill reduce by 0.5 sec of invicibility at respawn.
- Others..
How to install ( Depended WorldEdit / Softdepended Vault ):
- Download the plugin. Last version
- Stop the Server.
- Place it in the plugin folder (plugins/).
- Restart/Reload the server again (for create new files).
- change config file.
- Restart the server again.
- Create new world with your arena (You need a Multi-World plugin like Multiverse) (optionally).
- Enjoy.
How to use: ( ignore the [] , it's mark placeholder )
Create an Arena
- Do /quake create [Arena name] - to create an arena.
- Do /quake setmin [Arena name] [number] - to set the minimum number of player to begin the game.
- Do /quake setmax [Arena name] [number] - to set the maximum number of player can join the game.
- Do /quake setmap [Arena name] [Name of map] - to set the name of the map will display on the lobby (Unknown will be display if nothing is set).
- Do /quake addspawn [Arena name] - in the Arena, to add a randoms spawn of the Arena. (Do this many time of you want !)
- Do /quake save [Arena name] - to save the config of the Arena. Enjoy !
OUT OF DATE --- Create the lobby ( You need WorldEdit to define the lobby wall. )
- Define a lobby wall with WorldEdit. A Wall of Signs.
- Do /quake addlobby - to define the WorldEdit region as a Lobby wall.
- Do /quake setlobbyspawn - to define the spawn at the end of the game.
New Lobby System since 3.4.3 Read this Page
If you like the work, you can spend my kids a Icecream ( PayPal/PaySafeCard & more )
IceCream Spend List:
- ofunny , Thanks for the big Ice Cream cup. :-) [01. June 2020]